Mrs. Keinath

Fall 2011

Mathematic II

Classroom Job Descriptions

ActivExpression Manager:

This scholar will pass out assigned ActivExpressions during independent work time. They will ensure that all ActivExpressions are working and that they are all returned. Additionally, they will lead the class in the Exit Ticket.

Calculator Manager:

This scholar will distribute and collect all classroom calculators. They will be in charge of making sure that all calculators are returned and in working condition. Further, this scholar will help students having calculator problems.

Class Manager: This scholar will take attendance during the first five minutes of class and then they will check student’s daily homework assignments. Additionally, they will be class ambassador and greet guests (observers, subsitutes) in the classroom. Lastly, they will fill in for any class manager who is absent.

Paper Manager: This scholar will pass out and collect all assignments during class. They will also make sure that the class bins are neat and orderly and help file documents for Mrs. Keinath.

Supplies Manager: This scholar will distribute all classroom supplies, including pencils and pens. They will help prepare materials for class activities, as well as organize supplies / bookshelf and maintain the classroom displays and bulletin boards. This is the only scholar who has the privilege to go in Mrs. Keinath’s supply closet.

**Application on the next 2 pages**

Mathematic II


All interested applicants must fill-out a job application and have a teacher complete the teacher recommendation form. Applications are due Friday, August 12. Late applications will not be accepted.

Name: Grade: Period/Color:

[A] Position applying for: (please circle)

ActivExpression Manager Calculator Manager Class Manager

Paper Manager Supplies Manager

[B] In the space provided below answer the following questions in complete sentences. (If you need additional room, attach a separate sheet of paper to your application.)

1.  Why do you want this job in Mrs. Keinath’s class?

2.  What other jobs, experiences and/or situations do you have that will make you qualified for this position? Show that you have the necessary qualities to do well at this job.

[D] Write your name legibly on the line after “I”, and sign your name below the paragraph if you agree to the terms of employment.

I, have read the description of this position, understand how I will be compensated, and agree to fulfill the responsibilities of the position I have applied for, if hired. I understand that if I should fail to live up to these expectations, and/or am absent from class 3 times, that Mrs. Keinath has the right to hire someone to replace me. I agree to be dependable, honest, trustworthy, confidential, and diligent in all of my classroom job responsibilities.

X Date:

Mrs. Keinath is an equal opportunity employer.

Mathematic II


Teacher Recommendation Form

is applying for a classroom job in Mrs. Keinath’s class. Due to the importance of this position, you are being asked to recommend this scholar and attest to his/her character. The following characteristics are those which are central in the hiring process:



Diligence in work ethic


Not frequently absent

Please write a note based on your experience with this scholar and his/her ability to live up to those central characteristics mentioned above. Please site as many specific examples as possible. Please sign the bottom of the page and return it to my mailbox, before Friday, August 12.

Thank you for your time and attention!

~Mrs. Keinath

X Date:

How long have you known the applicant?