Second GradeDay Four-Bremen Town Musicians
RLA 120 minute blockDate:
Activating Strategy: Morning Warm-What things might an animal need help with?T.E.276aPhonics: (includes Spelling)
LEQ: What are the rules for making words plural with –s, -es, -ies?
Powerpoint-Waltke’s Web Powerpoint- Plural by Karen Gentry
PowerPoint Week 3-Sentence Reading-Waltke’s Web
Ashlock method- model and practice blending plurals
Phonics rhyme-Buddies Helping You
Spelling-Practice 36
Summarizing:Play I Have Who Has? From the site Print cards, cut and hand out to students.
Vocabulary: Amazing Words-faithful-misgivings-occasion -oral discussion
Sing With Me Big Book Page 9-Track 10
Quick Talk- using numbered heads the teacher will give examples and the definition for amazing words and vocabulary as a review-
Vocabulary worksheet from Waltke’s Web(included in the comprehension questions section for each story)
Comprehension: (Whole group)
LEQ:What clues help you determine the author’s purpose in a story?
Listening Comprehension- Read Aloud Anthology-Down Girl and Sit Save the Day-read orally-
AP-Who is telling the story?
AP-How would this story have been different if the human was telling the story?
-Summarizing- Numbered Heads- Students will determine the sequence of events from the story.
Audio reading-students will whisper read with the audio CD-Bremen Town Musicians-
AP-How would the story have been different if Donkey hadn’t met the other animals on the way to Bremen?
Summarizing- Story comprehension test forBremen Town Musicians
Summarizing: Journal Writing-List ways the animals in the story helped each other.
Fluency: Sing With Me Big Book-A Partnership With You - T. E. 252m
Audio reading- Bremen Town Musicians
Phonics Rhyme-Buddies Helping You -Chart page 9
Differentiated Small Group Instruction:
Leveled Reader:Dogs At Work
Poem: Same as Monday
R.T.: Same as Monday / Strategic:
Leveled Reader: Jun and Pepper Grow Up / Benchmark:
Leveled Reader:Silver and Stripes
Grammar: T.E. 279c-Review- Plural Nouns that Change Spelling
Complete the practice from the teacher’s edition
Practice 35
Summarizing: Language Test –see the Scottsboro site
Process Writing (30-45 minutes):
Editing and publishing-
Handwriting-Model and assign