Global Concepts Charter School
Monthly Board of Trustees Meeting
September 25, 2013 – 7:00 P.M.
A regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Global Concepts Charter School was held at the Global Concepts Charter High School, 70 Johnson Street, Lackawanna, New York, and called to order by Dawan Jones at 7:05 p.m.
A quorum was established by roll call:
Present: Dawan Jones, Antonio Estrada, Anthony DeMarco
Suzie Mazella joined the Board meeting by conference call
Excused: William Kruger, Kelly Asher
Other Ronald Wisher, CEO
Attendees:David Ehrle, Elementary School Principal
Tracy McGee, High School Principal
Lynda Spahr, Clerk
Antonio Estradamade a motion to approve the agenda as presented. Motion seconded by Anthony DeMarco. Motion roll call as follows:
Mr. JonesYes
Mr. EstradaYes
Mr. DeMarcoYes
Ms. MazellaYes
Motion passed.
New Business
Item #1 – Principals’ Report
David Ehrle, Elementary Principal, stated that the new school year had a great start. Open House is set for tomorrow in the K-8 building from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. This is an opportunity to meet your child’s teachers and learn about curriculum and procedures and such.
All students have received parent/student handbooks and an overwhelming majority of parent signatures indicate they have received the. There are many things that are new such as the Dignity for All Act. K-8 calendars have also gone home. Parents should familiarize themselves with the important dates.
Parents and students should start to utilize our web site information. It continues to grow as a tool for information and communication.
Lunch applications – Only 58 students have not returned their lunch application as of the close of business today. They have been sent home three times. Please get that in. Personal Touch is doing an outstanding job in regard to food service. The food is fresh, presented well, and most all of the students absolutely love it.
Tracy McGee, High School Principal, started with the new college preparatory dress code. We had three trustees come in from the Thanks to the parents and the Board for supporting this.
We had three trustees from the Margaret L. Wendt Foundation visit our school as part of a final round grant application review process. If the trustees approve us as one of their final recipients we will receive $35,000.00 to offset some of the building project renovation cost for the performing arts project.
Upcoming events: Our Open House is October 3rd from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. On October 11th our students will have a college tour to the College at Brockport State University of New York for all juniors and seniors. Also, on October 11th, our AP Biology and Chemistry students will participate in a science expedition. Lessons will include Water Quality, Urban Runoff and Pollution, Fish Biology, Invasive Species, Navigation on a Big Ship, and other subjects that promote environmental literacy and curiosity.
Lastly, our Annual Parent Appreciation Dinner will take place October 24, 2013 from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m.
Antonio Estradamade a motion to approve the Principals’ Reports. Motion seconded by Anthony DeMarco. Motion roll call as follows:
Mr. JonesYes
Mr. EstradaYes
Mr. DeMarcoYes
Ms. MazellaYes
Motion passed.
Item #2 – Secretary’s Report
Antonio Estradapresented the Secretary’s report referring to various correspondence that all Board members received in their monthly packets for review. Anthony DeMarcomade a motion to accept the Secretary’s report as presented. Motion seconded by Suzie Mazella. Motion roll call as follows:
Mr. JonesYes
Mr. EstradaYes
Ms. MazellaYes
Mr. DeMarcoYes
Motion passed.
Item #3 – Treasurer’s Report
Anthony DeMarco made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented in the Board packet. Motion seconded by Antonio Estrada. Motion roll call as follows:
Mr. JonesYes
Mr. EstradaYes
Ms. MazellaYes
Mr. DeMarcoYes
Motion passed.
Item #4 – Minutes for August 28, 2013
Anthony DeMarcomade a motion to approve the Board minutes for the regular monthly meeting dated August 28, 2013. Motion seconded by Antonio Estrada. Motion roll call as follows:
Mr. JonesYes
Mr. EstradaYes
Ms. MazellaYes
Mr. DeMarcoYes
Motion passed.
Item #5 – Operations/Personnel Issues/Vendors
Antonio Estrada made a motion to approve payment for Section VI dues in the amount not to exceed $1,375.00 for the 2013-2014 school year, as recommended by Tim Mondello Athletic Director, and the CEO. Motion seconded by Anthony DeMarco. Motion roll call as follows:
Mr. JonesYes
Mr. EstradaYes
Ms. MazellaYes
Mr. DeMarcoYes
Motion passed.
Antonio Estrada made a motion to approve the yearly renewal to Amplify (Reading DIBELS)in the amount not to exceed $7,584.10, as recommended by Jeanne Tribuzzi and the CEO. Motion seconded by Anthony DeMarco. Motion roll call as follows:
Mr. JonesYes
Mr. EstradaYes
Ms. MazellaYes
Mr. DeMarcoYes
Motion passed.
