CASC Ontario Central & Northwest Region Annual General Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Sunnybrook Health Centre, Toronto, Ontario
1.1.Present: Cindy Elkerton, Kosu Boudreau, Kelly Collins, Anke Flohr, Barbara Fugelsang, Geoff Haber, Jim Huth, Lecia Kiska, Lisa Laitinen-Egbuchulam, Peggy Moore and 61 members.
1.2.Meeting called to order by Cindy Elkertonat 10:53 a.m.She asked members to take out documents printed at home.
1.3.Cindy Elkerton asked for nominations three times and then closed nominations.
2.Approval of Agenda
MOTION: Ajith Varghese and Klara Siber-Simic: that the agenda, as distributed with alterations such as arise be approved. Carried.
3.Introduction and Approval of Recording Secretary
Cindy introduced Peggy Moore as Secretary of OCN for 2 years and asked for a nomination to have Peggy Moore as OCN AGM recording secretary.
MOTION: Geoff Haber and Catherine Walther: that Peggy Moore be appointed as the Recording Secretary for this OCN AGM 2014. Carried.
4.Greeting from the Chair (Appendix A)
Cindy highlighted the following for OCN:
- Statistics of CASC: Out of 907 members across the country, 504 are in Ontario [218 in OCN (8 in Thunder Bay)]; 85 are certified members (72 CPE and 13 PCE).
- Educational events co-sponsored by OCN this year included the Mental Health and Spiritual Care Symposium in May 2014 and Spirituality and Health with Dr. Harold Koenig in October 2014.
- OCN members who participated at the national level of CASC included Linda Kuschnik (Education Standards Commission), Jim Huth (Ethics Committee), Anke Flohr (Professional Practice Commission) and Cindy Elkerton (Secretary). These OCN Executive members represent OCN concerns twice a year at national meetings including conversations about the structure of the association, nomenclature, code of conduct, competencies, ethics, and professional practice standards.
- CRPO began to take applications and many OCN members have submitted applications and are awaiting next steps.
- OCN members leaving the Executive include: Kosu Boudreau (Past Chair), Linda Kuschnik (Regional Admitting), Jim Huth (Regional Ethics), and Peggy Moore (Secretary).
MOTION: Cindy Elkerton and Silva Redigonda; that the Chair’s Report as read, circulated and posted be received for information. Carried.
5.Minutes of the CASC OCN Annual General Meeting, Nov. 6, 2013
MOTION: Christine O’Brien and Marc Doucet; that the minutes from November 2013 be adopted. Carried.
6.Treasurer’s Report (Appendix B)
Lecia reported that OCN came out ahead with a profit and she proposed it be rolled into a new budget line to support educational events that continue to happen in the region. Lecia reports that OCN has stayed on track with expenses.
MOTION: Lecia Kiska andDanielle Slump; that the 2014/2015 budget be accepted as proposed. Carried.
MOTION: Lecia Kiska and Danielle Slump; that the Treasurer’s Report as presented be received for information. Carried.
MOTION: Lecia Kiska and Catherine Walther; that the Treasurer has the approval to hire accountant Terrance J Alderson to review OCN financial statements prior to 2015 OCN AGM. Carried.
7.Committee Reports
7.1.Admissions (Appendix C) Linda Kushnick
Linda reported that there have been many members moving from Basic to Advanced studies in CPE and PCE which has involved 19 volunteers to do the processes for which Linda expressed gratitude. Linda gently reminded members to apply “earlier than later” for advanced standing and equivalency processes. Linda highlighted that the Education Standards Commission is looking at a competency-based process for basic/advanced/equivalency; this will be rolled out at the Hamilton conference in 2015.
MOTION:Linda Kuschnik andSuraj George; that the Admissions Report as circulated be received for information. Carried.
7.2.Ethics (Appendix D) Jim Huth
Jim highlighted 3 areas of interest for ethics:
- The new Ethics Education Module, piloted in September 2014, gives participants opportunities to “discuss and struggle with the code.” Two-thirds of the participants of the piloted EEM said they now have a “good working knowledge” of the Code of Ethics.
- An addition has been made to the CASC/ACSS Manual, Chapter 6 Grievances & Complaints, Section VII, Procedures for Ethical Grievances and Complaints, p. 15. This addition gives opportunities for resolution to happen “in an informal collegial manner” at the member’s work site to minimize moves to a more formal process.
- Jim offered a gentle/powerful reminder that the completion of an EEM (within 5 years) is required for peer review, and this does not have to be in the last year.
MOTION: Jim Huth andChristina Dashko; that the Ethics Report as circulated be received for information. Carried.
7.3Professional Practice (Appendix E) Anke Flohr
Anke highlighted the following:
- Her role as PP chair is to encourage professional practice, help with peer reviews and celebrate those who have successfully participated in peer reviews. Anke reported that there are 20 candidates who are preparing for peer reviews (3 have postponed and 1 is emeritus) and all should be completed by January 2015. Anke thanked all volunteers who participated in the peer review process. The Peer Review pilot project that was introduced a couple of years ago is now a permanent process and will be voted on at the Hamilton conference.
- The Education Events Funds application is now on the CASC website and members are encouraged to use it.
- The involvement of OCN members on the CASC ON Council included Desmond Buhagar, Kathy Edmison, Cindy Elkerton, Merv Wilson, Kelly Collins and Anke Flohr and reiterated that there are 2 open positions. She gave some history of the CASC ON Council that originally came out of Professional Practice in the regions. Today the CASC ON Council includes educational standards, advocacy, promotion, marketing, projects, questions from national, etc. The earlier College Working Group was another group whose mandate was to look at the implications for CASC of legislation for CRPO.
