The Marquette District has had a busy year. We hosted the District Celebration at Camp Michigamme with Camp Director Renee Deroche as the speaker. We were sad to learn she was resigning (to spend time with twin grandbabies) but proud thatwe were able to give the Camp $2,471.32.
The Annual Detroit Conference Meeting took place in October at Marquette Hope (formerly FUMC). The theme of the 43rd Annual Celebration was “HARVEST YOUR SPIRITUAL GIFTS—HEALING” and the Keynote Speaker was Vicki Crystal Prewitt from WLUC Channel 6. It was a pleasure and honor to have Bishop David Bard, in attendance.
I was your representative in North Carolina for Leadership Development, and learned that our units are to do Unit and Individual Membership Registration Census ONLINE. GO TO: Please check Pat Carmody and Mary Densmore’s Membership, Nurture, and Outreach article in this newsletter for complete registration directions. This online membership information must be submitted by March 30, 2017.
Be sure to have an Audit for your unit completed by July 1.
Plan to be a 5 Star Giving Unit: There are 5 channels of undesignated, unrestricted annual Mission Giving:
Pledge to Mission, Special Mission Recognition, Gift to Mission, Gift in Memory, and World Thank Offering. (See the form enclosed in this newsletter)
150 years ago, on March 23, 1869, 8 women gathered in Boston, Mass to organize and focus on the needs of women and children and is the predecessor of UMW. We can continue this very important work by a gift to the LEGACY FUND. (More information to come.)
My goal for 2017 is to visit all of the units in the Marquette District. It will help me to prepare if you will let me know questions or concerns that I can address.
With a sisterhood of grace,
Bobbie Clift, Marquette District President
225 W. Michigan St. Marquette, Mi 49855
Vice President
October 4th was the Marquette District’s Annual Celebration at Camp Michigamee. It was a great success and many of our women had fond memories of the camp. The district officers spent the night of October 3rd camping and reliving their younger days. We roasted marshmallows and sang camp songs around the campfire. The whole experience was great!
At this celebration, there was a skit “Why serve on the UMW Marquette District Board?” There were ten reasons, some that made you laugh. The number one reason was “Be fulfilled by sharing the talents God gave you with an organization that has been doing just that….accomplishing great things for 150 years!” I must say that as women of faith, we are given a wonderful opportunity to serve others, and to show the love of Christ. Whether you choose to serve at a local level or a district or conference level, you will receive much more than you give, and meet some pretty amazing women as well!
Kathy Mallory, Vice President 305 S. Steel St, Ontonagon, Mi 49953 906-291-0963
Greetings from Ontonagon! It was great getting to see (or meet) many of you at either the Marquette District UMW Annual Celebration at Camp Michigamme or the Detroit Annual Conference UMW Celebration in Marquette last October. It’s always so neat to worship together and do the business of the District and Conference UMW with like-minded women who love Jesus! AND I got to connect with Shelia Glasgow from Detroit, my friend that I sit with at Annual Conference.
I hope to see many; I mean…ALL of you at the Spiritual Growth Retreat at the Comfort Suites in Manistique on April 28 & 29. “Created for Happiness” is the theme! And we ARE!!
Lastly, in 2016 we lost a Marquette District UMW unit. They just felt like there weren’t enough of them to keep the unit going. I pray for all the UMW units in our Marquette District. I pray that God use them and encourage themand that we ENCOURAGE EACH OTHER. We are doing such a good and Godly work for the women, children and youth in our region, state, nation and world. Please join me in praying for our United Methodist Women.
As you pray…remember our Purpose: The organized unit of United Methodist women shall be a community of women whose PURPOSE is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in global ministries of the church.
Patti Steinberg, District Secretary
1101 Pine Street, Ontonagon, Mi 49953
906 884-2789
Here are a few encouraging numbers to warm you up on these cold winter evenings!
-For the year 2016, the UMW units of the Marquette District gave a total of $36,801. Mission giving was $32,044. Supplementary gifts totaled $4,757. There were 25 giving units.
-At our District Celebration at Camp Michigamee in October, we took an offering for the mission of the camp. The total of this offering and additional offerings sent in by mail was $2,471.32!!
-For 2016 we had 18 5-Star Units, 5 5-Star Women, and 2 5-Star Pastors. 28 individuals were honored by Special Mission Recognition gifts. 5 star forms for this year are included in this newsletter.
It is obvious from these figures that we have a district full of generous individuals, UMW groups, and congregations. Well done, all of you!
Just a few reminders as we begin our new year. Please remember to send all mission giving, offerings, and special contributions to me so that they can be properly credited and documented. There is still the occasional one that is sent in to the District office. Also, all checks must be made out to Marquette District UMW, not to me personally.
