November 13, 2017
Council President Clentin Martin called the meeting to order at 630P.M.
All those present repeated the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
PRESENT: Bartley, Martin, Logan, Costello, Rosensteel, Fajt, Yarnell
PRESENT:Mayor Dobies, Engineer Regola
CITIZEN'S REMARKS: One Resident asked about a decision about parking on Locust St. and inquired if the work and changes would be done by Thanksgiving.
APPROVAL OF PREVIOUS MEETING'S MINUTES: Motion by Fajt/ Costelloto approve the minutes of the October 9, 2017.
VOTE: Yes 7,No 0, NotPresent 0, Abstain 0.- Motion Carried
CORRESPONDENCE: Mrs. Dusch reviewed the correspondence and copies were provided via Moodle.
MAYOR: A copy of the October police report was made available to council on Moodle: 113 incidents, 32citations, 0 parkingnotices, 0arrests,2225miles logged on the cars and $984.09. collected in fines.
POLICE & EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT: No further police report: Mr. Furin presented his report, a copy is available on Moodle.
BUILDINGS & GROUNDS:Mr. Bartley is going to contact Scott McMahan about installing a water heater and running lines to the bathroom at the Recreation Building in the spring of 2018.
STREETS & SANITATION: Copy of report provided and placed on Moodle. Mr. Yarnell spoke with Tom Boyle from PENNDOT regarding repairs from undermining on Broad St,
FIRE & WATER: Mr. Rosensteel presented the Fire Department Report.
PARKS & RECREATION: Football is over for the season. Park plans to hold a public works session in December.
PLANNING, ZONING & CODE ENFORCEMENT: Mr. Martin presented the Zoning Officer’s report for October: 7permits issued. 2 Sign Permits, 2 Accessory Building Permits, 2 Fence Permits, 1 Occupancy Permit – 1519 Pine St. (Internet Sales)
ENGINEER'S REPORT: Mr. Regola reported that he still has not received the as built drawings from Dollar General. Mr. Fajt stated he would reach out to David Cook at PennTec Ventures regarding the plans.
SEWAGE AUTHORITY REPORT: All is well, working on ACT 537 Completion.
APPROVAL OF BUDGET TRANSFERS: Transfer of $46171.00 from General to Capital Reserve for 2017 Budget Allocations.
Transfer of $30216.00 from Sanitation to Capital Reserve for 2017 Truck Purchase Allocation
Transfer of $25713.87 from Sanitation to General for 3rd Qtr. payroll.
Motion made by Rosensteel/ Bartley to approve the budget transfers.
Vote Yes 7, No 0. Absent 0, Abstain 0 – Motion Carried.
APPROVAL OF BILLS: Motion by Fajt/ Bartley to Approve Payment of Bills.
Vote: Yes 7, No 0, Not Present 0, Abstain 0 – Motion Carried
FINANCIAL REPORT: Mrs.Duschpresented the financial reports. Motion to accept October 2017 made by Logan/ Rosensteel.
Vote Yes 7,No 0, NotPresent 0,Abstain 0 –Motion Carried.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS and Discussion Items: Need to discuss Act 172, which would authorize the borough to grant a tax credit to FIRE and EMS Volunteers, credit can be done through real estate tax (up to 20% tax credit) or set via a stated dollar amount credited to Earned Income. May also set guidelines as to how many hours served, etc.
Need to discuss whether to adopt a resolution prohibiting gambling expansion into the Borough or not. Resolutions must be received by the Gaming Control Board by December 31, 2017.
Need to discuss the parking agreement between the Football Association and the Borough. Will discuss at the December 4, 2017 agenda meeting.
Need to designate a Flood Plain Administrator. As per Flood Control Ordinance, Dave Todaro would be flood plain administrator.
- Motion by Fajt/ Costello to adopt Ordinance2017-13, approving the Parking Restrictions on Locust St.
Vote Yes 6, No 1, Not Present 0, Abstain 0 – Motion Carried
- Motion by Yarnell/ Rosensteel to adopt Ordinance 2017-14, amending the South Greensburg Zoning Ordinance with respect to the Placement and Location of Billboards.
Vote Yes 7,No 0, Not Present 0,Abstain 0 – Motion Carried
- Motionby Bartley/ Logan to advertise the proposed 2018 budget with approval being adopted at the December 11, 2017 regular council meeting.
Vote Yes 7,No 0, Not Present 0, Abstain 0 – Motion Carried.
- Motionby Bartley/ Yarnell to accept the Planning Commission recommendation and approval of Lot 14 and 15R in the Brickyard Commons Development.
Vote Yes 7, No0, Not Present 0, Abstain 0 – Motion Carried
- Motionto raise the salary for the Zoning Officer from $150.00 to $200.00 starting 1/1/2018.
Vote Yes, No, Not Present, Abstain
(Motion did not receive a second, can not be put to vote)
- Motion by Fajt/ Bartley to raise the salary for the Ordinance Officer from $150.00 to $200.00 starting 1/1/2018.
Vote Yes 7,No 0, Not Present 0, Abstain0 – Motion Carried
- Motion by Costello/ Logan to approve Hands on Concepts to place a maximum of ten signs around the Borough to promote “Small Business Saturday 11/25/2017”.
Vote Yes7, No 0, Not Present 0, Abstain 0 – Motion Carried
- Motion by Costello/ Rosensteel to approve the Borough placing an Advertisement on the LED sign, promoting “Small Business Saturday 11/25/2017”.
Vote Yes7, No 0, Not Present 0, Abstain 0- Motion Carried
- Motion by Bartley/ Rosensteel to adopt the proposed resolution from the PSAB opposing House Bill 1620.
Vote Yes 7,No 0, Not Present 0,Abstain 0 – Motion Carried
- Motion by Fajt/ to approve the part-time police officer raise of .50 cents per hour starting 1/1/2018.
Vote Yes 7, No 0, Not Present 0, Abstain 0 – Motion Carried
- Motion by Fajt/ Costello to approve the hiring of Robert Habenal as a part-time police officer effective 11/13/2017.
Vote Yes 7, No 0, Not Present 0, Abstain0 – Motion Carried
- Motion to approve the 2018 agreement for Police Dispatch Service.– Tabled Until Dec. 2017
Vote Yes, No, Not Present, Abstain
- Motion by Yarnell/ to approve the 2018 Membership to COG, Council of Governments. Fee is $195.00
Vote Yes 5, No 2, Not Present 0, Abstain 0 – Motion Carried.
- Motion by Costello/ Logan to approve the 2018 Membership to Pa State Assoc. of Boroughs. Fee is $545.00
Vote Yes 7, No 0, Not Present 0, Abstain 0 – Motion Carried.
- Motion by Costello/ Fajt to approve a Park Public Work Day on 12/9/2017 9am – noon.
Vote 7, No, Not Present 0. Abstain
ADJOURNMENT: Motion by Costello/ Rosensteel to adjourn the meeting at 7pm.
Vote: Yes 7, No 0, Not Present 0, Abstain 0
Respectfully submitted,
M. Michele Dusch