Miss Cameron CLN4U Unit 1


Presentation: Civil Disobedience


o  Working alone, or in pairs research and present a report about current international human rights issues (violations)

o  Topics will be assigned on a first come, first served basis (see list below)

Presentations: Mon June 8, 2009 NO EXCEPTIONS ( Doctor’s note required)

Provide a printout of your slides (use ‘handouts’ 3 per page please) to Miss Cameron.


o  research your topic using reputable websites

o  present your findings in a 13 slide maximum Power Point Presentation (intro, 10 content slides, conclusion, sources)

o  Formatting:

o  use graphics and transitions to compliment your presentation (don’t overdo it!)

o  have around 5 bullets per slide: elaborate orally (slides are just a guideline)

o  Save to your H: Drive

o  Save an email a copy to all group members- presentations must go on even if members are missing

Answer the following:

1.  Define your topic

2.  What violations of human rights are happening (specific -UN Declaration of Human Rights articles # 1-30)

3.  Prevalence of this issue Internationally (Range) across many nations or only a few nations who violate these rights)

4.  Specific Examples of violations (current)

o  could be a case(s) involving a group of persons

o  could be a case(s) involving a particular individual

o  entire community/state

you may want to choose specific countries and groups

5.  Current UN Resolutions or Other legislation (could be legislation enacted in the country you may have examined in #4) to protect individuals against this kind of human rights violation

6.  list of all website used including the NAME of the organization on the last slide e.g. Amnesty International: www.amnesty.org

*Provide a printout of your slides (use ‘handouts’ 3 per page please) to Miss Cameron.


o  violence against women

o  death penalty & arbitrary executions

o  refugees

o  torture and degrading treatment

o  right to abortion

o  child labour

o  sex trade (children/adults forced into prostitution)

o  workers’ rights

o  detention and imprisonment

o  sexual orientation (homosexuals)

o  Indigenous peoples

o  arms trade

o  poverty

o  health/healthcare

o  freedom of expression

o  armed conflict

o  genocide

o  discrimination(racial or otherwise-so long as it is not a repeat of a topic above) e.g. apartheid in South Africa


Amnesty International: http://www.amnesty.org/en/human-rights

Human Rights Watch: http://www.hrw.org/

United Nations Development Program: http://www.undp.org/

o  Commission of Legal Empowerment of the poor:


United Nations: http://un.org

Women’s Commission for Refugee Women and Children: http://www.womenscommission.org/