We are still suggesting that all groups contribute $4 per member for continued maintenance and repairs of the Grand Rapids Community House. Please send that contribution to me rather than directly to the Community House. I will send the money directly to them. If you wish to contribute to the ongoing programs of ministry at the Community House, then list that contribution on your remittance form in the designated gifts section, specifying that it is for the MINISTRY of GRCH. That money will be sent to the Conference treasurer along with the rest of the regular giving each month.
If you have questions, need forms or other information, please feel free to email or call me. I will be glad to help you in any way I can.
Barb Akins, District Treasurer
717 14th Ave, Menominee Mi 49858
Spiritual Growth
“Open the window, let God’s Spirit blow in…”
I don’t know who maynotbe looking forward to spring! I, personally loveallthe seasons; however, always look forward to thenextone. It’s a change each time but also a time to be excited about what’s coming next, such as the first beautiful snow fall, the birds and flowers showing up, or the bounty of the growing season.
We are probably looking forward to that first warm spring day where we can open the window and let warm fresh air inside our house. It may inspire us to clean (or at least think about it) or get our flower plantings together or plan a trip.
The window in our heart needs to stay open inallseasons, whether it be a cold season of loneliness or the warm season of a blessing. Keep the heart window open so God’s Spirit can blow through. Don’t close yourself up, your heart or your mind, so God’s Spirit can’t blow through. The Breath of God is a promise of victory -- no matter the season!
This spring our annual Spiritual Growth Retreat will be Fri. andSat., April 28 and 29. On Friday, registration will begin at5:00; dinner at6:00and a session following. Saturday begins at8:30(breakfast is available at the hotel) with two sessions, followed by communion and lunch. The theme is “Created For Happiness” from one of the Mission U studies. The retreat is always a time of learning and great fellowship. Please talk with the ladies in your church about attending and make copies of the registration form in this newsletter and circulate it early. I’ll be happy to answer any questions; my phone numbers and email are on the registration form. Deadline for registration isSat. April 22.Please be mindful of the deadlineso the food order can be placed. I look forward to seeing you there.
Jane Yaeger, Spiritual Growth Coordinator
1610 36th Ave #6, Menominee, Mi 49858 -906-864-4433
Social Action/Ed. & Interpretation
Here we are in 2017. Time to plan our program for the year. The Program Book, A Call to Community and The Prayer Calendar are great resources.
“Response” magazine features Bible studies, opportunities for spiritual growth and development, program suggestions, and articles on how your mission money is used. Remember to use the Mission Objectives as a guideline for your planning. (They are included in this issue)
As for social action, put faith, hope, and love into action and volunteer at a local mission, bring hot soup to an elderly neighbor, and have a short visit or send a card of cheer to a shut in. Col. 3:23-24
Darlene Pruess PO Box 443, Manistique, Mi 49854 906-341-2129
Attn: Unit Presidents and Membership chairs
The UMW has a new method of reporting individual, local, and district membership. All units and individual members need to report their 2016 membership information using the web site
The individual registration must be done by each individual member. Only actual members of the UMW should register.
Information you should have onhand when going online to register membership:
Unit Registration:
-Search by the name of your church
(Drop down menu will give you church name, district, conference, jurisdiction, city, state, and zip)
-Enter unit name
-Enter church name and skip down to complete church address.
-Enter unit type. Most will be “local”
-Enter Primary Language-select “English”
-Enter Unit president’s name, telephone number, and email
-Enter number of members as of January 1, 2016
-Enter number of members added in 2016
-Enter number of members lost by death or other reasons in 2016
-Enter name of person reporting: name, and position (other is an option), telephone number, and email
-Does your unit use social media (Facebook, etc.)
-Is social media used to promote events? (continued)
Check all information and then click Submit.
Individual Membership Registration:
Check out this form at and collect the information from each member before going online. The form can be printed. The online form operates the same way as the Unit form.
This MUST be completed by 3/30/2017.
To have questions answered call Maria Rodriguez
212-870-3725 Monday-Friday 9-4:30 p.m. EST.
Pat Carmody Membership Co Chair
1030 Main St, L’Anse, Mi 49946
Mary Densmore, Membership Co Chair 1400 W. Fair Ave, Marquette, Mi 49855 906-475-5953
Program Resources
Spring and Summer are great times to catch up on your reading!!! Remember you only have to read one book in each category. If you go to: will find the complete list of books for this year. We recommend the following:
-The Weight of Mercy
-The White Umbrella
-Coaltown Jesus
-I Love Growing Older, But I’ll Never Grow Old
Have fun. Your reading list is due by Sept. 15.
See you at the Spiritual Growth Retreat! Be sure to bring back any books you checked out at the Annual Celebration. Happy Reading!
Beth Clark 4446 Lake Anna Rd., Florence, WI 54121 715-696-3773
Moira Cowling W8321 Spring Lake Lane, Iron Mt, Mi 49801 906-774-5130
Welcome to Bonnie Picotte, our newest member of the nominating committee. Bonnie has been very active at Ontonagon UMC in a variety of capacities and is currently lay leader. We are pleased that she is joining us on the nominating committee.
