Musbury Parish Council

Minutes of the meeting held Monday25 July 2016in Musbury Village Hall Committee Room

PRESENT:CllrC. Corbett (Chair);CllrsJ. Albano, C. Hall;P. Perryman and P. Smith;County Cllr A. Moulding; Ms J. Bishop (Clerk); 8parishioners.

1APOLOGIES: Cllr C. Ellis;Cllr M. Perry; PCSO H. Widger

2.MINUTES OF THE MEETINGheldMonday 13 June 2016 were accepted as a true record and dulysigned by Cllr Corbett.

Cllr Moulding later pointed out that he is now the Chair of DCC not the Leader as recorded in para 12.


4POLICE MATTERS:PCSO Widger’s email said there were two reported crimes in Musbury in June: 1x harassment without violence

1x assault a person thereby occasioning them actual bodily harm.

She said that a second PCSO, Sam Slater,is joining the Axminster team from Seaton. A new Sergeant, Matt Helm,has been appointed. Based in Honiton hewill cover Axminster and Honiton.

Other news included the police break-up of the cannabis farm in Axminster, her visit to the Musbury school to talk about bullying and their close work with RISE (Recovery and Integration SErvice) supporting people in Devon with drug and alcohol issues.

Police and Crime Plan Consultation – the new Commissioner Alison Hernandez is looking for help shaping the policing plan over the next 4 years. People are invited to complete her online survey at

The Clerk will complete on behalf of the Parish Council. ACTION


Garagesin Northfield-.Responding to Cllr Chubb’s enquiry about their future, John Golding, Strategic Lead, Housing, Health and Environment, said that he was ‘advised that at present we have 6 of the 10 garages let, but there is no other interest in the void garages. These are available to tenants and non tenants. We are looking into the prospect of redeveloping the land or even demolishing and turning the site into a car park, if refurbishment costs are excessive.I will let you know when we have completed our feasibility study’.

DALC Meeting at All Saints- It was agreed that Cllrs Albano and Hall will attend on Tues 26 July.


Local Government Boundary Committee for England – It was noted that the LGBCE is about to undertake a review of the electoral arrangements across East Devon. As the Review Officer likes to meet the towns and parishes before the first consultation starts, a meeting has been arranged at the Knowle on Wed 28 Sept 2016. This will explain the background and details of the electoral review of EDDC. It was agreed that Cllrs Albano and Perryman will attend. ACTION


Mirror on Church Hill- Cllr Albano purchased a replacement mirror from Exeter and resident Chris Irving kindly installed it. The cover film was eventually identified and removed so the mirror is now in service.

Wall on Church Hill – The Clerk had confirmed that the damaged wall is not listed. Mountfield’s listing in 1981 was after The Stables (then known as Mountfield Cottage) was registered as a separate dwelling with the Land Registry (in Feb 1979). Owner Mr Hargreaves has confirmed that he will be applying for outline permission for a dwelling to be built in the lower portion of his garden. He has retained planning consultants who have advised that an engineering survey will be required before anything can be done.

Following the earlier inspection of the wall Phil Cox and Paul Seager from Building Control revisited the site on 13 July with Cllr Hall. He said their view was that the wall could collapse at any time if conditions change, but that equally it could last for many years. Should there be further collapse it is likely that the rubble would drop vertically rather than the section falling outwards, with minimal risk of personal injury.Phil Cox will return to take measurements and pictures so that further deterioration can be monitored. He will also contact Tony Hargreaves again with a view to inspecting the garden side of the wall, and discussing with him whether the broken ends might be patched up while planning negotiations proceed. Their report is awaited.

