TASFAA Board Meeting
December 18, 2008
Conference Call
Members and Committee Chairs Present: Rick Renshaw, Carolyn Jones, Lisa Blazer, Enrique Garcia, David Ximenez, Tia Clary, Ed Turney, Amy Hardesty, Richard Silva, Rick Moreno, Lyn Wheeler, Raul Lerma
Not Present: Mary Gallegos-Adams, Kathy Bassham, James Anderson, Mari Chapa, Marci Beasley, Dana Mingo, Jimmy Parker, Tomas Campos, Desiree Kornum-Byrne, Linda Gonzalez-Hensgen
Rick called the meeting to order at 10:12 a.m.
Discussion and adoption of the budget:
FY08 / FY08 / Over/ / % of / FY09 / FY09Actual / Budget / Budget / Budget / Requested / Adopted
ABC Workshop Fees / 700 / 3,500 / (2,800) / 20.00% / 6,500 / 100@65
Fall Conference Fees-Current YR / 99,745 / 112,500 / (12,755) / 88.66% / 125,375 / 425@$295/late + $100
Fall Conference Fees-Prior YR / 4,025 / 2,500 / 1,525 / 161.00% / 2,000
Investment Revenue / 2,188 / 2,000 / 188 / 109.38% / 1,500
Membership Dues / 22,500 / 24,000 / (1,500) / 93.75% / 37,500 / 250@$150
Miscellaneous / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
New Aid Officers Workshop Fees / 30,015 / 43,000 / (12,985) / 69.80% / 41,450 / 420/395/275/late + $50
Regional Training Fee / 12,295 / 20,500 / (8,205) / 59.98% / 9,375 / 200@$20 + 100@$50
Transfer from Reserves (if necessary) / 68,400 / 28,950
Total Income / 171,468 / 276,400 / (104,932) / 62.04% / 252,650 / 0
Board of Directors / 9,588 / 25,000 / (15,412) / 38.35% / 15,000
Past President / 1,248 / 1,000 / 248 / 124.76% / 0
President / 430 / 2,600 / (2,170) / 16.54% / 2,250
President Elect / 1,382 / 4,500 / (3,118) / 30.72% / 4,250
Rookie of the Year (Trailblazer Award) / 2,500 / (2,500) / 0.00% / 250
Total Travel / 3,060 / 10,600 / (7,540) / 28.87% / 6,750 / 0
Stipend-Secretary ($200/month / 400 / (400) / 0.00% / 2,400
Stipend-Treasurer ($350/month) / 3,850 / 4,200 / (350) / 91.67% / 4,200
Total Stipends / 3,850 / 4,600 / (750) / 83.70% / 6,600 / 0
President's Discretionary / 366 / 2,000 / (1,634) / 18.28% / 1,250
Administrative/Miscellaneous / 9,513 / 10,000 / (487) / 95.13% / 10,000
Suspense / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
Committee Expenses
Standing Committees
Fall Conference Committee / 785 / 6,000 / (5,215) / 13.09% / 3,000
Finance Committee / 250 / (250) / 0.00% / 250
Membership Committee / 1,500 / (1,500) / 0.00% / 750
Nominations/Elections Committee / 500 / 250 / 250 / 200.00% / 500
Training Committee / 66 / 3,000 / (2,934) / 2.21% / 3,000
Ad Hoc Committees
Awareness/Partnership Dvlpmnt Comm. / 142 / 1,500 / (1,358) / 9.44% / 1,500
Awards Committee / 292 / 500 / (209) / 58.30% / 300
Communications Network Committee / 1,000 / (1,000) / 0.00% / 250
Constitution and Bylaws Committee / 100 / (100) / 0.00% / 750
Newsletter/Public Relations Comm. / 3,720 / 2,000 / 1,720 / 186.01% / 750
Regional Training Committee / 617 / 2,000 / (1,383) / 30.84% / 2,000
President's Advisory Council / 750 / (750) / 0.00% / 500
Scholarship Committee / 500 / (500) / 0.00% / 500
Site Selection Committee / 750 / (750) / 0.00% / 750
Operational Expenses
Annual Report Printing / 2,250 / (2,250) / 0.00% / 3,250
Database Services (ATAC) / 5,270 / 7,600 / (2,330) / 69.34% / 7,000
Fall Conference - Current Year / 166,580 / 100,000 / 66,580 / 166.58% / 125,000
Fall Conference - Prior Year / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
High School Partnership Trng / 905 / 5,000 / (4,095) / 18.10% / 4,000
Mack Adams Scholarship / 8,861 / 15,000 / (6,139) / 59.08% / 10,000
Regional Training / 17,302 / 33,000 / (15,698) / 52.43% / 18,000
Award Pins, Plaques, and Certificates / 1,250 / (1,250) / 0.00% / 1,000
Training-NAOW/ABC / 25,759 / 38,000 / (12,241) / 67.79% / 28,000
Uncategorized Expenses / 2,000 / (2,000) / 0.00% / 2,000
Total Expenses / 257,177 / 276,400 / (19,223) / 93.05% / 252,650 / 0
Net Income / (85,709) / 0 / (85,709) / 0 / 0
NOTE: Income assumes increases in ABC fees (from $70 to $100); NAOW fees ($250/375/400 to $275/395/420) and fall conference fees ($225 to $295). Current year membership dues were increased by last board and set for this year's budget. Regional training fees also were set for this year and assumes decreased participation.
