surname______given name(s)______
home phone______work phone______
mobile______email ______
date of birth______number of children______
blood group______occupation______
Where did you hear about cbd natural health?
Google / Yahoo / facebook / friendYellow Pages Online / NT Pages / True Local / other
Family history: Please mark “S” for self and “F” for family member if you have now or have had in the past any of the following:
acne / cancer / high blood pressure / migraines/headachesallergies / diabetes / osteoporosis / thyroid problems
arthritis / infertility / eczema/psoriasis / weight problems
asthma / kidney stones / nervous disorders / other
List any medications you are currently taking.
List any operations or traumas (physical or emotional) you have had in the past.
What areas of your health do you wish to improve, in order of priority?
General health questionnaire0= Never1=Sometimes 2=Regularly (more than twice weekly) 3=Daily basis
Digestion and DysbiosisBloating after meals0123
Abdominal cramps and pain0123
Burp/gas after meals0123
Eat quickly or don’t chew thoroughly0123
Have a burning feeling in stomach indigestion, or take antacids0123
Have less than one bowel movement daily0123
Suffer diarrhoea 0123
Haemorrhoids or rectal pain and bleeding after bowel motion0123
Feel nauseous in the mornings0123
Have bad breath0123
Suffer thrush or urinary tract infections0123
Antibiotics more than twice per yearNoYes
Long term antibiotic use (longer than 1 mth)NoYes
On birth control pill for more than 2 yearsNoYes
Chronic fungal infections of skin or nailsNoYes
Lifestyle – please be reminded your answers are always strictly confidential
Do you smoke? NeverYes Only in the past
Do you take recreational drugs?NeverYesOnly in the past
Immune SystemMore than 3 colds per yearNoYes
Difficulty shifting an infectionNoYes
Often have a sore throat or swollen glandsNoYes
Suffer asthma, eczema or arthritis NoYes
Liver and DetoxificationFatty foods cause indigestion0123
Suffer from nausea or vomiting0123
General feeling of poor health0123
Suffer headaches/migraine 0123
Dark circles under eyes0123
Sinus problems or stuffy nose0123
Excessive mucus0123
Chronic cough0123
Strong body odour0123
Muscle or joint aches and pains0123
Asthma or bronchitis0123
Dry or flaky skin and/or hair0123
Feel agitated, restless, angry0123
Skin rashes, itching0123
Yellowing of the skin or eyes0123
Broken sleep/insomnia0123
Energy and VitalityFeel tired or overworked0123
Find it hard to wake up or get motivated in the morning0123
Need coffee, tea, sugar or tobacco to give you energy0123
Have noticeable energy slumps during the day0123
Get dizzy, shake or become irritable
if you go without food for more than 4 hours0123
Suffer mental confusion or have difficulty concentrating0123
Crave pasta, bread, sugar0123
StressFeel stressed, nervous or anxious0123
Feel Irritable, oversensitive0123
Feel overwhelmed with your workload0123
Have you in the past 2 years experienced:
Death in familyNoYes
Financial devastationNoYes
Moving houseNoYes
Starting or losing workNoYes
Mood and MemoryDifficulty concentrating0123
Poor memory 0123
Suffer depression0123
Become easily anxious or is a ‘worry wart’0123
Feel exhausted 0123
Feel overwhelmed and out of control of your life0123
Suffer insomnia0123
Mood swings 0123
Hormonal HealthWomen
Are you taking the oral contraceptive pillNoYes
What is your average cycle length ______(longest cycle ______days shortest cycle ______days)
(Period – period -Counting from the first day your period starts till the day before your next period begins))
Do you suffer:
Heavy bleedingNoYes
Painful periodsNoYes
Irregular periodsNoYes
Fertility problems, difficulty conceiving or maintaining a pregnancyNoYes
Reduced libidoNoYes
Mood swings (Irritable, irrational, depression/anxiety)NoYes
Breast tendernessNoYes
STD’s (past or present) NoYes
Any known problems affecting your reproductive organsNoYes
MenHave you had a vasectomyNoYes
Do you suffer from:
Low sperm countNoYes
Undecended testes as a childNoYes
Reduced libidoNoYes
STD’s (past or present) NoYes
Weight ManagementWhere 0 is very satisfied and 3 is very concerned about
How your body:
Body fat0123
Muscle tone0123
Present weight0123
Do you exercise? No Yes
Date / kg / %fat / %H20 / visceral / Muscle / Physique rt / Bone mass / Met. agePractitioner use:
Our Cancellation Policy
In order to serve others, we ask that you offer a courtesy call if you cannot keep your allotted appointment time. A 24hour notice is required for cancellation of appointments without acquiring a "no-show" charge of the full fee of your consultation. Please be considerate.
Scheduled appointments are set up in order to accomplish getting you well. If you cancel your appointment, it may delay your recovery. If you must miss it, it is best to reschedule as soon as possible.
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