Dear Parents,

Soon your child will begin working on a research paper about a very important

person – You! Students will pick a parent (or guardian) and then research the year that parent graduated from high school in terms of news, music, and trends. They will also give a brief biography of the parent, his or her high school, and his or her birthplace. Fear not! We will get through this process together. Believe it or not, this is going to be an exciting and rewarding experience for your child. Hopefully, you will enjoy it too!

This “Back in the Day” research paper is a step-by-step process through which I will carefully guide your child. However, I would like for you to get involved and become an important part of this process. You can help by making sure your child is completing his or her research and by questioning and sharing the collected information at home. This research process to which your child will become committed will be useful throughout his or her life –far beyond the walls of my classroom.

Some of the materials that will be needed while completing the research process include the following:

Index cards (3 X 5) Notecards (4 X 6)

Paper folder with brackets and pockets Typewriter or word processor

Some initial guidelines are as follows:

Students must use at least 5 different sources: Encyclopedias and/or Books, News Sources, Teen Interviews (from that year), Family Interviews, Movies, and Internet Sites

Students must have at least 30 notecards.

The paper should follow this outline:

Introduction and Thesis

I.  Parent Background

II.  Current Events

III.  Comparison and Contrast

Conclusion and Restated Thesis

The paper must be typed – at least 4 pages.

Your child will be given a research paper packet. He or she will only receive one, so please make sure that is accounted for at all times. If you have any questions concerning the steps and procedures involved in this research paper, consult the packet for answers.

As soon as we begin the paper, please check periodically with your child to see how he or she is doing. If I can be of assistance during this research project, please do not hesitate to call me at school or email me (). Thanks for your continued support and encouragement.


Parent’s Signature Melissa Shields

Name: ______

I. Parent Background

A.  Parent Introduction (name, age, qualities, etc.)

B.  Parent’s High School

C.  City (Brief Description – Population, Interesting Facts, etc.)

D.  State (Brief Description – Population, State Symbols, Interesting Facts, etc.)

II. Current Events

A.  News

1.  National Events (Ones that happened on or near your birthday)

2.  International Events (Ones that happened on or near your birthday)

B.  Entertainment

1.  Movies

a. Oscar Winner (from that year)

b. Teen Favorite (from that year)

2.  Music

a. Number One Song (the name of the number one song during the week of your birth)

b. Popular Music (music trends, musicians, bands, and hit songs from that year)

C.  Trends

1.  Teen Appearance (clothing, name brands, hairstyles, etc.)

2.  Expressions

3.  Cars

D. ????? Pick an area you would like to research - sports, weather, politics, television shows, etc.

III. Comparison and Contrast (Compare and contrast your parent’s graduation year with the current year. How have things remained the same? What’s different? Which is better, in your opinion?)

Your paper should follow the order of this outline. You may add details, but you may not omit any of the above information. All questions must be answered.

You must collect your information by means of at least five of the following resources: Encyclopedias and/or Books, News Sources, Teen (from that year) Interviews, Family Interviews, Movies From that Period, and Internet Sites

Bottom of Form

Check out these Sites!

Mrs. Shields / 8th Grade English

Your bib cards should be copied exactly as provided here. You are encouraged to find other websites and reference materials to complete research. Use the references below to model any new bib cards.

90’s Websites – News, Music, Trends, Etc.

Grosvenor, Charles R. Jr. “In the 90s.” 2006. (Today’s Date).

“I Love the 90’s” VH1. 2006. (Today’s Date).

“The Noble Nineties.”2006. (Today’s Date).

80’s Websites – News, Music, Trends, Etc.

Grosvenor, Charles R. Jr. “In the 80s.” 2006. (Today’s Date).

“i80’s.” 2005. (Today’s Date).

“The 80’s Server.” 2006. (Today’s Date).

70’s Website – News, Music, Trends, Etc.

Grosvenor, Charles R. Jr. “In the 70s.” 2006. (Today’s Date).

Music Chart for Years/Months

“OzNet Music Chart.”2006. (Today’s Date).

You’ll need to click on the pull down tab labeled “Australian, UK and US #1 Hit Singles Archive (1950-2006)” to find your song.

News Events

“Television News Archive.” 2006. (Today’s Date).
You’ll click on “Enter TV-News Search.” Enter as “new user” and makeup name and password – Use AR info sto you’ll remember it. Once you are authorized, click on “Browse by Date,” and then you’ll find the newscasts from the exact day you need. It’s really cool!

“” 2006. (Today’s Date).

Click on “Search” tab, enter the year you need in the “from” box, and then you may narrow your search by clicking on “national” or “international.”

Bib Card Citation / MLA Style

1) Use 3 x 5-inch cards.

2) Use separate card for each source.

3) Number each card in the upper right-hand corner.

4) Always include author’s name first, if provided.

Author Provided: No Author Provided:

1 2

Grosvenor, Charles R. Jr. “The 80’s Server.” 2006.

“In the 90s.” 2006. (Today’s Date).

(Today’s Date).

Personal Interviews: Email:

3 4

Sims, Jane. Personal Interview. Mitchell, Elle. Personal Email.

11 October 2007. 4 November 2007.

Encyclopedia (author given): Encyclopedia (No author given):

5 6

Smith, Sam. “Alabama.” ------. “Montana.”

World Book Encyclopedia. Grolier Encyclopedia. 2005.

2005. (Add CD-ROM, if applicable)

Film Television

7 8

Sixteen Candles. “A Daughter’s Night Out.”

Dir. John Hughes. Seventh Heaven.

