Home Design and Management6th years
Adequacy of Housing Provisions to meet the Variations in Housing Requirements
-Population has seen increases since the 1960’s.
-This together with economic prosperity has resulted in a high demand for housing
-Increased numbers attending college means it is more difficult to find accommodation
-Share houses or flats rather than digs as it gives more independence
-Accommodation is basic but can be expensive
-Some colleges offer ‘on campus’ accommodation but can be difficult to get and expensive
Owner-Occupied houses:
-There is a shortage of affordable housing a the moment
-High cost of housing makes it difficult to purchase
-People have to move further away from home or work to be able to find affordable accommodation
-Others have to take out large mortgages and may have difficulty paying this back as interests rises
-Most young people do not earn enough to qualify for a mortgage to purchase a house.
Rented accommodation:
-There is a shortage of affordable rental accommodation.
-The government have recently increased stamp duty and introduced a tax of 2% meaning that less people can buy houses to rent.
-This will hence increase existing rents and reduce the amount and choice of rented accommodation especially in the low-cost end of the market.
-Most rented accommodation is low quality despite the fact that legislation demands registration and minimum standards.
Local Authority Housing:
-Waiting list is in operation a the LA cannot find suitable sites to build
-48,000 households are on waiting lists including 2000 elderly, 400 disabled and 2500 homeless. This shows that housing needs are not being met.
-Single people are a huge majority of the waiting list but are not priority as most housing is suited to families, elderly or disabled
-In 1999 the gov. made it compulsory to leave a % of houses on new estates for LA tenants.
-Therefore people on the waiting list will get new houses paying LA rents.
-Lack of accommodation
-More sheltered accommodation is required
-This would reduce the demand for places in nursing homes/community hospitals
-Shortage of housing
-Arrangements are set up in all areas to deal with emergencies but more places would need to be available for the long term.
-More halting sites are needed all over the country to provide for the needs of travellers
-Hostels and budget accommodation are currently being used to house refugees
-This is not suitable as most will be staying in the country long term
Social Housing Provision
3 main sectors:
-Local authority housing
-Voluntary housing
-Co-operative housing
Local Authority Housing:
-Main provider of social housing
-If one cannot supply housing from own means then the LA help
-They consider the size of family, income, present accommodation and condition and any extra special circumstances
-Tenant Purchase scheme
-Shared ownership
-Mortgage allowance scheme
-Affordable housing scheme
-Loans for improvements
-Essential repairs grant
Voluntary housing:
-Provides rental housing throughout the country for those who cannot afford to meet their own needs
-They are non-profit organisations formed to meet housing needs.
-Must be approved by the Dept of Environment and Local government to qualify for financial and other assistance.
-The Iveagh Trust, St. Pancras, Salvation Army
-Their accommodation includes houses, flats, sheltered houses and group homes
-The two schemes provided are:
- The Capital Assistance Scheme:
- Provides funding through the local authorities towards the capital costs for accommodation (one/two bedroom) to meet the needs of small families and those with special housing needs.
- Rental Subsidy Scheme
- Supplies funding through the LA to provide rental accommodation for low-income families.
Co-operative housing:
-Non-profit housing associations working to relieve the housing needs of a community
-A group of people form the co-operative to build houses at a affordable price, sharing the cost of the site, builder, materials and legal fees
-Low cost housing sites provided by the local authority if 75% of the members are either tenants of the LA or on a waiting list
-Supply housing for rent at times, others supply for ownership.