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HELD APRIL09, 2018
A regular meeting of the Nadeau Township Board was held April09, 2018, at the Nadeau Township Hall. The meeting was called to order by SupervisorLinderat 7:00p.m. with the pledge and roll call.
PRESENT:Joe Linder, Becky Schetter, Kathy Betters, Dick Corrigan, and Lyle Gearhart
OTHERS: Chris Poupore, Fire Chief; Gerry Hoduski, Sexton/Grounds; John Anderson, Assessor; Jerry Piche, County Commissioner; Cheyanne Linder, Lofholm’s; Matt Wells, Wells Flooring; Cindy Swille
Motion by Betters and supported by Gearhart to approve agenda as submitted. (5-Ayes, 0-Nays) - - Motion Carried
Iron City Enterprises: Tom with Iron City Enterpriseswas asked to bring to the township board a bid proposal for crushed limestone and to haul/spread/pack on our gravel roads. He was also asked to give the amount of limestone available. His bid was for 11,000 yards (15,000 tons) of limestone including cost for crushing, hauling, and packing on our roads was $14.00/yd.
They would be able to start in June. It will take two weeks for crushing. They would then do a rough grade to test first. They estimate that they will need a 5 inch base and pack that to 4 inches. They stated that they will need to meet the specs of the Menominee County Road Commission. Geo grid will be needed in wet spots and that will need to be priced out. Iron County will do that.
Billing to the township will be done when the crushing in completed and then again once construction is completed.
Motion was made by Corrigan and seconded by Gearhart to have the crushing done of the 15,000 tons of limestone as soon as possible. (5-Ayes, 0-Nays) - - Motion Carried
Wells Flooring: Matt Wells was asked to bring flooring samples to our meeting and provide cost of products and installation.
Different samples were reviewed by the board and those in attendance. It was agreed that the Mannington Dura Max flooring would best fit our needs for the township hall meeting room. There is a ten year warranty on the flooring and we would need about 937 square feet. The cost of materials for the flooring would be $3,681. Matt estimated that the demo and labor at $2,200, there could be additional costs for floor patching if needed.
Motion was made by Gearhart and seconded by Linder to proceed with purchase of flooring. We will get estimate on installation and other items needed at a later date. (5-Ayes, 0-Nays) - - Motion Carried
Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes of March 12, 2018 minutes were reviewed by each member prior to the meeting.
Motion was made by Corrigan and seconded by Gearhart to accept the minutes as submitted.
(5-Ayes, 0-Nays) - - Motion Carried
Approval of Special Meeting for Budget Hearing Minutes of March 27, 2018 minutes were reviewed by each member prior to the meeting.
Motion was made by Betters and seconded by Linder to accept the minutes as submitted. (5-Ayes, 0-Nays) Motion Carried
Betters reported as follows:
General Funds Activity: No activity/changes since the Budget Hearing
Fire Department Account Activity: No activity/changes since the Budget Hearing
Motion to accept the Treasurer’s report was made by Gearhart and supported by Corrigan.
(5-Ayes, 0-Nays) - - Motion Carried
Anderson reported that the March Board of Review work has been sent in.
The Township Data is now available on the County’s website
5 – Transfers 1 – Fire Number Issued 0 – Building Permits
There is also new AMAR Standards that the township needs to do: New items are 1. check of each Personal Property; 2. Asset Test – we have that; 3. Property Transfer Resolution – Kathy Branz provided this with the MTA meeting notice, we will need to put this in place.
Hoduski advised that Lyle Gearhart, Hillside Acres had a distributor give a demonstration of a metal detector . Cost of the detector is $180.00. This will be used to find markers of burial plots.
Motion was made by Corrigan and seconded by Linder to purchase the metal detector through Lyle Gearhart, Hillside Acres. (5-Ayes, 0-Nays) - - Motion Carried
Board members reviewed job descriptions of Custodian position and Grounds Keeper position presented by the clerk.
