Young Children Love Fun!
Activities for 2002-2003
Dear Parents,
Daytona Beach SDA Church Beginner and Kindergarten Departments invite you to participate with your children in the following learning activities during weekday times! There are no fees, so we will need your help in providing supplies for the activities. Activity times, dates and the supply list will be posted at the YCLF link at www.discoverorchids.com, in the Sabbath School rooms or call Debi Johnson at 407-324-5596.
August 13 AND 29 - Wear BLUE
29 Water Wiggles! Come to splash, squirt and be sprinkled! Enjoy sink/float experiments, ice melting and bubble blowing! (Church lawn).
8eptember 10 AND 22 - Wear RED 22 Sunday Morning Family Pancake Breakfast!
10 Firefighter Friends! Learn about fire safety and get a close look at a REAL fire truck! Play with red balloons after the presentation! (Gymnasium)
22 Biking Buddies! Name bike parts and always wear a helmet and shoes! Ride-on toy area and safety courses designed for tricyclers and big wheelers or a separate course for training wheelers and beginner bikers. (Gymnasium and church parking area)
October 8 – Wear ORANGE
8 Pumpkin Patch and Play Doh! Read about how pumpkins grow! Messy painting on paper bag pumpkins for a fall festival wall display! Color mixing to create orange Play Doh “pumpkins” to take home! (Narthex then gymnasium)
23 Bouncing Balls! Expand math, language and motor skills! We will be sorting, rolling, bouncing and throwing! (Gymnasium)
November (4-8?), 9 AND 21 – Wear BROWN 9 Sabbath Afternoon Shut-in Visitation
(4-8?) Pioneer Pals! Join the YCLF gang at the Barberville Pioneer Settlement to experience the olden days! See how the pilgrims made candles, washed clothes, etc.!!! (Please sign up and pay group entrance fee prior to meeting at Barberville.)
21 Friends Forever! Dress up and pretend you are a Pilgrim or Indian friend! Hear the story of the first Thanksgiving! Bring a kid edible fruit, vegetable or bread and enjoy a dinner with your friends! (Church lawn weather permitting or gymnasium.)
5 Caroling Capers! Hear the story of Jesus’ birth and celebrate with music! Play rhythm instruments along with traditional Christmas hymns. See and touch real musical instruments – violin, flute, guitar, mandolin, etc. Make a present for a parent! (Narthex then gymnasium)
January 10-12, 28 – Wear PURPLE or BLACK 10-12 Family Campout at Lake Ashby!
10-12 Winter Walkers! Hike the boardwalk through beautiful Lake Ashby’s surroundings; play with your friends on a playground surrounded by trees and picnic in Florida’s winter sunshine! (Lake Ashby is 35 min. from the church down Tomoka Farms Rd. /Hwy 415)
28 Arctic Antics! Brrr! Penguins and polar bears! Read about animals that live in COLD places! Have a paper snowball throw and play animal running games! (Gymnasium and/or playing field)
February 11, 25 – Wear WHITE
11 Toothbrush Time! Learn how to keep your shining smile! Hear about wiggling teeth and brushing bubbles! Make a body tracing with a big smile! Tumble on mats and balance on a low beam. Move a rippling ribbon to musical selections! (Narthex then gymnasium)
25 Fishy Food! Look for and feed the hungry turtles, fish, squirrels and ducks! Search for the peacock near the farmhouse and ride/walk the bike path and play at the playground with your friends. (Gemini Springs, Debary – entrance fee per vehicle)
March 4, 8, 21 – Wear GREEN 8 Sabbath Afternoon Shut-in Visitation
4 Sunshine Sprinkles! Playground fun at a shady Ormond Beach location! (Meet at ______Playground)
21 Barnyard Babies! Hold baby bunnies and chicks! Ride a pony, go on a hayride and feed the deer, goats, chickens and more! (Meet at Barnyard Friends, Samsula, FL)
April 8, 22– Wear FLOWERS!
8 Flower Fling! Hear a seed story and plant your own seed! Learn why popcorn seeds explode. Say different orchid names. Get dirty planting a pretty flower garden display on the church lawn! (Narthex and church lawn.)
22 Game Giggles! Movement activities reinforce color, shape and counting skills! Stretch out on mats to play fun learning games with friends and parents! (Gymnasium)
May 13– Wear YELLOW
13 Sand Shovels! Finish out the YCLF year with a visit to the ocean at this well equipped site! Play on the ship play set. Build sand castles with your friends and parents and wade in the waves! Individual bathrooms, beach showers, covered picnic tables and a wooden beach ramp make the trip easier for parents with small children and strollers. Enjoy this car free beach area! (I-95 to Hwy 44 east to 27th Avenue beach access park, New Smyrna Beach)