Antonio Estrada made a motion to approve payment to eDectrina Corporation for a yearly software subscription for all K-8 students, in the amount not to exceed $1,343.25 as recommended by Jeanne Tribuzzi and the CEO. Motion seconded by Anthony DeMarco. Motion roll call as follows:
Mr. JonesYes
Mr. EstradaYes
Ms. MazellaYes
Mr. DeMarcoYes
Motion passed.
Antonio Estrada made a motion to approve an additional volleyball coach at the High School with the stipend to be determined. Motion seconded by Anthony DeMarco. Motion roll call as follows:
Mr. JonesYes
Mr. EstradaYes
Ms. MazellaYes
Mr. DeMarcoYes
Motion passed.
Anthony DeMarco made motion to recommend the following as Teacher Mentors:
Destiny PuchalskiErik Baillie
Julia DakeNick Kalczynski
Kerry BuellStephanie Serrano
Audrey ZybalaBryan Whitley-Grassi
Mary SchroderJennifer Peasland
Motion seconded by Antonio Estrada. Motion roll call as follows:
Mr. JonesYes
Mr. EstradaYes
Ms. MazellaYes
Mr. DeMarcoYes
Motion passed.
Anthony DeMarco made a motion to appoint Kevin Woods as emergency conditional part-time cleaner (20 hours weekly) at the high school, filling one of the two vacant positions, pending background and fingerprint clearance as recommended by the Principal and CEO. Motion seconded by Antonio Estrada. Motion roll call as follows:
Mr. JonesYes
Mr. EstradaYes
Ms. MazellaYes
Mr. DeMarcoYes
Motion passed.
Anthony DeMarco made a motion to appoint Markilo Bessick as emergency conditional part-time cleaner (20 hours weekly) at the K-8 building, filling the one vacant position, pending background and fingerprint clearance as recommended by the Principal and CEO. Motion seconded by Antonio Estrada. Motion roll call as follows:
Mr. JonesYes
Mr. EstradaYes
Ms. MazellaYes
Mr. DeMarcoYes
Motion passed.
Anthony DeMarco made a motion to addEntasar Saif as emergency conditional high school Substitute pending background and fingerprint clearance, as recommended by the CEO. Motion seconded by Antonio Estrada. Motion roll call as follows:
Mr. JonesYes
Mr. EstradaYes
Ms. MazellaYes
Mr. DeMarcoYes
Motion passed.
Anthony DeMarco made a motion to approve the following tuition reimbursements as recommended by the CEO:
John Graham – $1,000.00
Laura Pino – $1,000.00
Motion seconded by Antonio Estrada. Motion roll call as follows:
Mr. JonesYes
Mr. EstradaYes
Ms. MazellaYes
Mr. DeMarcoYes
Motion passed.
Anthony DeMarco made a motion to approve the following mentor stipend as recommended by the CEO:
Julia Dake – $500.00
Motion seconded by Antonio Estrada. Motion roll call as follows:
Mr. JonesYes
Mr. EstradaYes
Ms. MazellaYes
Mr. DeMarcoYes
Motion passed.
Anthony DeMarco made a motion to approve the following vendors as recommended by the CEO:
Donald Licht III as Technology Consultant, retroactive to September 10, 2013
Image Makers
Cash Reality and Auctions retroactive to August 24, 2013
Motion seconded by Antonio Estrada. Motion roll call as follows:
Mr. JonesYes
Mr. EstradaYes
Ms. MazellaYes
Mr. DeMarcoYes
Motion passed.
Anthony DeMarco made a motion to approve payment to Tri-Delta for June’s billing in the amount not to exceed $1,995.00 s recommended by the CEO. Motion seconded by Antonio Estrada. Motion roll call as follows:
Mr. JonesYes
Mr. EstradaYes
Ms. MazellaYes
Mr. DeMarcoYes
Motion passed.
Anthony DeMarco made a motion to approve payment to Simon Electric for repair of light fixture and installation of six electrical outlets in the amount not to exceed $1,615.00 as recommended by the CEO. Motion seconded by Antonio Estrada. Motion roll call as follows:
Mr. JonesYes
Mr. EstradaYes
Ms. MazellaYes
Mr. DeMarcoYes
Motion passed.
