Unitarian Universalist
Allies for Racial Equity
Partners in the journey of transforming
our faith movement and our world
Spring/Summer 2015

Sign-Up to Volunteer at the ARE Booth in Portland

ARE is in booth 319 located right next to the DRUUMM booth. The DRUUMM/ARE booths attract a lot of attention and provide many opportunities for ministry, engagement, relationship building and fun. You can learn more about the objectives and benefits of volunteering at the booth on our website:Allies for Racial Equity

Working at the ARE booth at GA for a few hours each year can be a powerful experience that stays with you throughout the year. It is a chance to connect with ARE members you haven’t seen for awhile, connect faces with names that are familiar to you, and to introduce ARE to folks who hunger to be engaged in anti-racism work. You will likely be rewarded with conversations that forever change your perspective as people share their experiences in this challenging, exciting and personally liberating work.

Again this year, we will have ribbons to identify ARE members so that our members are clearly visible as people on the journey toward being effective and accountable white allies. ARE Members who invest a few hours (usually two hour shifts) at the ARE booth at GA reap many personal rewards. There still many slots available so please click on this link to sign up. We have also prepared guidelines as a reference to help us in the booth: UUARE Booth Guidelines

ARE at General Assembly

There are several workshops at the UUA General Assembly we want to highlight, with a reminder that many of these workshops will be available as podcasts after GA, and some may be available via live-streaming. So, even you can’t be in Portland with us, you can take advantage of these opportunities to hone your anti-racism and multiculturalism skills.

Anti-Racism & Anti-Oppression Theme Workshops

#213 A Way out of No Way Thursday 10:45AM Oregon Ballroom 203

#228 Be The Change: Youth Multiculturalism and Anti-Racism Thursday 1:15PM E147-148

#235 Remixing Unitarian Universalism: How to Create an Energy Center? Thursday 1:15PM D137-138

#283 The Fires of Ferguson Still Burn Within Our Hearts Thursday 4:45PM Portland Ballroom 251-252-253-258

#313 CommUUnity Activism in a #BlackLivesMatter World Friday 1:15PM Oregon Ballroom 201

#340 Black Lives Matter & Multi-Faith Community Organizing Friday 3:00PM Oregon Ballroom 201

#355 Showing Up: UUs Serving Ferguson Friday 4:45PM Oregon Ballroom 203

#405 Partnering to End the New Jim Crow Saturday 1:15PM Oregon Ballroom 204

#429 Developing Spiritual Leadership and Culture for Collective Liberation Saturday 3:00PM D137-138

#439 The Road to Selma: The Living Legacy Pilgrimage, Selma & Bringing It Home Saturday 3:00PM Portland Ballroom 255

Multicultural Theme Workshops

#211 Kujenga Madaraga: Bridging Cultures through International UU Coalition Thursday 10:45AM D137-138

#214 Why Do We UUs Cross the Road…? Thursday 10:45AM Oregon Ballroom 201

#227 “Leaderly” Leadership = Accountable Leadership Thursday 1:15PM Oregon Ballroom 201

#228 Be The Change: Youth Multiculturalism and Anti-Racism Thursday 1:15PM E147-148

#235 Remixing Unitarian Universalism: How to Create an Energy Center? Thursday 1:15PM D137-138

#260 Stretching Into New Understandings of “Community” Thursday 3:00PM Oregon Ballroom 201

#274 Daring to “Bring” Multiculturalism into Worship Thursday 4:45PM Oregon Ballroom 201

#321 Multicultural Journey with One Human Family Choir Friday 1:15PM Oregon Ballroom 204

#408 Stories of Unitarian Universalists of Color Saturday 1:15PM Oregon Ballroom 202

#432 Spiritual Memoir as a Vehicle to Inclusive Community Saturday 3:00PM E143-144

Being a Member of ARE:

Responsibilities of Membership:

Keep Learning, Teaching, and Speaking Out

Help Us Clean Up the ARE Database

Provide Regular Financial Support

Encourage New Members

We often hear the question, “What are the benefits of being a member of ARE?” We invite people to consider a different question, “What are the responsibilities of being a member of ARE?”

ARE members are asked to make a commitment to the never-ending journey towards wholeness by examining their relationship to privilege and being accountable in their relationships with people of color. We ask members to commit to:

  • a personal practice of anti-racism reflection, learning and action
  • work with others in their congregations and communities toward transformation and wholeness
  • be accountable for our commitments to DRUUMM (Diverse and Revolutionary UU Multicultural Ministries).

We also ask members to make a financial commitment to support the work of this all-volunteer organization. Membership with ARE is an annual commitment; we ask members to review the accountability guidelines and make a financial contribution each year to keep their commitment alive.

Bring Your Member Profile Up to Date

If you’re a current ARE member or supporter, please log in to our website to make sure your information is current, and renew your membership if it’s time for that. When we imported all our records to our new website database in 2012, renewal dates did not transfer. We have now updated all the renewal dates using the date one year from that transfer: October 11, 2013. You don’t need to pay 3 years worth of dues when you renew, but if you can bring your account current for this year, we would be very appreciative. Likewise, if you no longer choose to be a member of ARE, let us know and we will deactivate your membership.

Encourage New Membership

As a member of ARE we encourage your full participation in our conferences, to assist in setting up regional ARE groups to continue the work that is started at the conferences, and, if you are attending General Assembly, to contribute two hours to staff our booth in the Exhibit Hall. We also invite you to share what you have learned and experienced on your journey or share links to insightful blogs on our Facebook page.

Encourage your friends to become members of UU Allies for Racial Equity. Invite them to review the Accountability Guidelines on our website and join on-line.

Black Lives Matter

ARE invites people who are working as white anti-racist allies to encourage their congregation’s involvement with the Black Lives Matter movement to join us on a networking and information sharing call. What resources and strategies have been helpful in engaging your congregation? Have you encountered resistance as you’ve tried to engage your congregation in the conversation? What additional resources would you find helpful in your congregational work? We’ll share some ideas and have time for you to share your thoughts and experiences as well.

If you’re an ARE member or supporter, please log in to our websiteto make sure your information is current, and renew your membership if it’s time for that, or consider making an extra contribution to support our programs. Your support will help fund the platform we’ll be using to make these calls happen, as well as other initiatives of ARE such as our annual conference, assisting the initiation of and sustaining regional groups, expanding our website offerings, and supporting the work we do in partnership with DRUUMM.

We are in the process of creating a statement of solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement. When this is completed it will be posted on our Facebook page, website, and copies will be available at General Assembly.

UUA Racial Justice Survey

If you have not yet participated in the UUA’s Racial Justice Survey, we encourage you to do so today. The deadlines is Monday, June 15. Click HERE.

Allies for Racial Equity Steering Committee

Rev. Jan Taddeo: President

Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer: Past President

Ken Wagner: Treasurer

Rev. Donna Renfro: Secretary

Rev. Karen Quinlan: Membership & Leadership Development Coordinator

Rev. Elizabeth Cartmell-Ladd: Communications Coordinator

Carrie Stewart: Education Team and Resource Coordinator

Matthew McHale: Conference Coordinator

Carolina Krawarik-Graham: GA Coordinator

Contact us at