Trauma-Informed Care Post Test
Choose the ONE BEST answer
1. An experience that involves a threat to one’s physical or emotional wellbeing and elicits intense feelings of helplessness, terror and lack of control. This is a definition of:
- Terror
- Trauma
- Horror
- Fear
2. The ABC Mental Health Center is poorly lit and has no security system. There are no separate bathrooms for men and women. These are examples of Trauma Informed practical policies.
- True
- False
3. A child who is physically abused has a high probability of being physically abusive him or herself later in life. This is an example of which trauma principle?
- Trauma = chaos
- If everything is trauma, nothing is trauma
- If you don’t ask, they won’t tell
- What is not integrated is repeated
4. Because trauma = chaos, ______= healing
- Structure
- Repetition
- Therapy
- Time
5. Ongoing exposure to traumatic stress can impact which areas of a person’s life?
- Cognitive
- Biological
- Identity formation
- All of the above
6. The ACEs study is the study of the impact of
- Accelerated Cognitive Effects
- Actual Childhood Experiences
- Adverse Childhood Experiences
- Amplified Chronic Exposure
7. Trauma informed care is the study of:
- Trauma treatment
- The environment of mental health and similar programs
- How to do trauma therapy
- What’s wrong with people
8. Trauma Informed Care includes:
- Consumer choice and control
- Promoting safety
- Integrating care
- All of the above
9. Trauma Informed Care involves a shift in paradigm from “what’s wrong with you?” to:
- Why are you behaving like this?
- You must take your medications
- What happened to you?
- What are you doing wrong?
10. A high ACE score predicts the adoption of high risk behaviors, the early onset of chronic disease and a premature death:
- True
- False