It is with deep gratitude that I announce the Sharon Rice, a member of the nominating committee, has agreed to co-chair with me for one year before taking over the position next year. Her enthusiasm will be a huge asset and I look forward to working with her this year.:
Those of you who attended the Fall Celebration at Camp Michigamee were treated to a skit by some of our talented board members outlining the Top Ten Reasons To Serve On The UMW District Board. In case you weren’t there or need a reminder, here is that list:
10. It will make the nominating committee happy—and you won’t get any more phone calls or emails from us.
9. Only 4 board meetings a year…sometimes only 3!
8. You are already here…just come a little earlier! You are already here…get your expenses paid!
7. Feel you need training? No problem-it is offered at Mission U! Can’t go to Mission U? We are here to help you every step of the way! We want you to succeed.
6. Don’t want to be in charge? No problem-share the responsibility with a co-chair or committee.
5. Jane, our Spiritual Growth chair, says “Being on the board isn’t as bad as I thought it would be!”
4. Have fun getting to know a great group of women…strengthen the bonds of friendship with those you already know.
3. Recapture that feeling of excitement as you spread your wings and try something different!
2. Grow in your spiritual walk and learn more about God’s plan for you.
1. Be fulfilled by sharing the talents God gave you with an organization that has been doing just that. Accomplishing great things for 150 years!
We also passed out forms so you could let us know how you might like to serve in the future and/or suggestions you have for others who might serve. Did you lose your form in the holiday rush? I only got one back! Not to worry. You have another chance since one is included in this newsletter!
Thanks! We look forward to seeing you at the Spiritual Growth Retreat. (Continued on next page)
Bobbi Sundquist Nominations co-chair 2708 Hwy M35, Menominee, MI49858 (906)290-0114
Sharon Rice Nominations co-chair 615 Brule, Marquette, MI 49855 (906)226-3643
God of unity and diversity, bless our work in this new year. Grant us the ability to make spaces of discernment, to make time for listening, to make room in our hearts and churches for all. We pray for your healing as we work to heal our divisions and our wounds and reconcile with those we’ve hurt. Give us the strength for repentance and forgiveness. Bring us together not as one voice but as many working together to build your kin-dom. When we push back, push us harder to the margins. In this new year we need new ways of being and new strength to fight the powers that oppress, especially when oppression benefits us. Grant us bravery to bless and be blessed.
Tara Barnes
Editor, response (magazine)
(The 5 Channels of giving are represented by the 5 pts of the “5 star” pin)
- Pledge to Mission –An individual member’s pledge to mission is the amount she decides is her share of the local unit’s budget. A unit Pledge to Mission is the portion of its budget which is set as a goal to send through district and conference treasurers to the Women’s Division for support of mission programs beyond its community. The decision about the amount to be pledged is the responsibility of the unit. The remainder of the unit’s funds are used for administrations and membership development expenses, and for local missions supported by the unit.
Pledge Amount ( )enclosed( ) given to the unit
- Special Mission Recognition –(SMR minimum $40 ) – A gift to mission in honor of any person in amounts of $40, $60, $100, $200, $500, $1000, and $2000. For each giftan oval gold pin with a cross and a certificate with the names of the honoree and the giver are provided by the Women’s Division through the conference treasurer.
Amount of Gift ($40 minimum)
Name of honoree .
Send pin to .
Gifts may also be made in honor of a group or without an honoree’s name.
- Gift to Mission (minimum $5) – A gift or more for mission may be made in honor of any
Individual, and a card will be provided for you to send to the honoree. Cards available are:
Baby, Special Day, Thank You, Thinking of You, Happy Birthday, Christmas, Congratulations, In the Service Of Christ, and Peace. You need not provide the name of the individual honored.
Amount of gift Type of card requested .
- Gift in Memory (minimum $5) Gifts may be made in memory of any individual. Gift in Memory cards, available free, will be provided to send to the family of the deceased. You need not provide the name of the individual or the family. Amount of Gift .
- World Thank Offering- Spontaneous additional gifts can be given in gratitude for God’s abundance and in celebration of the joys of life. This is an opportunity to respond to God’s grace one time or collect coins throughout the year.
Your name Phone .
Address .
Give this form and your donation to your UNIT Treasurer. She will send it to the District treasurer. You will receive a “5 Star” pin, which will be presented to you at a local meeting.
Spiritual Growth Retreat 2017 Marquette District United Methodist Women
April 28 – 29 Comfort Inn at Manistique, MI
“Created for Happiness”
Often happiness tends to be associated with temporary life situations. As Christians, we know we can be happy in Christ beyond life's circumstances. We’ll learn the Biblical definition of happiness is often the same as blessing. When we surrender all our worries and everything else to God's will and concentrate on our relationship with Christ, a relationship based on trust and obedience, we can feel blessed/happy.