Recreation Leader Application- Central Campus

Application Process:

1.)All candidates must be currently enrolled, and candidates who are returning students must have a cumulative 2.5 grade point average.

2.)Candidates must be enrolled in at least ten (10) credit hours.

3.)Applicants must complete Application form.

4.)Applicants must submit an unofficial CPCC transcript.

5.)Applicant must submit a résumé with prior work experience and/or extra-curricular academic activities.

6.)Applicants must have a letter of recommendation from a faculty member, or current/former employer.

7.)Applicants must complete the questionnaire form.

8.)Applicants selected for an interview will be interviewed by the Student Life Intramurals and Recreation Assistant Coordinator.

9.)Applicants must be able to commit and be accountable for up to and including ten (10) hours of work per week, including attending the weekly SGA meeting.

10.)Recreation Leaders may not hold a faculty, administrative, or full-time position with the College.

Application Form

Name: ______

CPCC Email: ______

CPCC Student ID #: ______

Cell Phone #: ______

Program of Study/Major: ______

Cumulative GPA: ______

  • Do you understand that this is a serious position, and will require up to and including ten (10) hours of work per week? Any changes to the agreed upon work schedule will need to be submitted to, and accepted by the Student Life Intramurals and Recreation Assistant Coordinator AT LEAST one calendar week before the affected dates.
  • Not following the scheduling requirement, as well as not remaining accountable for the duties of the position may lead to corrective action; including dismissal from the position.

Applicant Signature:______

Date: ______

Questionnaire Form:

1.)Why are you interested in a Recreation Leader Position?

2.)What qualities do you feel are important for a leader to be effective? Do you possess those qualities?

3.)How would you handle a situation where a student participant is not following the Rules and Regulations of Intramurals and Recreation?

To Complete the Application Process:

1.)Complete the Application Form.

2.)Complete the Questionnaire Form.

3.)Attach your unofficial CPCC Transcript.

4.)Attach your résumé with prior work experience and/or extra-curricular academic activities.

*Extra-curricular academic activities may include volunteer services, participation in student clubs/organizations at CPCC, or any experience that you feel is relevant to this position.

5.)Attach your letter of recommendation from a faculty member, or current/former employer.

6.)Print out, and staple/paper-clip all required documents together.

7.)Once all forms are complete, and put together; submit the completed forms to the Central Campus Student Life Office in Overcash 241.

Email Justin Knoll at for any questions.