PSALM 90:1-6,13-17 (David Preston’s version)

O Lord our God, in every age

Our home upon the earth!

Before you built the mountain range

Or brought this world to birth,

From countless eras seen by none

To futures vast, unknown,

You are the Everlasting One

On your eternal throne.

‘Turn back, O man!’ At your decree

We all return to dust,

For, swifter than a day, you see

A thousand ages past;

You sweep us, everyone, away:

We vanish from the light,

As grass springs up and flowers by day,

Yet droops and dies by night.

Turn back, O LORD! In grace return

And crown us with your love:

As once your anger made us mourn,

Now raise our hearts above;

So may your servants see your grace,

Our children know its power,

Your favour all our works embrace

Both now and evermore.

© David G. Preston / Jubilate Hymns. CCLI: 1203197.

Scripture Song: Paraphrase 63 (1 John 3)

Behold th’ amazing gift of love

the Father has bestowed

On us, in calling us his own,

the children of our God!

Concealed as yet this honour lies,

by this dark world unknown,

A world that knew not when he came

e’en God’s eternal Son.

High is the rank we now possess,

but higher we shall rise;

Though what we shall hereafter be

is hid from mortal eyes.

Our souls, we know, when he appears

shall bear his image bright;

For all his glory, full of grace,

shall open to our sight.

A hope so great and so divine

may trials well endure,

And purify the heart from sin

as Christ himself is pure.

Updated version - adapted from Scottish Paraphrases, 1781. Isaac Watts. CM.


Welcome Team: Fred Lees, Angus MacKay, Murdo MacKay, and Joan Chamier-Tripp.

Crèche: 14th – C. MacAskill & Joan Tripp. 21st - Kathleen Sutherland & J. MacIntosh.

Bus Drivers: 14th – D MacRae (865998); 21st – J MacAskill (863410); 28th – H Reid (863746).

Nursing Homes: Fodderty House at 1.45 pm, 21st Nov. – A MacRae.

To Contact the Minister – Rev Angus MacRae: Free Church Manse, Firth View, Dingwall. ' 01349 862183. (Email: ).

CD / Tape Orders: ' Sina (01349 865998) or Fred (01349 864297)

Disabled Access is via a ramp and internal lift at the back door of the church.

Website: Sermons and newsletters are available at

Dingwall & Strathpeffer Free Church is a Designated Scottish Charity: SC011143

welcome to



free church

God calls us to delight in Christ and to share His Hope.

Remembrance Sunday 14th November 2010

Every warrior’s boot used in battleand every garment rolled in blood will be… fuel for the fire. For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:5-6

Led by God, we join together in joyful and reverent worship, seeking unity and maturity in Christ, preparing every believer to share and show God’s Hope as revealed in His Word.

Welcome! We meet for worship in Dingwall at 11.30 am (following the Remembrance parade in the High Street) and 6 pm. Our services will be conducted by Rev John de la Haye. The minister is away this weekend taking gospel meetings in Carloway, Isle of Lewis.

Children go out to Sunday School and Bible Class after the second singing this morning. A crèche is also available in the church hall.

Tea and coffee is served after morning service in the foyer.

Bereavements: We are all deeply saddened by the unexpected death of Leanne MacLennan at home at Ivy Croft,Heights Of Brae, Strathpeffer last Tuesday evening. Leanne was just ten years of age. Her short and happy life touched a great many people. Her parents Angus and Fiona and her twin sister Emma are all very much in our thoughts and prayers. Once all the necessary tests are completed it is possible that a funeral will take place this Saturday or early next week. We also pass on our sympathy to Jenny and Mike Evans and their daughter Katie, following the loss of Jenny’s father, Alfred Turner. A funeral is being held on Monday in Burntisland, Fife. The burial service will take place at Fodderty on Tuesday at 2 pm.

OMF: Our OMF mission partners, Sandra MacDonald and Neil and Rachel Rae, pass on their sincere thanks to all those in the congregation who have supported them financially and through prayer during the past year. An offering for OMF gospel work among East Asians is taken on the second Sunday each month.


Volunteers are required to help sort and pack shoeboxes each weekday (9 am - 4.30 pm) during the appeal period. Please come along if you can spare a few hours. You may leave donations of Christmas Shoeboxes on the tables in the front porch of the church. Leaflets with instructions and a checklist of suggested items are available. Please return your shoebox as soon as possible.


