Job TitleCareActAdvocate(AllClient groups)
Reporting toAdvocacy Manager / Head of Campaigns and community Business Unit
Job Purpose
- Assist peopleto understandtheassessment,careandsupportplanning andreviewprocess,andhowtheirneeds can bemetbytheLocal Authority
- Assistingpeople tocommunicatetheir views,wishesandfeelingsduringCareActassessmentsor developing careor support plans
- Assistingpeople tochallengedecisionsmade bythe localauthorityandwhereappropriate,challengingon their behalf.
- Assistingpeople in understanding thesafeguardingprocess
- Within theCareActcontract,toelicita person’s viewsaboutthe decisionproposedinsofaraspossible, usingappropriate means ofcommunication,andrepresent theirviewsortheirlikely viewstothoseresponsiblefor makingdecisions.
Main Task
Deliver Care Act Advocacy across impairments and to carers
/- Respond to valid care act referrals within an appropriate time frame
- Obtain information about person’s communication system where necessary working with families/carers and other workers
- Where its not possible to obtain the views of the person directly explore alternative methods to establish their views and wishes
- Ensure that peoples human rights are protected and due regard is given to ensuring that the least restrictive option is used
Data recording and reporting
/- Keep up to date accurate records with due care and attention to confidentiality and data protection
- Provide timely management reports that meet the needs of both the project and the commissioners
Working with others
/- Work in partnership with key stakeholders including statutory services and service providers without compromising the independence of the advocacy role
- Attend and participate in meetings as required and deliver presentations on the service to a wide range of audiences
Health and Safety and safeguarding
/- Be aware of and follow Harrow Mencap’s safeguarding procedures
- Follow Harrow mencap’s Health and Safety Procedures
Training and development
/- Undertake formal qualifications necessary for the role
- Participate in any training offered by harrow Mencap using acquired skills to enhance performance
- Make use of Harrow Mencap’s supervision and appraisal process to evaluate own work performance and set goals
Corporate Responsibility
/- Pro-active involvement in service and organisational developments within Harrow Mencap
- Attend Harrow Mencap meetings and functions as required
- Prompting a positive image of self and organisation at all times
/The Post holder may be required to undertake duties which are keeping with this post
Care Act Adv July 2015
Job TitleCareActAdvocate
EssentialCriteria / DesirableCriteriaEDUCATIONQUALIFICATIONS
1. Certificate in Independent Advocacy or the willingness and ability to gain this within 1st year
. / 1.IMCA Qualification / A/I / 2.
2.A good understanding of People’s rights and entitlements under the care act
3.Knowledge andunderstandingoftheprinciples and practiceof advocacyandempowerment, includingnon-instructedadvocacy.
4.Working demonstrative knowledge of the Mental Capacity Act, Deprivation of Liberty and Mental health Act
5.Demonstrate an understanding of risk taking and safeguarding
7.Thoroughunderstandingofdiscriminationanddisabilityissues,equal opportunitiesandanti-discriminatory practice / A/I
6.A high level communicationskillsand theabilityto communicateeffectivelywith awiderangeofpeopleat alllevels
7.Strongadvocacy, representation,listeningandnegotiationskills
8.Abilityto liaisewithserviceproviders,carersand familieswithoutcompromisingtheadvocacyrole Abilityto organiseyourownworkload,to workunderpressureand todeadlines
9.Ability to organise you own workload to work under pressure and to deadlines
10.Abilitytomaintainandinterrogateinformationsystemsandkeepaccurate,upto daterecordsusing arangeof ICTsoftware.
11..Ability to collate information and write clear reports within tight timeframes
12.Abilityto promotetheservice and togivepresentationstoa variety ofaudiences
13.Ability to work in a wide range of settings including prisons and secure units / 1. Specialistcommunicationskillse.g.Makaton,BSL,Symbolsystems(Bliss,Wigit,PEX). Community Languages / A/I
Care Act Adv July 2015
14.Experience ofprovidingadvocacy. To a range of impairment groups and carers
15.Experience ofusingdatabases andgeneral ICTsoftwaree.g.MSOffice. / A
16.Commitmentto working in partnershipwithclients, equalopportunitiespractice/anti-discriminatorypracticeand tothepromotion ofcivilandhumanrights
17.Commitmentto attendandparticipateinsupervisionandundertaketraining
18.Able to work at a fast and effective pace adapting to different client situations as they arise
19.Commitmentto ownprofessionaldevelopment
20.Flexible and creativeapproach
21.Highself-motivation andcommitment / A/I
22..Flexibilityincludingthe ability to workunsocial hours
23.Responsive to the needs of the individuals and service / A/I
Care Act Adv July 2015