The Mammals of Texas
Family Canidae (canids)
Coyote, Canislatrans; Gray Wolf, Canislupus; Red Wolf, Canisrufus; Swift or Kit Fox, Vulpesvelox; Red Fox, Vulpesvulpes; Common Gray Fox, Urocyoncinereoargenteus
Family Ursidae (bears)
Black Bear, Ursusamericanus; Grizzly or Brown Bear, Ursusarctos
Family Procyonidae (procyonids)
Ringtail, Bassariscusastutus; Northern Raccoon, Procyonlotor; White-nosed Coati, Nasuanarica
Family Mustelidae (mustelids)
Long-tailed Weasel, Mustelafrenata; Black-footed Ferret, Mustelanigripes; Mink, Mustelavison; American Badger, Taxideataxus; Western Spotted Skunk, Spilogalegracilis; Eastern Spotted Skunk, Spilogaleputorius; Hooded Skunk, Mephitismacroura; Striped Skunk, Mephitismephitis; North American Hog-nosed Skunk, Conepatusleuconotus; Northern River Otter, Lontracanadensis
Family Phocidae
Monachus tropicalis
Family Felidae (cats)
Mountain Lion, Pumaconcolor; Ocelot, Leopardispardalis; Margay, Leopardiswiedii; Jaguarundi, Pumayagouaroundi; Jaguar, Pantheraonca; Bobcat, Lynxrufus
- Catlike; total number of teeth 30 or less; claws retractile: 2
Not catlike; total number of teeth 34 to 42; claws usually not retractile:7
- Tail 10 to 15 cm, shorter than hind foot; total number of teeth 28; upperparts reddish or grayish brown streaked with black: Lynxrufus (bobcat).
Tail 30 to 100 cm, much longer than hind foot; total number of teeth, 30: 3
- Upperparts concolor in adults, not spotted: 4
Upperparts spotted with black rosettes with light centers at all ages:5
- Total length of adults up to 3 m; tail about 1 m; weight usually 45 kg; color tawny: Pumaconcolor (mountain lion).
Total length of adults up to 1 m; tail about 45 cm; weight up to 7 kg; upperparts reddish or grayish: Pumayagouaroundi (jaguarundi).
- Total length of adults 2 m or more; weight more than 45 kg: Pantheraonca (jaguar).
Total length usually less than 1.2 m; weight usually less than 18 kg:6
- Length of hind feet more than 120 mm; length of head and body alone about 75 cm; weight 7 to 16 kg: Leopardispardalis (ocelot).
Length of hind foot less than 120 mm; length of head and body about 50 to 55 cm; weight 2 to 3 kg: Leopardiswiedii (margay).
- Doglike; total number of teeth, 42:8
Not doglike; total number of teeth less than 42 (except in bears):13
- Hind foot usually less than 170 mm; weight less than 9 kg (foxes):9
Hind foot usually more than 170 mm; weight more than 9 kg (coyotes, wolves):11
- Tip of tail white; upperparts yellowish or reddish; feet and lower part of legs black; hind foot near 160 mm: Vulpesvulpes (red fox).
Tip of tail black; hind foot usually less than 150 mm:10
- General color of body grizzled grayish; legs reddish brown; tail with black stripe on upperside and black tip; hind foot usually more than 140 mm: Urocyoncinereoargenteus (common gray fox).
General color of body grayish-tan; hind foot usually less than 140 mm: Vulpesvelox (swift or kit fox).
- Hind foot less than 200 mm; nose pad less than 25 mm in width; weight usually less than 18 kg: Canis latrans (coyote).
Hind foot more than 200 mm; nose pad more than 25 mm in width; weight usually more than 18 kg:12
- Hind foot more than 250 mm; general color grayish: Canislupus (gray wolf).
Hind foot less than 250 mm; general color tawny or reddish mixed with black: Canisrufus (red wolf).
- Tail considerably shorter than hind foot; total number of teeth, 42; weight of adults usually more than 100 kg; color black or brown (bears):14
Not as above:15
- Claws of front feet 7 to 12 cm long; face distinctly "dished in"; ruff or mane present between shoulders; last upper molar nearly twice as large as the one in front of it: Ursusarctos (grizzly or brown bear).
Claws on front feet seldom as long as 75 mm; face slightly arched or nearly straight in profile; no ruff or mane; last upper molar about 1.5 times as large as the one in front of it: Ursusamericanus (black bear).
- Total number of teeth, 40; tail usually with indications of alternating dark and light rings:16
Total number of teeth, 32 to 36; tail lacking dark and light rings:18
- Tail as long as, or longer than head and body with 14 to 16 alternating black and white rings and a black tip; hind foot less than 80 mm; weight 1 to 2 kg: Bassariscusastutus (ringtail).
Tail shorter than head & body and with 6 to 7 alternating dark and light rings or rings inconspicuous; hind foot of adults 85 mm or more:17
- Snout extending conspicuously beyond mouth and highly flexible; tail about five times as long as hind foot; alternating rings obscured in adults: Nasuanarica (White-nosed Coati).
Snout not extending conspicuously beyond mouth; tail two to three times as long as hind foot, rings conspicuous at all ages: Procyonlotor (Northern raccoon).
- Upperparts black with longitudinal white stripe or stripes (skunks):19
Upperparts not black and white striped:24
- Total number of teeth, 32; back with single, broad white stripe from head to tail; nose pad large and flexible Conepatusleuconotus (North American hog-nosed skunk).
Total number of teeth, 34; back normally with two or more white stripes; nose pad normal:21
- Total length of adults > 700 mm; hind foot, 75 mm or more: Conepatusleuconotus (eastern hog-nosed skunk).
Total length of adults usually < 600 mm; length of hind foot usually <70 mm: Conepatusmesoleucus (common hog-nosed skunk).
- Six distinct broken or continuous white stripes on anterior part of body; white spot in center of forehead; hind foot seldom 50 mm:22
Not as above:23
- Black and white stripes on back nearly equal in width; white spot on forehead large, covering more than half of the area between the eyes; white stripes beginning between the ears or just behind them: Spilogalegracilis (western spotted skunk).
Black stripes on back wider than the white ones; white spot on forehead small, seldom more than 15 mm in diameter; white stripes on back begin about 25 mm behind the ears: Spilogaleputorius (eastern spotted skunk).
- Dorsal white stripe bifurcate; sides black: Mephitismephitis (striped skunk).
Dorsal stripe white or black but never bifurcate; sides usually with narrow white stripe beginning at ear: Mephitismacroura (hooded skunk).
- Total number of teeth, 36; feet webbed; tail long, heavy, tapering; ears short; color chocolate brown; total length 1 m or more: Lontracanadensis (river otter).
Total number of teeth, 34; feet not webbed; total length less than 1 m:25
- Tail about as long as hind foot; claws on front feet about 25 mm in length and much longer than those on hind foot; body thick-set, heavy; fur lax and long: Taxideataxus (American badger).
Tail noticeably longer than hind foot; body long and slender; fur relatively short:26
- Color chocolate brown to black; midline of belly white: Mustela vison (mink).
Color yellowish brown; head usually with black and white markings; tip of tail black and contrasting markedly with rest of tail:27
- Feet brown or tan; hind foot 50 mm or less; weight 500 g or less: Mustelafrenata (long-tailed weasel).
Feet black; hind foot more than 50 mm; weight 500 to 1,500 g: Mustelanigripes (black-footed ferret).