Discussion was held on bid process and decision was made that the Custodian bid will again be requested as a bid for annual amount and the Grounds Keeper bid will be requested at an hourly rate.
Motion was made by Gearhart and seconded by Linder to accept the job descriptions presented by the clerk and put both positions up for bid. (5-Ayes, 0-Nays) - - Motion Carried
1 Call for the month (Grass Fire)
- MABIS will go into effect June or July
- FEMA Grant has been submitted. It will be 9 to 11 months before we will hear anything.
- DNR Grant – Radios have been received
- Hannahville 2% Grant application submitted for two radios to be able to communicate with law enforcement and flight for life in Escanaba
- The reflective accident signs have been received.
- Fire Chief would like to build barricades for detouring traffic and closing a roads at scenes of accidents.
- Quotes for changing the lighting in the Fire Dept garage were received from Larry Johnson and Solander’s.
- Fire Chief advised that Solander’s suggested also moving the location of the lampsfor better lighting.
- USDA/RD advised that $50,000 maximum grant amounts are available this is with a 55/45 match. There is financing available at a low rate.
- There were a total of 42 calls last year and the average response time was 4 minutes
- All Fire Dept members are certified in Fire Fighter I & II; There are 19 memberships on the department-1 is out of the area; all have completed driver’s training.
Gearhart reported:
Water Pumped 301,000 gallons Sold 244,200 gallons Difference 56,000 gallons
The board will be getting results from the flow test.
There will be a posting for cleaning around hydrants, Gearhart advised that the hydrant by Seely’s will be done.
Recreation Plan: No updates
Recreation Trail: PVC pipe needed for drainage by the bridge. (On Hold till spring)
Lucke Lane road sign: Order new sign & post thru Lange Enterprises(On Hold till spring)
Cemetery Roads:
Linder reported that Sivula Construction will put down limestone on the Nadeau Cemetery and check Oakwood Cemetery also. Thecemetery road project should be completed before Memorial Day.
Road Maintenance Project:
See Iron City Enterprises under Guest Speaker above.
Spring Clean Up of Township Hall Facilities:
Spring Cleaning will be done of the Township Hall & Fire Hall facilities this Saturday starting at 9:00am.
Map of Nadeau Township:
The Journal office has maps of Nadeau Township for $50.00. Linder suggested that this would be beneficial to have a large map in the meeting room.
Motion was made by Gearhart and supported by Betters to purchase a map of Nadeau Township for $50.00 from the Menominee County Journal. (5-Ayes, 0-Nayes) - - -Motion Carried
Motion made to pay all legal bills and authorize clerk to issue checks for the approved amounts due was made by Corrigan/supported by Betters (5-Ayes, 0-Nayes) - - -Motion Carried
Motion to Adjourn was made by Corrigan/supported by Gearhart
(5-Ayes, 0-Nays) - - -Motion Carried
Meeting adjourned 8:52 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted
Becky Schetter, Nadeau Township Clerk
Joseph Linder, Nadeau Township Supervisor (Absent)
Date Minutes Approved: ______
ELECTION BOARD MEETING: (Supervisor, Treasurer, & Clerk)
April 09, 2018
For the General Election to be Held
May 8, 2018
Appointment of Election Officials for the May 8, 2018 Regular Election: Clerk advised that three officials would be needed for this election.
Motion made by Schetter and supported by Linder to appoint Kathy Gearhart, Connie Maule, and Elaine Anderson as Election Officials for the May 8th2018 election. (3-Ayes, 0-Nays) - - -Motion Carried
Appointment of Precinct Inspectors for the May 8th 2018 General Election: Clerk advised that Connie Maule and Kathy Gearhart have the most experience and should be selected to be the Precinct Inspectors.
Motion by Schetter and supported by Linder to appoint Connie Maule and Kathy Gearhart as precinct inspectors for the May 8th 2018 General Election. (3-Ayes, 0-Nays) - - -Motion Carried
Motion to Adjourn was made by Betters and seconded by Schetter
(3-Ayes, 0-Nays) - - -Motion Carried