Anthony DeMarco made a motion to approve payments to Mollenberg-Betz in amounts not to exceed the following, as recommended by the CEO:
$3,400.00 – quarterly billing for preventative maintenance and inspections
$3,214.00 – for checking and repairing roof top units in the Ridge Road facility
$1,325.36 – for repair of refrigerant leak in the high school locker room
Motion seconded by Antonio Estrada. Motion roll call as follows:
Mr. JonesYes
Mr. EstradaYes
Ms. MazellaYes
Mr. DeMarcoYes
Motion passed.
Anthony DeMarco made a motion to approve payment to Cash Reality and Auctions for 16 iPad2 units with recharging cart in the amount not to exceed $7,040.00, as recommended by the CEO. Motion seconded by Antonio Estrada. Motion roll call as follows:
Mr. JonesYes
Mr. EstradaYes
Ms. MazellaYes
Mr. DeMarcoYes
Motion passed.
Anthony DeMarco made a motion to approvepayment to Battaglia & Associates monthly billing in the amount not to exceed $2,500.00, as recommended by the CEO. Motion seconded by Antonio Estrada. Motion roll call as follows:
Mr. JonesYes
Mr. EstradaYes
Ms. MazellaYes
Mr. DeMarcoYes
Motion passed.
Anthony DeMarco made a motion to approve partial payment to Ronco for the high school auditorium project in the amount not to exceed $18,607.84,as recommended by the CEO. Motion seconded by Antonio Estrada. Motion roll call as follows:
Mr. JonesYes
Mr. EstradaYes
Ms. MazellaYes
Mr. DeMarcoYes
Motion passed.
Anthony DeMarco made a motion to approve payment to Kirisits & Associates for July billing in the amount not to exceed $3,865.00 as recommended by the CEO. Motion seconded by Antonio Estrada. Motion roll call as follows:
Mr. JonesYes
Mr. EstradaYes
Ms. MazellaYes
Mr. DeMarcoYes
Motion passed.
Anthony DeMarco made a motion to approve payment to Harter, Secrest & Emery for legal services in May in the amount not to exceed $4,851.00 as recommended by the CEO. Motion seconded by Antonio Estrada. Motion roll call as follows:
Mr. JonesYes
Mr. EstradaYes
Ms. MazellaYes
Mr. DeMarcoYes
Motion passed.
David Ehrle, Elementary School Principal, presented Student of the Month awards for September 2013 to the following elementary school winners.
Kindergarten, nominated by Mrs. Jackson – Sophia Prell
Grade 1, nominated by Mrs. Polino – Aziza Riyashi
Kindergarten, nominated by Mrs. Jackson – Dillin Wohlfehrt
First Grade, nominated by Miss Scherf – Chase Letina
Second Grade, nominated by Miss Huber – Nora Saleh
Third Grade, nominated by Mrs. Sulski – Raychelle Alston
Fouth Grade, nominated by Mrs. Puchalski – Kenna-Spink Brunner
Fifth Grade, nominated by Mrs. Ptak – Abdulla Abdul Aziz
Sixth Grade, nominated by Mrs. Cook – Rami Shamsan
Middle School ELA, nominated by Mrs. Kuras – Elijah Shahied
Middle School Social Studies, nominated by Mr. Rupp – Chloe George
Middle School Math, nominated by Mrs. Lawrence – Alysia Rodriguez
Middle School Science, nominated by Mr. Baillie – Megan Smith
Technology, nominated by Mr. Reimers – Braeden Chalupka
Arabic, nominated by Ms. Ali – Seren Habir
Spanish, nominated by Mr. Cirillo – Felissa Masumbuko
ESL, nominated by Mrs. Johnson – Rahama Mosleh
Reading Intervention, nominated by Mrs. Cich – Matthew Melendez
Math Intervention, nominated by Mr. Flory – Marissa Mastroccio
Health, nominated by Mr. Ceccarelli – Susan Radtke
Music, nominated by Mr. Marinaccio – Ellen Boyer
Violin, nominated by Mr. Struckmann – Craig Young
Physical Education, nominated by Miss Turner – Mohamed Zaid
Library, nominated by Ms. Velk – Braeden O’Brien
Art, nominated by Mrs. Pastore – Felix Cedeno
Home and Careers, nominated by Mrs. Urbank – Iman Aziz
Counselor Award, nominated by Ms. Boals – Willow Cutshall
Teacher’s Choice, nominated by Mrs. Setter – MacKenzie Daniels
The Board and attendees congratulated the winners.
There was no public participation.
Antonio Estradamade a motion to adjourn. Motion seconded by Anthony DeMarco. Motion passed by voice vote.
Meeting adjourned at 7:34p.m.
Submitted by
Lynda Spahr, Clerk for GCCS Board of Trustees
Approved by
Antonio Estrada, Acting Secretary
GCCS Board of Trustees
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