Getting to know our members…

Please meet Julie Sanders.

My husband Scott & I live in East Canton on a small hobby farm. We’ve raised three wonderful boys along with 2 dogs. My husband drafted me into raising cattle and helping the boys with the rest of their 4-H projects. I liked it so much that I soon acquired my own animals. I have egg laying chickens, a donkey named Vic and some acquired ducks that use to belong to our neighbor. I do enjoy spending time outside, hiking, gardening, working or just sitting in the sun reading. I am the clerical assistant at our family funeral businesses.

Say hello to Julie today!

~Leadership Roster~
Mark Cook - Chairman of
Phone: 330- 866-9375
Email: / Charlie Reed - Chairman of Deacons
Phone: 330-323-9375
Email: / Paul Fox, Jr. - Chairman of the Board
Phone: 330-495-4082

February 26, 2017
9 wks / Attend / Offering Totals
8 a.m. Worship / 47
Sunday School / 79
Main Worship / 139 / $3,229.00
Budget Needed Weekly / $3,755.92
Faith Promise $345.00 / $15,249.00
Faith Promise Pledge / $21,000.00
Amount Needed Weekly / $403.85
~Building Vision Fund~
Clay Pot Amt. $4.00 / $414.00
Scrap Metal $150.00 / $716.00
Paper $0 / $125.98
Building Pay Down $164.00 / $6,900.98

March 5, 2017

The Lord's Day

8368 Hill Church Street, SE

East Canton, Ohio 44730


"Like" Us on Facebook

Terry Bailey, Minister


Caleb Bailey, Youth Minister


Sunday Services

8:00 a.m. and 10:15 a.m. - Worship

9:15 a.m. - Sunday School

6:00 p.m. - Social Time

6:30 p.m. - Adult Bible Study

6:30 p.m. - Youth Group


Worship Leader Sarah Bailey


Meditation Mark Oberly Offering Prayer Jeff Burner


Washing Gary Wellendorf


Usher Archie Sanders

Usher Craig Yoho

Usher Chris Fallot

Usher Gary Wellendorf

Jeff Burner

Joe Costello

Paul Fox, Jr.

Fritz Haines

Rick Mohr

Josh VanVoorhis

Order of Worship


Time of Silent Prayer

Scripture Psalm 119:105-107

A Time for Praise

Praise Team

A Time for Prayer

Why Should He Love Me So?

(Please pass your Prayer Cards to the aisle)

Review of Prayer Concerns and Prayer

A Time for Preaching and Response

Special Music - Mike Griffith

Message - The Gideons

*Our Great Savior

A Time for Remembrance

and Giving

How Great Thou Art

(All Christians are welcome to partake)

To God Be the Glory



Birthdays and Anniversaries


*Jesus Is the Sweetest Name I Know

* Congregation please stand if able

Today's Activities

5:30p.m.- Fellowship

Committee Meeting

6:30 p.m. - Youth Group

Upcoming Activity Dates

March 7 at 7:00pm-Deacons Meeting

March 7at 6:30pm- Elders Meeting

March 11 - Card Making Workshop

March 12 - Daylight Savings Time Ends

March 12 at 5:00pm - VBS Meeting

March 19- Melton Family Singers March 26 at 7:30pm- Wing Night

April 16 - Easter

April 29 - Tulip Tea

May 21 - Faith Promise

Additional Information

Pantry items for March are canned vegetables such as carrots, peas, mix vegetables, canned potatoes, etc. We have plenty of green beans. There is a box across from the office for your donations. Thank you!

Spring Revival at Little Country Church on March 5th - 8th. Guest speaker Dr. Gareth Cockerill. If you have questions, call 330-866-9035.

Ladies of IRCC please complete the Women's Ministry Survey located at the Welcome Center. Then place it in the white container located on the table. Thank you!

Women's Ministry will host a Card Making Workshop on Sat. March 11 from 10am-2pm to make cards for the children in our Children's Mentoring Ministry program. ALL ladies are welcome.Casserole and dessert will be provided for lunch. If you have any questions, please call Mary Sanders at 330-323-7809.

March 19 we will have a visit from the Melton Family singers who will lead worship in both services with a concert in the Sunday School hour.

Free will offering will be taken.

Community Maundy Thursday Service atSanctuary Church of God on April 13 at 7:00 pm.

Barn Sale - May 18-19-20 from 9:00am - 5:00pm.Please drop off your donated items at the church. If you have larger items or have any questions, call the church office at 330-488-2937 for assistance.

April 16 - Easter Service Times

Sunrise Service 7:00 am

Breakfast 8:00 am

Sunday School 9:15 am

Worship Service 10:15 am

Continuing Needs

Jim Beavers

Dick Borne

Helen Cross

Sue Halsey

Darlene Krider

Jeannie Meade

Kathy Mitchell

Steve Phillips

Ryan Plesia

Sophia Rae

Patricia Schiemann

Annika Shankle

Reagan Terry

Logan Trizna

Denise VanVoorhis

Prayer List

Sylvia Albright

Baby May

Dale and Ella Bailey

Mikel Bailey

Pat Barnhouse

Mindy Baum

Jorree Beavers

Willard Berkebile

Jake Cusick

Jane Long Dye

Betty Foltz

Family of Evelyn Gearhart

Doug Johnson

Rusty Johnson

Sylvia Jones

Paul McCarty

Alfred and Paul McGilton

Jimmie Metz

Vince Perkowski

Barb Posatiere

John Powell

Amanda Mae Rhinehart

Krissy Shockling

Elmer Snider

Bessie Stanojevic

Kim Tekip

Ed Weisend

Roy Williams

Jerry Wood

Nursing Homes

Ethel Adkins – St. Joseph’s

Joyce Carroll -Canton Christian Home

Carolyn King - Hospitality House

Marion Lowery - St. Joseph's

Denise VanVoorhis - Hennis Care

Gary Young