Subject:Health Education 4
Outcome:USC4.1 Assess what healthy eating and physical activity mean for pre/adolescence.
Beginning – 1
I need help. / Approaching – 2
I have a basic understanding. / Proficiency – 3
My work consistently meets expectations. / Mastery – 4
I have a deeper understanding.
With assistance I can identifyhealthy eating and physical activities for pre/adolescents. / I can describe what healthy eating and physical activities are for pre/adolescents. / I can assesswhat healthy eating and physical activities are for pre/adolescents. / I can investigate personal change that are needed for better nutrition and physical activity.

Indicators – please select and assess as appropriate to your unit, bold identifies possible key indicators.

  • Examine personal, past, and present knowledge about healthy eating and physical activity.
  • Investigate personal, family, community, and cultural factors that influence healthy eating.
  • Discuss factors of healthy eating over which one has control.
  • Explain the importance of particular eating practices, including drinking water as a thirst quencher and eating breakfast.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of healthy food choices and serving sizes that support good health.
  • Investigate personal, family, community, and cultural factors that influence physical activity.
  • Review the health benefits of regular physical activity and the health risks of inactivity for pre/adolescence.
  • Investigate peer norms and popular trends related to healthy eating and physical activity.
  • Explore the consequences of following or resisting peer norms and/or popular trends related to eating and physical activity.
  • Investigate the physical activity opportunities in the community that benefit and/or challenge mental, socio-emotional, and spiritual well-being for pre/adolescence .
  • Investigate personal changes that need to be made for better nutrition and appropriate amounts of physical activity.

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Subject: Health Education 4
Outcome: USC4.2 Illustrate how both traditional healing (including First Nations and Métis practices) and current Western medical advances have influenced the prevention and/or management of past and present health challenges (including mental health/illness, HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis C, diabetes).
Beginning – 1
I need help. / Approaching – 2
I have a basic understanding. / Proficiency – 3
My work consistently meets expectations. / Mastery – 4
I have a deeper understanding.
With assistance I can identify traditional healing practices and current medical practices in the prevention or management of health challenges. / I can explain traditional healing practices and current Western practices in the prevention or management of health challenges. / I can illustrate the influence of traditional healing practices and current Western medical practices in the prevention and management of health challenges. / I can use my knowledge to examine strategies to reduce the prevalence and the impact of current health challenges.

Indicators – please select and assess as appropriate to your unit, bold identifies possible key indicators.

  • Investigate and distinguish points of view expressed about health opportunities and challenges, both past and present.
  • Categorize and compare a variety of health challenges as short-term/long-term (e.g., depression) and as serious/not serious.
  • Explain how the mind, body, and spirit may be affected by health challenges (e.g., irritability, fatigue, motivation, depression).
  • Examine historical, contemporary, and complementary practices for preventing/managing health challenges.
  • Examine basic costs to society when threats to health (i.e., mind, body, and spirit) are not prevented/managed.
  • Investigate the changes in practices to prevent or manage health challenges.
  • Examine strategies to reduce the prevalence and the impact of potential current health challenges.

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Subject: Health Education 4
Outcome: USC4.3 Examine healthy interpersonal skills and determine strategies to effectively develop new relationships and/or negotiate disagreements in relationships.
Beginning – 1
I need help. / Approaching – 2
I have a basic understanding. / Proficiency – 3
My work consistently meets expectations. / Mastery – 4
I have a deeper understanding.
With assistance I can identify healthy interpersonal skills. / I can describe healthy interpersonal skills. / I can examine healthy interpersonal and the stragies need to develop new relationships and/or negotiate disagreements. / I can compare and contrast effective interpersonal relationships and the qualities of unhealthy relationships.

Indicators – please select and assess as appropriate to your unit, bold identifies possible key indicators.

  • Compare qualities of healthy and unhealthy relationships and determine the connections of these relationships to a healthy mind, body, and spirit.
  • Describe and recommend healthy behaviours, including positive communication skills for getting along with others in play and competitive situations.
  • Recognize how various factors, including peer pressure, communication strategies, and assumptions affect relationships.
  • Suggest alternatives when play is not enjoyable.
  • Determine healthy ways to relate to peers not in personal circle of friends.
  • Reflect on personal behaviours that might influence others to feel included and those that may cause feelings of rejection.
  • Practise the ability to calm self and discuss how it is important to remain calm in disagreements.
  • Represent what disagreements look like, sound like, and feel like.
  • Recognize that disagreements are part of healthy and of unhealthy relationships.
  • Recognize and describe anger triggers for self and others.
  • Investigate how effectively/ineffectively negotiated disagreements affect relationships.
  • Examine how honouring and respecting other points of view, beliefs, and/or values does not mean one has to abandon one’s own.

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Subject: Health Education 4
Outcome: USC4.4 Determine basic personal responsibility for safety and protection in various environments/situations.
Beginning – 1
I need help. / Approaching – 2
I have a basic understanding. / Proficiency – 3
My work consistently meets expectations. / Mastery – 4
I have a deeper understanding.
With assistance I can examine information related to basic personal safety. / I can demonstrate a basic understanding of personal responsibility for safety in various situations. / I can determine my personal responsibility for safety in various situations. / I can examinethe impact of personal safety and responsibility to myself and others in various situations.

Indicators – please select and assess as appropriate to your unit, bold identifies possible key indicators.

