7th Grade Math

Ms. Katherine Rearick ath Office Phone: 391-3313

Welcome to math class! You can expect this course to be challenging, yet rewarding. Prepare to work hard and see your efforts pay off. In order to be successful in math class, you need to come prepared to learn each and every day. That means bring all your materials, your completed assignments, and a positive attitude.

Materials List: 3-ring binder, notebook paper, dividers, pencils, grading pen, graph paper, and a dry-erase marker. (Other helpful recommendations: ruler, calculator). Students may bring cell phones, ear buds, tablets and/or iPads to use in the classroom. However teachers reserve the right to decline technology usage during class if not used properly according to school/district guidelines. Janitell Jr. High and staff are not responsible for the safety and upkeep of personal electronic devices. Each student will receive a “consumable” math book which can be written in and pages removed. Please keep your book in your 3-ring binder, and take care of it. There is a very limited number of replacement books. Books will only be replaced at the student’s expense.

Homework Support: Beginning 9/6/16, Homework Support will be available in the library from 2:50 to 3:50 pm on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. No after-school activities on Fridays.

Math Department Homework Policy: Homework may not be assigned every night. Homework will be checked for completion and students will keep a Homework Agenda for each unit. Homework Agendas will be sent home for parent to view and sign at the end of each unit. All homework for a unit must be submitted by the end of the each unit prior to the unit exam and will receive reduced credit for being late. Students completing every assignment on time, obtaining signatures for every unit on his/her Homework Agenda, and having no ISD or OSS will be eligible to attend 2017 Sky Sox Math Day (date TBA).

Please sign stating you have read and understand the materials list and policies:


Student printed name Student Signature

Attention Parents:

Both students and parents can access grades on the Infinite Campus website. You will find the link on the school's website, http://janitell.wsd3.org. You will need a user ID and password. If you do not already have one, please check with the main office or your child's counselor. Grades are usually entered daily and updated every Thursday.

WSD3 has adopted a new math curriculum this year. This curriculum is accessible on the computer. Students will have an opportunity to complete assignments online in place of on paper. Please acknowledge below whether your student has internet access at home.

Please check all that apply:

□My student has access to the internet and will be able to complete some assignments online.

□I acknowledge that if my student does not have internet access at home, he/she will be expected to complete assignments on paper.

□I have access to and check Infinite Campus regularly.

□I have an email address in Infinite Campus where I can be reached regarding my student.

□My email is not in Infinite Campus, please email me regarding my student at:


□I do not have an email address, but I can be reached by phone at:______.


Parent Signature Date