Semmes Middle School
7th Grade Civics
Mr. Brown
Course Description: The curriculum for 7th Social Studies is divided into two semesters; one semester of Civics and another of Geography. The course is intended to teach concepts of Civics & Geography set forth by the Alabama Core Standards.
Textbook: Civics- Building Citizenship: Civics & Economics. Geography- National Geographic: World Cultures & Geography.
- 3 Ring Binder
- Pencil or Pen (blue or black)
- Dividers
- Highlighter
-Students will need to divide their notebook into 3 sections: Bellringers, Notes, Classwork.
- 60% Tests
- 30% Classwork
- 10% Bellringers/HW
Grading Scale:
- A:100-90
- B: 89-80
- C: 79-70
- D: 69-60
- E: 59-0
- Email:
- Remind 101: Text @b3kc77 to 81010
-Sign up for class text alerts to receive updates on homework, quizzes, test, and other important information. Download the Remind101 app to be able to chat with Mr. Brown for help!
Classroom Rules/Procedures:
- Respect everyone by displaying good manners.
- Follow directions.
- Raise your hand to be recognized and do not speak out of turn.
- Come to class with all needed materials.
- No eating or drinking in class (except during snack).
- No personal grooming or make-up application in class. (Will be taken up immediately)
- Be in your seat & beginning the daily bellringer when tardy bell rings.
- Label all assignments with your name, date, and class period.
- Be kind & respectful to everyone at all times!
- Raise your hand and wait to be recognized to speak.
- Stay in your seat unless otherwise directed.
- Only positive comments allowed. We do not bully or diminish others.
- Wait to be dismissed. The bell does not dismiss you, I do!
- Verbal warning 1. Positive note/call home
- P.E. detention/call home2. Treats
- Parent conference3. Privileges
- Administrative referral
Absentee Policy:
- YES — WE DID SOMETHING IMPORTANT WHILE YOU WERE ABSENT. It is your responsibility to check on the day you return to class to find out what you missed. Check the absentee folders (or class website) to find any handouts you missed.
- e-submission policy: You are always welcome to e-mail me your assignments. There is no excuse to not have an assignment in on time (printer issues are no exception!). Printer and Internet issues are not an excuse.
- Any assignment you are absent for will be entered as a ONE until it is turned in.
I, ______, have read and understand the rules and expectations for 7th Civics/Geography. I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to contact my teacher if I have any questions or concerns. I know that this syllabus, assignments, calendars, and resources are available to me on the class website at any time. I know that assignments can be emailed to the teacher at any time and that printer/computer/flash drive issues are not an excuse for late assignments.
Student Signature