Mini Marvels parent and toddler group meets in the foyer each Tuesday at 10.30 am – apart from school holidays. To get involved please talk to Anna Stirling, Erin Maston or Ishbel MacArthur.

Women for Mission: Women are welcome to the Dingwall Church hall on Tuesday 16th November, when Eilidh Wilkinson will give a talk on: To Malawi and Back! Contact Wendy (864440) if a lift is required. There will be the usual Sales Table.

Prayer & Bible Study: All are welcome to Dingwall Free Church hall this Wednesday at 7.30 pm for a time of prayer and study – with special prayer for the Plenary General Assembly taking place on Thursday and Friday in Edinburgh.

WEC: There is a Missionary Meeting in Castle Street Church Session Room this Thursday 18th at 7.30 pm, featuring WEC International with Douglas Craig and missionaries from Switzerland. All are welcome.

Road to Recovery: A support group is available in the church hall for folk living with addiction. The group meets every Thursday from 7.30 pm. Those directly affected by addiction including carers and family members are all most welcome.

The Solas Centre for Public Christianity hold a conference in Dundee this Saturday, entitled Out of the Silent Church. Speakers include Ravi Zacharias, John Lennox, Stuart McAllister and David Robertson.

The Inverness & North Mission Support Group run a Coffee Morning in the Free North Church hall this Saturday from 10.30 am. Donations of baking and bric-a-brac are welcome.


Women’s Bible Study: A Bible study on The Sermon on the Mount is held at Rhoda MacDonald’s home, 1 Eastbank (862473). Next at 10.30 am this Tuesday 23rd November.

Future Youth Fellowship dates are: 21st November (at the Lees home, 31 Almondbank, Woodlands Road, with Rev Calum MacMillan), and on 5th December.

Monthly Home Groups: Home groups meet on Wednesday 24th November. Each group will arrange a social and fellowship evening on or around the 15th December.

Praise Night at DEC: Dingwall Evangelical Church has arranged an evening of Praise and Worship in Dingwall Community Centre from 7 pm to 8.30 pm on Saturday 27th November. All are welcome.

Ignite hold a praise event at the Ironworks on 27th November at 7.30 pm.

Mart Service: The annual carol service for the farming community is on Sunday December 5th in Dingwall Auction Mart at 3 pm. Arrive by 2.30, as it is always busy. Community singing starts from 2.45 led by the Inverness Gospel Male Voice Choir.


Murdo MacArthur was recently appointed as our new Session Clerk. Murdo has also been appointed as our Child Protection Coordinator while Murdo Mackay is unwell. Any matter of concern, referral or question regarding safeguarding of children or adults at risk should be directed to Murdo in the meantime. (01349 861250).


We have available some tea towels (£4) and DVDs (£6) commemorating 50 years of Free Church youth camps. These are available on the table in the foyer.


Pray for God’s blessing on our worship – that we may grow in faith, hope and love. Remember the minister as he takes special meetings in Carloway and John preaching for us here today.

Remember those who are unwell, their carers and those struggling with addictions.

We pray for those with sore hearts following recent bereavements, particularly the MacLennan and Evans families.

Ask God to bless the Plenary General Assembly meeting this Thursday and Friday.

Pray for the pastors Calum Iain MacLeod and Donnie MacSween and their congregations in our neighbouring village of Evanton. Pray for a peaceful and blessed Lord’s day there today.

Pray for the ongoing vacancies in Maryburgh Free Church and in the Strathpeffer Parish Church. Remember other churches without settled pastors and students training at HTC and at the Free Church College.

Please pray for the work of Osamu and Mairi Nakahashi and the church fellowship in Japan, and for God’s blessing to follow recent outreach events.

Remember Neil & Rachel and Ben and Lucie Rae (Calapan, Philippines) as they prepare for their home assignment next June. Give thanks that two more Bible Studies have become house-churches. Jane Caine from the Birmingham is helping with the home-schooling of Ben and Lucie for three weeks. Neil’s mum, Joey, will visit from 9th to 28th December. OMF UK is facing a difficult time at present, particularly over finance and policy. Pray for wisdom and God’s gracious care.

Pray for God to use the Road to Recovery groups throughout the Highlands.

OMF: The local OMF prayer group meets next on Friday December 3rd at 10.30 am at Christine Craig's home, Fourways, 8 Gladstone Avenue, Dingwall (Tel: 864511).

Remember the work of SASRA, sharing the gospel with soldiers and airmen.

Binyon's lines:

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old;

Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.

At the going down of the sun and in the morning

We will remember them.