  • Examine prior knowledge and new information related to safety.
  • Explore critical safety needs of self and others in local community.
  • Investigate common personal and community activities/environments to identify those that involve greater safety risks
  • Examine cyber safety etiquette and related safety risks and strategies.
  • Discuss various safety rules and practices related to community safety needs.
  • Examine laws, behaviours, and community rules/regulations that are in place to minimize/prevent risks.
  • Review safety policies and/or plans for a variety of local environments.
  • Distinguish behaviours that may jeopardize people’s safety and those that increase people’s safety in a variety of situations.
  • Share expectations for personal safety and protection in various environments/situations.
  • Examine one’s responsibility to use electronic networks in an ethical and safe manner.

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Subject: Health Education 4
Outcome: USC4.5Examine how identity (i.e., self-concept, self-esteem, self-determination) is influenced by relationships that are formed with others.
Beginning – 1
I need help. / Approaching – 2
I have a basic understanding. / Proficiency – 3
My work consistently meets expectations. / Mastery – 4
I have a deeper understanding.
With assistance I can describe how identity (self-concept) is influenced by relationships that are formed with others. / I can describe how identity (self-concept & self-esteem) is influenced by relationships that are formed with others. / I can examin how identity (self-concept, self-esteem & self-determination) is influenced by relationships that are formed with others. / I can compare and contrast the impact of positive and negative personal relationships on identity (self-concept, self-esteem & self-determination).

Indicators – please select and assess as appropriate to your unit, bold identifies possible key indicators.

  • Observe and investigate ways that others define and value self, and learn ways to help others know one more fully and positively.
  • Investigate information and definitions of self-concept, self-esteem, and self-determination to develop an understanding of identity.
  • Examine “identity” as being related to how one “feels” on the inside and how one chooses to define self in relation to personal qualities, characteristics, and cultural definitions.
  • Communicate a personal understanding of identity.
  • Determine factors (e.g., personal attitudes, supportive environments, accomplishments, positive thinking, media stereotyping, culture, gender) that may influence one’s identity.
  • Describe how self-concept is influenced by personal thoughts, self-esteem by personal feelings, and sense of self-determination by personal actions.
  • Describe examples of positive and negative peer influence on self-concept, self-esteem, and self-determination.
  • Demonstrate an awareness of the influence on self when connecting with others who behave appropriately/inappropriately and/or legally/illegally.

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Subject: Health Education 4
Outcome: USC4.6 Assess healthy stress management strategies (e.g., relaxation skills, stress control skills, guided imagery, expressing feelings, exercising).
Beginning – 1
I need help. / Approaching – 2
I have a basic understanding. / Proficiency – 3
My work consistently meets expectations. / Mastery – 4
I have a deeper understanding.
With assistance I can identify stress management strategies. / I can identify and demonstrate several healthy stress management strategies. / I can identify stressful situations and apply appropriate management strategies. / I can evaluate my use of stress management strategies and make changes if needed.

Indicators – please select and assess as appropriate to your unit, bold identifies possible key indicators.

  • Develop and use respectful language to talk about stress and to describe the intensity of feelings.
  • Communicate an informed personal understanding of stress.
  • Explore the responses one may experience as a result of stress.
  • Determine how and why people react differently to stress.
  • Recognize potentially stressful situations and examine possible reactions to the experience.
  • Analyze common coping strategies for managing stress.
  • Examine and discuss media portrayals of stressors such as divorce, death, and loss, and media portrayals of stress management strategies.
  • Describe strategies for managing stress.

Refer to Saskatchewan Curriculum Guide Health Education 4

Subject: Health Education 4
Outcome: DM4.1 Investigate the importance of personal responsibility and communication in making informed decisions related to healthy eating and physical activity, prevention/ management of health challenges, negotiating disagreements, safety and protection, personal identity, and stressors.
Beginning – 1
I need help. / Approaching – 2
I have a basic understanding. / Proficiency – 3
My work consistently meets expectations. / Mastery – 4
I have a deeper understanding.
With assistance I can identify the importance of personal responsibility. / I can identify the importance of personal responsibility for healthy living. / I can investigate the importance of personal responsibility for healthy living including: healthy eating, physical activity, safety, and personal identity. / I can identify the link between assuming personal responsibility for healthy living and the potential health effects of not assuming those responsibilities.

Indicators – please select and assess as appropriate to your unit, bold identifies possible key indicators.

  • Review factors that affect one’s communication and personal responsibility when making decisions.
  • Consider the purpose and consequences of communication in making decisions.
  • Investigate factors that have the greatest influence on personal responsibility.
  • Identify opportunities to demonstrate personal responsibility when making decisions.
  • Link personal health behaviours to potential health outcomes.
  • Illustrate how informed decision making is influenced by personal responsibility.
  • Compare examples that demonstrate personal responsibility and those that do not.
  • Evaluate the importance of silence and reflection when making informed decisions.

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Subject: Health Education 4
Outcome: AP4.1 Design and apply, with guidance, two four-day action plans that require communication related to healthy eating and physical activity, prevention/ management of health challenges, negotiating disagreements, safety and protection, personal identity, and stressors.
Beginning – 1
I need help. / Approaching – 2
I have a basic understanding. / Proficiency – 3
My work consistently meets expectations. / Mastery – 4
I have a deeper understanding.
With assistance and guidance I can design an action plan related to healthy eating and physical activity. / I can design an action plan related to healthy eating and physical activity. / I can design and apply, two thoughtful four-day action plans incorporating: healthy eating, physical activity, negotiating disagreements, safety, personal identity, and stressors. / I can reflect on action plans and document areas where improvements, or different choices could result in more positive outcomes.

Indicators – please select and assess as appropriate to your unit, bold identifies possible key indicators.

  • Identify basic steps to design and carry out effective action plans.
  • Design and follow a brief outline of a plan, including a schedule.
  • Implement the action as outlined.
  • Document and reflect on implementation.

Refer to Saskatchewan Curriculum GuideHealth Education 4