Warner Entertainment. 1984. Dir. Charles Smith.

WB. 11 Sept. 1999.

Article for Daily Newspaper: Monthly Magazine:

9 10

Jones, Tom. Street, Stephen.

“Reagan Speaks Out.” “In Style.”

Gadsden Times 24 Sept. 1986: B3 People Magazine April 1989: 36-38.


Book: Book with Two Authors:

11 12

Davis, Don. Davis, Don, and Frank Fleming.

Living in the Eighties. Trends and Fashions.

Garden City: Doubleday, 1995. New York: Random House, 1998.


1.  Use 4 x 6-inch cards.

2.  Write the source number (from the matching bib card) in the upper right-hand corner.

3.  Write the heading at the top of the card. The heading is the point or subpoint from your outline.

4.  Use a separate card for each note. If you need several cards on the same point, write the same heading at the top of each card.

5.  You do NOT have to write in complete sentences, but make sure that you record your information accurately the first time.

6.  Summarize – use your own words!

7.  Enclose direct quotes (from interviews or film) in quotation marks. Copy the words EXACTLY as they were given to you.

8.  On the bottom right, record the page number (if available) from which the note was taken.

9.  Remember, there are 4 things that must appear on each card:

1) source number, 2) the heading, 3) the note, 4) the page number (if available)


Name Brands of 1984 1 1

Evans, Jill. Personal

Chic and Gloria Vanderbilt Jeans, Interview. 17 March 2006.

Members Only Jackets,

Izod Shirts, Nike High-Top Tennis Shoes

National Event 2


The United States Holocaust McCoy, Charlene.

Memorial Museum in Washington “Holocaust Museum Dedicated.”

was dedicated. President Reagan Gadsden Times

officiated the ceremony. 24 October 1988: B3


Preparing the Outline

1.  Make the outline similar to the following form:

I. First Main Idea

A. Subheading – supports first main idea

1.Detail – supports subheading A

2. Detail – supports subheading A

B. Subheading – supports first main idea

II. Second Main Idea

A. Subheading – supports second main idea

1.Detail – supports subheading A

2. Detail – supports subheading A

B. Subheading – supports second main idea

III. Third Main Idea

A. Subheading – supports third main idea

B.  Subheading – supports third main idea

2.  Notice the following things in the example above:

a. Roman Numerals are used for main ideas.

b. Capital letters are used for subheadings.

c. Arabic numbers (1,2,3, etc.) are used for supporting details.

d. A period is placed after each number and letter in the outline.

e. Every point in the outline begins with a capital letter.

f. Every point is stated as a topic, not as a complete sentence.

g. There are NO periods after any points in the outline.

h. Each level of the outline is indented.

i. If there is an A, there must also be a B. If there is a 1, there must also be a 2.

3.  You should make changes is the preliminary outline as often as necessary while you are taking notes.

4.  Your preliminary outline will probably include only main heading and subheadings as in the example below.

The Battle of Gettysburg

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to indicate the cause of the battle at Gettysburg, to describe the battle, and to relate its significance to the Civil War.

I .The cause of the battle

A. An offensive into Union territory

B. An accidental meeting of troops

II. The description of the battle

A. First day

B. Second day

C. Third day

III. The significance of the battle

A. To the North

B. To the South

Organizing Notes and Making the Final Outline

1.  Put notecards in order according to the preliminary outline.

2. Look over the cards at see if any points need sot be changed in the outline.

Writing the Rough Draft

1.  Place your outline, notecards, and bibcards before you.

2.  Double space.

3.  Discuss each topic in your own words.

4.  Do not stop writing to look up additional facts. Write the whole paper; then look up any additional material.

Revising the Rough Draft

1.  Did you stick to your subject?

2.  Are there any fragments or run-ons?

3.  Are your sentences clear and interesting?

4.  Are there any misspelled words?

5.  Are there any errors in capitalization or punctuation?

Bibliography Page

The bibliography page is an alphabetical list of all sources actually used in writing the paper. If you did not use information from a source, DO NOT include it on your bibliography page.

1.  Arrange your bib cards in alphabetical order according to the FIRST WORD that appears on the bib card. This will be the author’s last name or the first significant word of the title, if no author is given.

2.  Write SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY on the top line (centered).

3.  Skip one line.

4.  Copy the information from your bib card onto the bibliography page. Watch periods!!!! Be EXACT!

5.  Do NOT indent the first line of each entry. DO indent the second and third lines. Try to put as much information as you can on the first line.

6.  Skip ONE LINE between each source. If you have two sources written by the same author, you do not need to repeat the author’s name. Use a straight line in place of the author’s name for all entries after the first.

7.  Study example below.

Selected Bibliography

“A Daughter’s Night Out.” Seventh Heaven. Dir. Charles Smith. WB. 11 Sept. 1999.

Davis, Don. Living in the Eighties. Garden City: Doubleday, 1995.

Grosvenor, Charles R. Jr. “In the 90s.” 2006. (March 2, 2007).

“I Love the 90’s” VH1. 2006. (March 10, 2007).

Jones, Tom. “Reagan Speaks Out.” Gadsden Times 24 Sept. 1986: B3.

------. “Montana.” Grolier Encyclopedia. 2005.

Shields, Scott. Personal Interview. 16 February 2006.

Smith, Sam. “Alabama.” World Book Encyclopedia. 2005.

Sixteen Candles. Dir. John Hughes. Warner Entertainment. 1984.

Street, Stephen. “In Style.” People Magazine April 1989: 36-38.