- The journal club came out of members wishing to network on a more regular basis and connect between AGMs. Videoconferencing will be entertained for future journal club meetings.
- The move from associate to certified specialist was raised (Marc Doucet will address later in the meeting). One idea that came out of national conference in Winnipeg is for current specialists to be “buddies” to those considering becoming specialists.
- The national Professional Practice Commission had a strategic planning meeting and agreed on 8 goals for membership. Four members from OCN attended.
- Members are encouraged to nominate members for awards of excellence in research. There are 4 possible awards for members: Jr. Research Award, Sr. Research Award, Group Research Award, and Excellence in Pastoral Practice Award.
- Members are encouraged to read the Journal of Pastoral Counselling and attend the Hamilton conference in April 2015.
MOTION: Anke Flohr and Geoff Haber; that the revised Terms of Reference for CASC ON Council be accepted for information as circulated. Carried.
MOTION: Anke Flohr and Geoff Haber; that the Professional Practice Report as circulated be received for information. Carried.
7.4 Public Relations andCommunications (Appendix F) Barbara Fugelsang
Barbara highlighted her role as Public Relations and Communications officer is to keep members informed of events and activities in the region. She sends 3 communiques per year to the OCN membership. Barbara thanked everyone on the Executive for supporting her role.
MOTION: Barbara Fugelsang and Marianne Blaksley; that the Public Relations and Communications Report as circulated be received for information. Carried.
8.Election of Executive Officers for 2014-2015
- Cindy informed members that one nomination was received for Secretary, one nomination was received for Vice-Chair and one nomination was received for Member-at-Large NW.
- Cindy informed members that two nominations were received for Ethics Chair and two nominations were received for Member-a-Large. Cindy informed members that there would need to be an election for these two positions. She clarified that of the 3 member-at-large positions, one must be from NW Region.
- Cindy invited Klara Siber-Simic and Abier El-Barbary to come forward to say a few words about their experience and interest in becoming Ethics Chair. Votes were cast and tallied: 49 for Klara and 30 for Abier.
- Cindy invited Jane Brushey-Martin and Wes Roberts to come forward to say a few words about their interest in the position of member-at-large. Votes were cast and tallied: 51 for Wes and 27 for Jane.
- Lecia Kiska nominated and Linda Kuschnik seconded; Lisa Laitinen-Egbuchulam as Vice Chair.
- Anke Flohr nominated and John Zamiska seconded; Klara Siber-Simic as Ethics Chair.
- Larry Beech nominated and Raymond Antao seconded; Abier Elbarbary as Ethics Chair.
- Linda Kushnik nominated and Kosu Boudreau seconded; Danielle Slump as Regional Admitting Chair.
- Peggy Moore nominated and Anke Flohr seconded; Kelly Collins as Secretary.
- Wendy Stone nominated and Barb Fugelsang seconded Augustine Puthuva as Member-at-Large NW.
- Susan Haig nominated and Jeffery Packer seconded; Jane Brushey-Martin as Member-at-Large
- Anke Flohr nominated and Bill Ford seconded; Wes Roberts as Member-at-Large.
- Carried.
The OCN Executive for 2014-2015 is as follows:
Chair:Cindy Elkerton
Vice Chair:Lisa Laitinen-Egbuchulam
Secretary:Kelly Collins (1st year of 1st term)
Treasurer:Lecia Kiska (2nd year of 2nd term)
Admissions:Danielle Slump (1st year of 1st term)
Ethics:Klara Siber-Simic (1st year of 1st term)
Professional Practice:Anke Flohr (1st year of 2nd term)
Public Relations:Barbara Fugelsang (2nd year of 1st term)
Member-at-Large:Geoff Haber (1st year of 2nd term)
Member-at-Large:Wes Roberts (1st year of 1st term)
Member-at-Large NW:Augustine Puthuva (1st year of 1st term)
CASC Ontario Council OCN Representative:Barbara Fugelsang
CASC Ontario Council OCN Represeentative:Peggy Moore
Cindy invited Lisa Laitinen-Egbuchalam and Klara Siber-Simic to say a few words. All were welcomed by Cindy and the members present into their new positions.
MOTION: Cindy Elkerton and Silvia Redigonda that the OCN slate of officers for 2014-2015 be accepted and ratified. Carried.
MOTION: Kosu Boudreau and Linda Kuschnik; that CASC ON Council Representatives be appointed. Carried.
9.Other Business
9.1 Conversations with CASC President Marc Doucet
Marc addressed three areas in his presentation to CASC OCN:
- What is meant by a “membership-driven organization?” CASC National is working at building principles to encourage members to network regularly, voice feedback and concerns and participate on regional and national committees. CASC National Executive meets twice a year (including PPC, ESC and NEC from all regions), giving 60 CASC members across the country time together. Participating in live elections at regional level is a sign of growth and health, contributing to development in the organization as a whole. At the national conference in Hamilton, it is the hope that 3 one-hour talks with members be scheduled in to talk with members and draw on their diverse experiences.
- Nomenclature and Titles of CASC members is being addressed now. Marc made a commitment at Pickering to engage members to come to consensus on nomenclature that is inclusive of all faith traditions (not just Christian).
- Marc addressed the issue of CASC associates who have not moved to certification. The high number of CASC associates include members with one basic unit and members with 20+ years of experience across a spectrum. CASC would like to “get a handle” on the blocks to certification (cost, onerous process, organizational support, etc.)and encourage members to move to certification.
Marc accepted and responded to questions from the floor.
MOTION Jane Pekar and Raymond Antao; to adjourn at 12:25 p.m. Carried.