EuGESMA: 7th WG & 9th MC Meeting
October07 - 09, 2012, İstanbul
Registration & Accommodation Form
Name of the participant:
Phone Number:
City:Zip Code:Country:
□YES, I would like to participate in the conference „EuGESMA - 7th Work Group & 9th Management
Committee meeting” being held in Istanbul, Turkey, 7th – 9th October, 2012
□YES, I accept the cost of my participation and accommodation in the amount of €370.00 per
person for two days of the conference: (to include Coffee breaks, lunch, name badge, certificate of attendance; Holiday Inn Istanbul City Hotel l, 2 nights Single Standard Room, Bed & Breakfast basis, VAT included)
Check-in: 07.10.2012
Check-out: 09.10.2012
□Additional night on 9th October in Holiday Inn Hotel at €120.00 (check out 10th October)
VISA MasterCard
Card Holders Name:
Expiration date:
Total Amount:
Cancellation Policy
- No penalty for cancellations up to 21September 2012.
- Cancellations made after 21September 2012, total amount will be assessed.
I hereby authorise EMPATİ KONGRE ORGANİZASYON EĞİTİM VE TURİZM HİZMETLERİ TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. to charge for the services indicated above on this form. I declare that I am the owner of the card.
All reservation forms are required to be sent to the e-mail: or fax to +902164568920.
Should you wish to pay by bank transfer, please see the payment details below:
Please make drafts payable in Euro to:
Account Name:Empati Kongre Organizasyon Egt. Ve Turizm. Hizm. Tic. Ltd. Sti.
Bank Details:Garanti Bank
Account Number:391-9083999
IBAN Number:TR69 0006 2000 3910 0009 0839 99
Please ensure the name of the congress and of the participant are stated on the bank transfer.
Bank charges are the responsibility of the participant and should be paid at source in addition to the registration and accommodation fees.