Date: March 3, 2013

Title: Married For L.I.F.E.—Endurance

Malachi 2:16 says God hates divorce. That is why we are building families and marriages. God doesn’t hate you if you’re divorced. He hates the way the enemy puts a wedge between couples that leads to divorce.

Endurance is today’s topic and both Pastor Kelley and Pastor Reggie are speaking. Pastor Kelley begins with a definition. Endurance is, (1) Power to withstand pressure and stress; and (2) To be physically, mentally and emotionally strong. In times of stress we revert back to what is comfortable. If what is comfortable is something negative like alcohol, drugs or promiscuity reverting back to it will damage your marriage. We have to learn to endure through the stressful times so as not to give the enemy a toe–hold in our marriage.

There are three reasons to stay married and fight for your marriage.

  1. Problems are resolved or go away in five years. Research studies of 300 couples found that five years was the timeframe needed to resolve problems. If you can endure for five years the situation will have taken care of itself and will no longer be an issue.
  2. Children are negatively affected by divorce. Kids are worth fighting for. My three–yearold came to me and asked me why I kicked his best friend out of the house. That was a wakeup call. I grew up in a home of divorce and wondered, if they no longer loved each other, what does that say about my importance? If my parents split that means they didn’t want me either.
  3. Divorce rate is ten times higher for a second marriage. The main reason for this is because you didn’t fix the problems in you that caused the first divorce.

If trying doesn’t work to change your marriage for the better, upgrade to a fight. I’m not saying to fight with your spouse. No! You are in a spiritual battle and that is where your fight should be. Work on your marriage with the Word of God. You can stop generational curses by using the Word of God. Continue making positive confessions about your spouse even before you see a change. The battle is not yours. Let God change your spouse.

Pastor Reggie continues with reference to 1 Corinthians 15:58. Be steadfast, unmovable, always!

Pastor Kelley is often asked how she got through the tough times of their marriage. The answer is 1 Thessalonians 5:17. Pray without ceasing. This is how you fight the spiritual fight.

Pastor Reggie says all things are possible with God (Mark 10:27). Generational curses were mentioned earlier. How about turning that around and make generational blessings. Proverbs 13:22 says a good man will leave an inheritance for his children’s children. Your legacy can be a positive one if you endure through the tough times and speak blessings on your family and children.