Nashua Fly Casters
March 14, 2013 Meeting Minutes
Meeting called to order by President, Wally Marcella at 6:45 PM. The
17 members in attendance included: Rob McAndrew, Seth Harris, Ralph Orlando, Wally Marcella, Brenda Philippon, Ray Philippon, Gerry Armstrong, Al Cernota, Keith Clements, Jim Asbury, Doug Schumann, Joe Drohan, Rob Terrill, Dave Braica, Don Westcott, Robert Broadhurst and Dave Appleton
NEXT MEETING: THURSDAY, April 11th, 2013
Program: Rick Little of Shadecreek Flies, will present:
“Saltwater Fly Fishing – Lessons Learned”
Dave Braica will provide the dessert for the March meeting.
President Wally Marcella called the meeting to order at 6:45 pm.
Minutes from the February meeting were accepted as submitted. Brenda Philippon won the dinner raffle.
The Treasurer’s Report was deferred as Chris was unable to make the meeting..
The $75 Annual Dues payment for 2013 is overdue and should be paid ASAP.Please send your dues to Chris Barrett at: 5 Elliot Street, Nashua, NH 03064.
New Member: Lyn Vignola was accepted into the Club as a new member. Please welcome Lyn when you see her.
2013 Opening Day Raffle: Charlie Shadan, Evening Sun Fly Shop, has generously donated a new fly rod to be raffled off on opening day at the pond. It is an 8’ 4 wt. 4-piece rod. Also included in the raffle is a beautiful book by Hughes, Trout Flies, and a Temple Fork 5 wt. 9’ rod and reel donated by Keith Clements along with a few miscellaneous. items. Tickets are $5, or 3 for $10. Help support the club and take a chance on winning some great equipment.
Auction: A lively auction was held from members’ donations. Items included books, fly-tying materials, hooks, tying bench, fishing gloves, and many more useful items. A total of $208 was added to the Club’s treasury.
The Club is in need of a digital projector to use at monthly meetings. Anyone with an idea of how we can acquire one should contact Wally. Ralph Orlando has agreed to donate a much-needed new grill for use at the Pond. Thank you very much Ralph!
A new membership chairman is needed as Wally has moved up to Club President. Please consider helping with this vital function.
For those of you whom have videos of personal fishing experiences on tape or professional CD’s, please let Wally Marcella know as we are looking for presentation ideas.
Gerry Armstrong discussed plans for the pond spring stocking, which will occur the week before opening day. We will attempt to firm up the day and time for those of you who are interested in assisting in the process. Opening Day at the pond is planned for April 20th and the winning Raffle tickets will be drawn then. You do not have to be present to win. The Bill Filter Fishing Derby is being planned for July 28th. Don Westcott stated that he will need help setting up and fixing the rods prior to the derby. Please let him know if you will be able to help and save the Derby date so you can lend a hand.
The next fly tying session will be held on Thursday, March 21st at 6 PM at the Crossways Church. You do not have be an experienced fly-tier to participate. Come on out and learn a new pattern.
The Club has begun a new tradition of a morning get-together on the first Thursday of each month. The April “Fish Tales” session begins at 8 AM so come on April 4th, have some breakfast & coffee and let’s talk about fishing. Watch your email for word on possible location changes.
Members are already planning trips around the region so think about where you might like to go with a small group.
Reminder: Notify Wally of your dinner entrée (fish, chicken, or beef) for the April meeting.
The business meeting was adjourned at 7:15 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Rob McAndrew, Secretary
" Men and fish have this in common. They both get into trouble when they open their mouths.” ~Author Unknown.