of the
Prior to the opening of the meeting, the following ‘market place’ stands were available and resourced to provide information for residents: Fit-2-Go Team and Anchorsholme Sea Wall Project.
Mr Gary Pretty, Chairman of the Sandhurst Area Forum welcomed all attendees to the Forum and introduced the Community Representatives and Councillors for the Sandhurst area.
The Forum was advised that there remained one vacancy for the position of Community Representative and interested parties would be able to collect an application form at the Forum. The deadline for completed forms was 5pm on Friday 22nd March 2013.
- Community Report - “You said………..We did”
Mr Russ Weaver, Head of Neighbourhood Services and Acting Head of Neighbourhood Services (North) provided an update on the issues raised by residents at the last Area Forum meeting.
At the last meeting, residents had raised the issue of waste collections commencing too early in the day. Mr Weaver advised that the Council’s Waste Services had been informed that collections should not commence until after 7am. A Community Representative updated Mr Weaver to advise that the vehicles were not Council operated and that he would try to find out the company responsible and feedback. Mr Weaver advised that when he received this information, the Council would make contact with the company and assess whether the collection vehicles were causing a noise nuisance and if an agreement on operating times could be reached.
Mr Weaver advised that all gullies in the area of Murchison Grove, Broadhurst Road and Denville Avenue had been checked since flooding had occurred and were all clear. Residents were requested to contact Neighbourhood Services if they noticed any further problems.
In response to an issue regarding overgrown hedges on Murchison Grove, Warbreck Drive and Luton Road raised at the previous meeting, the Neighbourhoods Environmental Action Team had been deployed to those roads and had cut back all overgrown hedges.
It was reported that weeds were a priority of Neighbourhood Services North team and that a particular query in relation to Warbreck Drive had been raised at the last meeting. Mr Weaver advised that the weed treatment programme was about to commence and if residents had any particular concerns about stubborn weeds or noticed that any had been missed during the programme to report those to Neighbourhood Services.
A property on Luton Road had been identified as a problem property and residents believed that the level of waste had become worse since it was last reported. Mr Weaver reported that the Council would consider all possible options to ensure the removal of the litter including litter clearance notices and enforcement as a final option.
Mr Weaver advised that all watercourses were in a poor condition due to the high levels of precipitation throughout the majority of 2012 and into 2013. It was admitted that historically there had been some issues with rubbish left on banks after being cleared from the watercourses, however, all rubbish was now removed other than green matter, which it was appropriate to leave.
It was noted that information collected at the previous meeting had been slightly incorrect and that the parking issue on Warbreck Drive and Red Bank Road was clarified as being 100 yards south of Red Bank Road at a bend where parking took place on both sides. Mr Weaver agreed to investigate this issue further.
It was reported that the Council had worked in conjunction with the Police to upgrade fencing at Brookdale Avenuealleyway and ensure that it was better lit.
Mr Weaver reported that new signage would be put in place in BisphamVillage car park advising that parking was for shoppers only and that it was a short stay car park. As the site was not subject to a Traffic Control Order and there were no plans to apply one to this site, it was noted that this request was not legally enforceable. A resident requested that the Council also consider placing a sign near the exit to advise the public that it was the exit and that cars should not enter in that way.
Mr Weaver presented the Forum with data regarding the number of fixed penalty notices issued for dog fouling and advised that a large number of Council employees had now been trained to challenge dog owners and issue fixed penalty notices when required. Mr Weaver also highlighted the importance of the intelligence provided by residents pertaining to the times and places of regular dog fouling to enable a targeted approach. In response to a question, the Forum was advised that the Dog Warden Service did work extended hours and that weekends could be covered, although not to the extent of weekdays.
The Forum was advised that the second stage of consultation on Dog Control Orders was ongoing and encouraged residents to get involved.
Mr Matthew Hill, Project Management Team for Anchorsholme Sea Defence Project attended to outline the options for the scheme.
Mr Hill advised that if no work was undertaken on the Anchorsholme Sea Wall that erosion and flood would pose a risk to a large number of properties. A public consultation would be held on a number of options to find the right scheme for Anchorsholme and residents were encouraged to voice their opinion.