Carolyn motioned that the budget be approved and Henry seconded the motion. Rick discussed the last fiscal year budget income and expenses. Conference expenses were larger than budgeted. Lisa explained the high cost for the conference hotel - high service fees for food service, AV expenses – internet, laptop and projector in each break out room, service charges for setup of the equipment as well; food fee was high but the food was good. Lisa suggested a higher conference fee to help with higher costs.
Rick and Dana Mingo are going to meet with the conference hotel to get a better picture of the projected cost. There are a few other changes with the FY09 budget. Members who can not receive reimbursement has helped to keep the costs down, current secretary can receive stipend so this years expense will be larger than last year, committee chairs will be meeting mainly by conference call and email communication, high school counselor training if the Department of Education’s information is used only state information would need to be added – might help cut the cost for this line item. Rick will work with Lea on adopting the Department’s handout.
Tia mentioned that the ABC workshop’s actual charges have only been $25. The form has not been updated to increase the fee. Lisa suggested the fees be increased to help cover the actual cost of the workshop.
Rick discussed the fall conference fee shortfall for last year. If the fee was raised, it would help cover this deficit. There were over 400 attendees at last year’s conference. Rick will work with Dana on an agenda to make it good for all levels of staff.
Investment revenue was reduced due to the current economic situation. Rick hopes the estimate in the budget will be a good estimate for next year.
Membership dues could not be changed for this year. Melissa Elliott has been given the challenge of renewing 250 members for this year. She has already been working towards this goal.
Tia stated that the correct fee charges for the NAOW were $425/$400/$275. Lisa stated that the correct fee for the Regional Training Fee was $25. Lisa wondered if we need to reduce the number of locations or add it prior to the fall conference so that more people can attend. Rick asked if the budget was too low but Lisa felt like it should be fine for now. She will need to check with Marci to find out how many attendees have participated so far.
Rick was not sure where any other expenses could be cut or a place to increase revenue.
Henry questioned whether the annual report had to be printed. Lisa stated that it did need to be printed to send to college presidents and state senators. The printed number has been reduced but Rick will work with Harold to see if there is another way to reduce the cost involved in printing the report.
Adopt budget as presented by motion on the floor. 9 ayes were received and the motion passed.
Last year’s budget has a deficit. Authorization is needed to transfer from investments $80,000 to cover the deficit.
Lynn moved that authorization be given to the treasurer to pull funds from reserves to cover the deficit and Carol seconded the motion. 9 approvals were received. Motion carries.
Rick asked for an approval of the Committee Vice Chairs.
Committee / Type / 09-10 Chair (08-09 Vice Chair)Fall Conference (incl. Assoc. Rel.) / Standing / Anne Walker - Rice
Finance / Standing / TBD
Membership (incl. MLDI) / Standing / Terri Thompson - Weatherford College
Nominations & Elections / Standing / Caren Steward - ATI Enterprises Inc.
Training (NAOW/ABC) / Standing / TBD
Awards / Ad hoc / Carolyn Mallory - UH Victoria
Communications Network (incl. AAR) / Ad hoc / Candice Lindsey - UT Tyler
Constitution and Bylaws / Ad hoc / Shannon Crossland - Texas Tech
Early Awareness (incl. HS Part.) / Ad hoc / TBD
Newsletter/Public Relations / Ad hoc / Melet Leafgreen - TCU
President's Advisory Council / Ad hoc / Rick Renshaw - DCCCD
Regional Training / Ad hoc / Wes Vanderburg - DBU
Scholarship / Ad Hoc / Christins Quintanilla - Texas Lutheran
Site Selection / Ad Hoc / JimAnn Batenhorst - South Plains College
Secretary / Amy Hardesty
President-Elect / TBD
President / Carolyn Jones
Past President / Rick Renshaw
Treasurer / Tia Clary
Lyn had a question regarding ATI. Is ATI a voting or associate member? ATI is a school.
Raul motioned that the committee vice chairs be approved. Lisa seconded. 9 approvals were received and the motion carries.
NAOW is still being worked on. The proposal is being worked on and John Wells is going to compare last year’s contract to this year’s contract. This will be discussed in the future. A three year contract is in the works and should be finalized soon.
Amend the authorization card for the bank. Tia has collected information for Rick, Carolyn and David to sign on the TASFAA bank account. Tia requested that the minutes reflect that the following be listed as authorized endorsers on the bank signature card: Rick Renshaw, Carolyn Jones, David Ximenez and Tia Clary.
Lyn motioned that the change be made to the bank authorization be approved and Lisa seconded the motion. Amy took the vote and stated 9 approvals were received. The motion carries.
New business:
Attorney General…Lisa is working with them and should have information after the new year.
The next Board Meeting will be February 10th and 11th at the Windham Hotel (at Love Field). Finance committee to meet before the board meeting if Carolyn would like. Board meeting will begin at noon and end by 11:00 a.m. the next day. Lisa suggested that we do not have a break on the second morning since we end early. Lyn suggested that they take into account those that can’t eat. Carolyn mentioned that there is usually a minimum of 25 normally when you cater meals. This hotel has not charged for the room reservation if we spend $1000 in food. David shows that the room had a charge on the pre-bill. Carolyn said that they are changing ownership so things may have changed. Lyn thought it might be cheaper to eat in the restaurant and pay for the room rental. Lisa stated that meals could be charged to the room and TASFAA would cover the cost if that was a concern for anyone. Carolyn suggested that we still share rooms if possible to cut costs.
Rick wished very one a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
There being no further business, Rick adjourned the meeting at 10:56 a.m.