Course Syllabus for Personal fitness
Credit Earned: ½ Carnegie Unit for a grade of 70 or higher
Personal fitness is class that is part class work and part physical participation. The physical participation portion of the class will be conducted after the academic issues have been addressed. If it becomes necessary to make a change we will make every effort to inform you as soon as possible. The Physical Education department reserves the right to restrict items of clothing that it deems inappropriate. You will receive a dress out protocol letter.
Class will meet in the assigned area unless otherwise instructed. Writing utensils are a must on most days. Pleasecome to class prepared! You will be required to keep a note book for this class. The best type would be a small three ring binder with 5 dividers. This notebook should include a date for every day of class with a brief description of the assignment(s) of the day. We only have a class set of books so this is very important! It is your responsibility to make sure any items of value are secured. I suggest you give them to your teacher prior to dressing out. If it is not necessary to bring it to school you probably need to leave it at home.
Discipline in this class is based on Mutual Respect! I respect you, you respect me, and all of you respect each other.
Unacceptable behavior(s) are any behavior that may cause harm to anyone whether it is physical or emotional.
Consequences:(Verbal reprimand and warning)
- Community service( trash pick- up or cleaning),or Personal Improvement ( push up position or pushups)
- Parent contact
- Detention
- Office referral
- If offense is severe in nature it may cause immediate removal from class.
50% of student’s grade will be summative- based on dressing out, participation, performance (effort, skills, and exercises) tests, and quizzes, and SLO.
30% of student’s grade will be formative – based on class/homework, Q&A, observation of skills (effort)
20% of student’s grade will be from final
5 points will be deducted from participation grade for non-dresses, conduct problems.
If you miss a class activity for any excused reason you will be required to do an extra Friday article for each day out. Article must be turned in with your written work.
It is customary to drop at least one categories lowest grade.
Your signature implies an understanding and agreement to the above rules and regulations.
Student Signature______
Parent signature______
Teacher contact information: Office: 770-651-6592
Email: : website under the name of staff member Lyssa Hilko
Thanks in advance for your cooperation.
Yours for Kids,
Lyssa Hilko