Please remove guidance notes but retain the headings in bold for your submission

1. Think of a recent therapy session/CPD activity event, issue or process you found challenging
This can be anything e.g. an experience with an individual client orprofessional, a short course, a supervision
session, a presentation to a SIG, a review of an article, writing a business plan, completing a
funding application, writing an induction course, attending a case conference, designing an audit
2. Describe the session/event/experience
Describe briefly what happened and who else was involved.
3. Analyse the event/issue/process
What were your views, thoughts and feelings? How did they affect your behaviours, interactions with others involved or impact upon the event/situation itself (whichever may be relevant)?
4. What might you want to change?
What specifically could you have done differently? How might that have changed the outcome for you, the other person/people or the situation?
5. What has this session/event/issue/process taught you?
Write down what you have learnt from this event. What are the key learning points/outcomes you will take from this? What are your specific steps to making change and how will you monitor your progress?
6. What references/evidence do you intend to use to support your discussion?
7. Tutors section:
Tutors to make notes of themes/questions (identified through the written submission) for the tutorial discussion here

Updated September 2012

ADULT REFLECTIVE WRITING FORM (amended from the RCSLT CPD Toolkit, 2006)

Please remove guidance notes but retain the headings in bold for your submission

1. Think of a recent therapy session/CPD activity event, issue or process you found challenging
This can be anything e.g. an experience with an individual client orprofessional, a short course, a supervision
session, a presentation to a SIG, a review of an article, writing a business plan, completing a
funding application, writing an induction course, attending a case conference, designing an audit
2. Describe the session/event/experience
Describe briefly what happened and who else was involved.
3. Analyse the event/issue/process
What were your views, thoughts and feelings? How did they affect your behaviours, interactions with others involved or impact upon the event/situation itself (whichever may be relevant)?
4. What might you want to change?
What specifically could you have done differently? How might that have changed the outcome for you, the other person/people or the situation?
5. What has this session/event/issue/process taught you?
Write down what you have learnt from this event. What are the key learning points/outcomes you will take from this? What are your specific steps to making change and how will you monitor your progress?
6. What references/evidence do you intend to use to support your discussion?
7. Tutors section:
Tutors to make notes of themes/questions (identified through the written submission) for the tutorial discussion here

Updated September 2012