Youth MinistriesCoordinator

Grace First Lutheran Church

Bend, Oregon

The youth coordinator at Grace First will provide vision, integrity, leadership, energy and oversight of ministries for youth grades 6-12. Working collaboratively with the youth advisory board, this person will design, grow and shepherd comprehensive, transformative and expanding ministries of faith formation that are innovative and inclusive.

Education required: Bachelors degree preferred

Position status: 10-15 hours per week

Reports to: Church Council

Supervises: Youth and volunteers working with youth

Evaluator: Executive or Personnel Committee/Annual Evaluation

Salary/Benefits: $13 per hour starting. Will be evaluated after 6 months


Vibrant and growing Christian faith

Passion for outreach to middle and high school youth and youth development

Relationship driven, collaborative servant leadership, relatability to youth

Basic understanding and knowledge of Lutheran theology and eagerness to learn and grow as a Lutheran Christian

Strong written and verbal communication, including relatability and communication skills appropriate to youth grades 6-12 as well as adults the coordinator interacts with

Strong technological skills (social media, presentation, computer skills, tools to relate and connect with youth)

Experience with youth ministries preferred

Job Responsibilities:

Model and raise the value of Christ Centered lifestyle by working to minister and serve along with the church family.

Work collaboratively with youth and other church employees, the youth advisory board and parents.

Facilitate a healthy and safe environment. This includes maintaining “safe church” policies and procedures.

Maintain and facilitate an effective youth board composed of churchmembers at large who initiate, supportand oversee direction and content of the middle and high school ministry programs, VBS, confirmation, trips, retreats, service projects and special events.

Assist the youth advisory board in developing and monitoring their annual budget, including fund raising activities.

Recruit, train, and supervise appropriate volunteers to support faith formation programs, activities and events including confirmation and youth Sunday school.

Support and mentor youth to actively participate and share their gifts in worship.

Prepare reports and attend meetings as needed and as directed.

Other duties and responsibilities as assigned.

If interested in applying, please send a cover letter and resume to our Administrator, AnnMarie Anderson at: Grace First Lutheran or send to our physical address: 2265 NW Shevlin Park Rd, Bend, OR 97703.