Dead Tree on A358 – Highways has confirmed this is the responsibility of the landowner but Cllrs Corbett and Smith will remove it. ACTION

Overhanging verges along the A358 – The Clerk had written to Brian Brown requesting that the hedges be trimmed back. His wife had responded saying they did not own this stretch but it was the property of Peter Cairns. The Clerk wrote to him care of the estate agency selling his property who forwarded it to his personal mailbox. No reply has been received. Cllr Perryman said that Richard Gay had offered to cut the hedges. It was agreed that Cllr Perryman will contact him and ask him to cut this stretch back hard.



Recent transactions- The Clerk presented the accountsfor June(below). These had been reviewed by Cllr Ellis for internal audit. The accounts were approved by CllrsAlbano and Perryman.

Parishes Together Fundfor drainage–Following a tour with his neighbour Michael Brock around a section of the village, resident Allen Parkman had produced an initial survey of the state of the ditches and drains. This will be used to inform the drainage work to be undertaken by contractors. Mr Parkman said about 50% of the drains have not been lifted for many years.

Cllr Perryman said he would get the daily rate for drain clearance from Bales in Honiton. ACTION

The Combpyne/Rosemary Lanes drains have been on the Highways ‘to do’ list for some time. It was agreed that it would be uneconomic to spend TAP money if DCC was willing to complete the work. Cllr Moulding said he would chase this up. ACTION


Strimmer – Cllr Hall has refurbished the strimmer with newblades and has cut overhang in Doatshayne.

Parish Walk - Cllr Albano had led the parish walk on Sat 16 July which attracted over 30 walkers. Theretiring collection for the tea and cake in the Village Hall contributed £90 towards the £1330 total made by Mr & Mrs Parkman’s open garden event in aid of the breast cancer unit at the RDE.

Maintenance – Cllr Albano said the Contractor will be carrying out specified works on the FPs during August.


Mountfield - Following its service of the statutory notices on the land, EDDC Housing is working with the Streetscene service to plan and organize completing the works that are required in these notices. The clearance works are described as ‘imminent’.

Cllr Moulding advised that the consultation on the Villages Plan and the boundaries for Musbury was opening shortly and the timings with the proposed auction of the site (which includes the field currently outside the Built Up Area Boundary- BUAB) was critical.

Councillors’ preference has been for the BUAB in the field (the Musbury ’Doughnut’) to be retained. Mountfield has always been a focal point for the village but Cllr Moulding advised that, without the prospect of development in the field, it was unlikely that Mountfield would be sold. Cllr Corbett said he supported this view. Cllr Perryman thought a public meeting should be called but it was argued that there are no answers yet to the questions likely to be asked.

Cllr Smith thought it should be offered at auction with the BUAB in place to see if a non-developer purchaser could be found. There are many people out there with money. Cllr Albano said a BUAB on the land is likely to keep costs lower at auction so that it becomes a possibility for an individual to take on the project without further development in the field. Councillors would like to see whether this route could be achieved before dropping the BUAB. Obviously the choice of agent for the sale and the widest publicity for it will be key.However if the auction failed to find a non-developer buyer they would want to look at the BUAB question again.

The Clerk will write to EDDC to clarify how the respective timetables for the decision on the Musbury BUAB and the auction sale of Mountfield will work together. ACTION

Decisions notified- All Approved

16/1198/FUL - Lower Doatshayne Farm - Proposed garden room

16/1305/TCA -Adcroft Doatshayne Lane - T1 Horse Chestnut & T2 Copper Beech: Light crown lift to second order branches or smaller; G3, Western Red Cedar x 3: Fell; G4, Elm x 4: Fell; G5 Ash x 2 : Fell

16/1346/FUL - Castlewood Farm-Construction of general purpose agricultural building

Applications received–

Councillors were happy to support the following two applications:

16/1550/FUL- River Cottage Park Farm Trinity Hill Road - Retention of bus shelter

16/1233/FUL - Adcroft Doatshayne Lane - Construction of replacement dwelling.

