WE are Safe: Look and Listen
Example:Looks and Sounds Like / Student:
*Watches and listens for others. *Avoids bumping into things because they watch. *Stays on the right side of the hallway to avoid other people.
*Good looking—you went around the bench! *Good looking—you stopped for her! *“Remember to look (shows icon). You almost bumped into Johnny.”
Non Example:
Looks and Sounds Like / Student:
*Bumps into people or objects. *Eyes are closed.
*Staff does not have icons with them to show student and correct them.
Staff Supports By / *Reviewing the expectations before walking in the hallway. *Showing students the icons for the expectations. *Watching and listening when they are in the hallway. *Always walking on the right side of the hallway. *Staying quiet in the hallway so they can hear things well.
WE are Independent: Walk or Wheel
Example:Looks and Sounds Like / Student:
*Wheels chair on his own. *Walks at a safe pace.
*Walks on the right side of the hallway. *Uses walker on her own.
“You are so independent, wheeling your own chair”
“You are walking by yourself. You are so independent.”
Non Example:
Looks and Sounds Like / Student:
*Is holding an adult’s hand. *Is crawling on the floor.
*Does not have icons with them to show the student and correct them.
*Is pushing a wheelchair when the student can do it by themselves.
Staff Supports By / *Reviewing the expectations before walking in the hallway. *Showing students the icons for the expectations. *Teaching students to walk on the right side of the hallway. *Only physically assisting when absolutely necessary.
WE Communicate: Smile, Wave, Move On
Example:Looks and Sounds Like / Student:
*Waves at someone passing. *Smiles and waves and keeps walking. *Is quiet while waving.
*Taps student to prompt them to wave. *Shows icon to student. *Smiles, waves and keeps walking when they pass someone in the hallway. *Models staying quiet while waving.
Non Example:
Looks and Sounds Like / Student:
*Yells, “Hi!” *Runs up to a staff member and hugs them. *Stops to talk to someone in the hallway.
*Does not have icons with them to show the student and correct them. *Talks to other adults or students in the hallway.
Staff Supports By / *Reviewing the expectations before walking in the hallway. *Showing students the icons for the expectations. *Correcting student and assisting them (if necessary) to wave and keep walking.
Teaching Strategies and Materials:
*Hallway Expectations Story *Hallway Expectations Video *Show icons of the expectation in the hallway. *Practice skills in the hallway. *Point out what to watch out for or sounds you hear. *Praise students who are following expectations.
*Correct when student is not doing what is expected—model the correct way and have the student try. *Staff has icons with them to quietly remind individual students.