Understanding & Working with Loss & Grief in the Family
(In the context of genetic conditions)
Liverpool Women’s Hospital
9-10 December 2013 &
19-20 December 2013
The Liverpool Women’s Hospital Blair Bell Education Centre
30hrs Course (2x 2days) Cost £450
(including lunch but not accomodation or travel)
The Course is aimed at:- Genetic Counsellors at any stage of practice from trainees to experienced practitioners, Genetic STRs, Genetic Specialist Nurses, Nurses, Midwives and other Heatlhcare Practitioners working with families affected by loss and grief who are looking to improve their communication and counselling skills.
This course forms part of the Skilled Helper Programme for Healthcare Professionals
A multi-theoretical, integrative approach to psychological helping.
Open Awards Accredited
Course Leader - Alan Phillips
Alan delivers the skilled helper programme across the UK to health professionals and delivers consultative clinical supervision programmes to clinical genetics teams. He has a BSc and an MSc in counselling and psychotherapy, Dip integrative counselling, PGCert Clinical supervision and post traumatic stress disorder, qualified in clincal hypnosis, EMDR and an is an acredited mediator.
“The course looks at the implications of grief from the various perspectives of gender, its impact on marriages and the family as a whole - and most importantly the impact on children and implications when they are excluded from decision-making and exposure to the realities of diagnoses and death: hence explaining their status as 'forgotten mourners' and phenomena such as the 'sleeper effect' and 'frozen grief'. Alan Phillips
‘When a genetic diagnosis has been made, parents are faced with the difficult challenge of when, how, and what to tell children who are minors about their risk while simultaneously trying to foster a healthy self-concept in their children. Families frequently turn to health-care practitioners for assistance in deciding how to have these discussions with children.’
Sullivan & McConkie-Rosell. (2010) Family Communication about Genetics
Enquiries or expressions of intrest – Pam Harris, Principal Genetic Counsellor,
Liverpool Women’s Hospital
Hosted by The Practice Development Unit, Merseyside & Cheshire Clinical Genetics.
Organised by The Blair Bell Education Centre, Liverpool Women’s Hospital.
Delivered by Alan Phillips Associates.
Registration Form
(Please Complete in BLOCK CAPITALS)
Title:*Prof/Dr/Mr/Mrs/Miss/MsSex: *Female / Male
Job Title:Place of work:
Address for correspondence:
Postcode: Daytime telephone number:
Email address (please write clearly):
May we add your email address to the delegate list: *Yes / No* Please circle response
Dietary Requirements
I do/do not require vegetarian meals
I do/do not have other special requirements (please give details)
Registration Price
30 hour Course 2 x 2 Days£450
If paying by cheque please make payable to Liverpool Women's NHS Foundation Trust
Credit card payments please ring 0151 702 4017
All applications to:-
Marina Silvano-O’Hanlon
Events Coordinator
Blair Bell Education Centre
Crown Street
Liverpool or email marina.o’
For accommodation details
All enquires in relation to content and scope to Pam Harris, Principal Genetic Counsellor