Annual Grants Program
Grant Application Guidelines – Deadline: March 31
- Complete the attached Grant Application Form.
- For grant requests above $1,000 (grant requests of $1,000 or less need only complete page 2):
Provide the following information in narrative form in the order requested. Five to seven pages or less is recommended excluding attachments.
- Organizational Information
- Brief summary of organization history.
- Brief summary of organization mission and goals.
- Description of current programs, activities, service statistics, and strengths/accomplishments.
- Your organization’s relationship with other organizations working to meet the same needs or providing similar services. Please explain how you differ from these other agencies.
- Number of board members, full time paid staff, part-time paid staff, and volunteers.
B. Purpose of Grant
1. Situation
- The situation---opportunity, problem, issue, need, and the community---that your
proposal addresses.
- How that focus was determined.
- Who was involved in that decision-making process.
2. Specific activities
- Specific activities for which you seek funding.
- Who will carry out those activities. (If individuals are known, describe qualifications.)
- Your overall goal(s) and objectives.
- Time frame in which all this will take place.
3. Impact of activities
- How the proposed activities will benefit St. Anthony Park, being as clear as you can about the impact you expect to have.
- Long-term strategies (if applicable) for sustaining this effort.
- Evaluation
- How will you measure the effectiveness of your activities?
- Your criteria (measurable, if possible) for a successful program and the results you expect to have achieved by the end of the funding period.
- Who will be involved in evaluating this work (staff, board, constituents, community, consultants)?
- How will evaluations be used?
1. Finances
- Financial statements from your most recently completed fiscal year, whether audited or unaudited.
- Organization and/or Project Budget identifying the source and amount of matching funds.
- List names of corporations and foundations that you are soliciting for funding, with dollar
amounts, indicating which sources are committed, pending, or anticipated.
2. Other Supporting Materials
- List of board members and their affiliations.
- One-paragraph description of key staff, including qualifications relevant to the specific request.
- A copy of your current IRS determination letter (or your fiscal agent’s) indicating tax-exempt status.
Grant Application Form
Name of Organization
City, State, ZipTelephonee-mailwebsite
Applicant Name TitleTelephonee-mail address
Contact Person (if different from above)TitleTelephonee-mail address
Is your organization a 501(c)3 not-for-profit? ____Yes____No
If no, name of fiscal sponsor:______
Total dollar Amount Being Requested:$______
Funds are being requested for: ______technical assistance______general operating support
______equipment______strategic planning
______project/program support Other:______
If a project, give project duration: _____Month _____Year to _____Month _____Year
If operating support, fiscal year: _____Month _____Year to _____Month _____Year
Total annual organization budget:$______
Total project budget (for support other than general operating):$______
Matching funds (please note any contribution deadlines):$______
Source of matching funds and matching ratio:______
Please provide a 2-3 sentence summary of your request:
Population Served:______
SignaturePrint NameTitleDate
Questions and Answers
What will be the size of the grants?
Large Grants will be awarded up to $5,000.
What types of programs will be supported?
In keeping with its mission “to nurture the unique community assets of St. Anthony Park to secure a strong and vibrant neighborhood for future generations,” the Foundation has identified the following priority areas for its grants program:
Improving our environment
Strengthening learning opportunities
Enhancing livability
Supporting aging-in-place solutions
Promoting business vitality
Cultivating life-long appreciation for the arts
Projects that foster volunteerism and collaboration among organizations are strongly encouraged.
What programs will NOT be supported?
- To carry on propaganda, or otherwise to attempt to influence legislation.
- To influence the outcome of any specific public election, or to carry on, directly or indirectly, any voter registration drive, with certain very limited exceptions.
- To an individual for travel, study or other similar purposes, unless certain requirements are satisfied, including the obtaining of advance approval from the IRS.
Who may apply for a grant?
Not-for profit organizations, neighborhood and community-based groups serving the needs of St. Anthony Park are eligible for funding. For the purposes of this grant program, “St. Anthony Park” includes the
St. Anthony Park Community Council boundaries, the University Grove area, 1666 Coffman, the Fulham block of Lauderdale and the St. Paul Campus of the University of Minnesota.
What is the application deadline and when will grant recipients be announced?
Applications must be postmarked no later than midnight the March 31; recipients will be notified in May.
How does an organization apply for a grant?
Complete the “Grant Application Form” and submit with your proposal including the information requested in the “Grant Application Guidelines” (if grant request is above $1,000) to:
Jon Schumacher(Tel: 651-641-1455)
Executive Director
Saint Anthony Park Community Foundation
PO Box 8038
St. Paul, MN 55108-0038