A bid would be submitted to Central Government for funding for the scheme and if successful, construction may commence in November 2013 with a duration of approximately 18 months.
Mr Hill agreed to attend the next meeting of the Forum to consult fully with residents regarding the options for the scheme.
The floor was opened to residents to ask questions and raise any concerns.
A resident raised concern regarding the transition periods when Council employees either changed job role or no longer worked for the Council and how to know who to contact about a particular issue. Mr Weaver advised that residents could contact the Council directly by telephone or through their local Councillor who could put them in touch with the relevant officer.
The Forum discussed the area ofNorth Drive between Luton Road and Warren Drive and the kerbstones set in place with holes at intervals to allow for drainage. A resident reported that the holes were blocked and were therefore unable to take water away and queried why that type of stone was used initially and why they had since not been cleared. Mr Weaver advised that all gullies would be cleaned on a regular basis and that a programme had been developed. He advised that he would update the Forum at the next meeting with details of where the area was within the clearing schedule and why that type of stone had been used.
A resident queried why a tram stop had not yet been installed in Norbreck and Councillor Callow responded to reiterate the Ward Councillor’s efforts in trying to secure a tram stop in Norbreck.
Concern was raised regarding the new bus timetables for the Number 3 and Number 4 buses that now run either one or 19 minutes apart when in the past they ran at ten-minute intervals. Mr Weaver agreed to pass on the concerns to Blackpool Transport Services Limited.
A resident queried why the fencing opposite the NorbreckCastle was being replaced when it appeared to be in good condition and Mr Weaver agreed to provide a response at the next Forum meeting from the relevant council officer.
In response to a question, the Forum was informed that the new Neighbourhood Police Manager for Anchorsholme Ward would be PC Richard James.
A resident questioned why the work on the street lighting project on Devonshire Road and the road locally known as Golf Course Avenue had ceased before Christmas and not yet restarted. It was noted that this area was within Warbreck ward, however, Mr Weaver agreed to provide a response at the next meeting.
3. Funding Applications
The Forum was advised that Anchorsholme Ward had no remaining funding, Bispham Ward had £6,126.60 remaining and Norbreck Ward had £1,126.60 remaining.
An application was received from Bispham Bowling and Social Club, requesting a contribution of £3,500 from the Bisphamward Forum budget. The funding was sought for the renovation of the rear aspect of the building specifically the rendering of the brickwork, supply and fitting of new facia boards and guttering, supply and fitting of five new UPVC windows and the application of two coats of masonry finish to the rendered wall. Mr Paul Goldsborough spoke in support of the application and the Forum was given the opportunity to ask questions on the application.
The Forum was then asked to vote and agreed to support the application, with 44 votes for the application and two votes against the application.
An application was received from the Tee Time Community Golf Club requesting a contribution of £750 from the Bispham ward Forum budget and £750 from the Norbreck ward Forum budget. The funding was sought to provide a street golf project for 14 to 25 year olds in the Sandhurst area through the purchase of an inflatable net and a contribution towards publicity and other costs. Mr Declan Hoey and Mr Andy Lee spoke in support of the application and the Forum was given the opportunity to ask questions on the application.
In response to a question, the Forum was informed that the club was hoping to take golf to the streets and introduce 1,500 young people to golf through free use of the net, golf clubs and balls and accessibility to free instruction. The club would hold twice-weekly sessions around Sandhurst from February to July in the early evenings and on weekends.
The Forum requested that Tee Time Community Golf Club report back to the Forum on the take up and success of the scheme, should the funding be approved. Mr Lee made a commitment to do so.
The Forum was then asked to vote and agreed to support the application, with 48 votes in favour of the application and no votes against the application.
As a result of the decisions made at this meeting, the Forum was informed that the remaining budgets were Anchorsholme £0, Bispham £1,876.60 and Norbreck £376.60.
Application forms for funding were available at the meeting or online and in order for the application to be considered at the next meeting of the Forum, residents were advised that completed forms must be returned to Democratic Services by Wednesday 17th April 2013 at 5pm.
The meeting ended at 8.20pm.