The owners explained the plans and the changes that had already been made following pre-planning discussions with EDDC. Cllr Albano pointed out that, since it was built before 2000,Adcroft will need a refurbishments/ demolition survey (for the presence of asbestos-containing materials), particularly since it is next to a primary school/ pre-school and asbestos exposure can have long term effects. The owners are aware of this requirement. Cllr Albano will make a personal comment on the application.



Rental fees 2016/17 – The Clerk saidover the last 3 years the rises had been 2013/14 0%, 2014/15 5%, 2015/16 0%.

Cllr Smith proposed a 5% increase on the basis that it was important to have a strong surplus for any necessary remedial work. It was not realistic to rely totally on volunteer labour. After some discussion

the majority of Councillors (3:1) voted to increase at this level.

The Clerk will send out the necessary renewal letters by the end of August. ACTION

Water – Cllr Perryman said he understood taps on the water trough had been left running on a few occasions. Allen Parkman said the answer was to install a ballcock. The Clerk will add a reminder about turning off the water when sending out the renewals. ACTION

Cars – Some cars are exiting onto Doatshayne Close. While there is nothing in the Tenancy Agreement about car exits, an official understanding (connected with bringing out dirt onto this private road) is to leave the allotments by the bottom gate. It was suggested that visibility might be an issue. Cllr Smith will monitor the situation. ACTION

Tenants – It is understood at least three plots are to be given up but there are people willing to take them over.


County Cllr Moulding reported

  • Mon19 Sept in the Guildhall Axminster at 10.30 am is the date fixed for a TAP fund meeting.
  • 10 new entrants mean Musbury school pupil numbers are rising. 27 pupils will start in Sept (cf 23 last year)
  • The major road accident on the A358 on the early afternoon of this meeting follows other fatalities and serious incidents. He suggested that both he and the Clerk contact Jeremy Phillips, DCC Road Casualty Reduction Team Manager, to request a safety audit of the road from Boshill Cross to Axminster. ACTION
  • In his new capacity as DCC Chair he had had the pleasure of recently meeting The Princess Royal (at the opening of the Honiton Joint Cadet Centre) and Prince Charles and Camilla (at the Taste of the West Food Festival in Exeter).

13MATTERS BROUGHT FORWARD BY PERMISSION OF THE CHAIRMAN:Neighbourhood Plans- Cllr Albano requested this as an agenda item for the next meeting. ACTION


DCC Highways – workshops survey – The Clerk to complete ACTION

EDDC – Notice of licensing application for River Cottage Festival ; East Devon AONB Walking Festival 17-15 Sept; The Acland Award: Food & Drink ; Devon Communities Together – 2016 Rural Futures Conference Thurs 6 Oct ;RDE NHS Foundation Trust – New Chief Executive appointed ; Everyone’s Tomorrow Summer 2016; Clerks & Councils Direct July 2016

Village Green ; Healthwatch Voices Summer 2016; HAGS and Wicksteed brochures.


With no further business outstanding, the Chairman closed the meeting at 21.15.

Date of Next Meeting Monday 12 Sept2016



Income received£

VAT refund (G) 306.44

Earlier cheques cleared

1024Musbury Village Hall Hire 25/4 (G) 10.50

Payments made

1028 Musbury Village Hall Hire (G)11/4 £3.50 + 9/5 £7 + 26/5 £7

+ 13/6 £17.50 = 35.00

1029 Nigel Bowles for audit (G) 45.00

1030 Halcyon Landscapes – April £71.25 + £14.25 VAT (G) = 85.00*

1031 Community First (G) 461.95

1032 Mrs RE Jacks (P3) 157.50

1033 Rod Powell (P3) 23.09

1034Clerk Salary May (G) £193.42 + £1.90

Expenses May (G) £9.35 (G) = 204.67

1035PO for HMRC (June) (G) 48.35

1036Halcyon Landscapes – May £71 + Verges £108 + £37.40 VAT (G)= 224.40

1037PO for SW Water 2/3-7/6/16 (A) 42.82

*underpaid by 50p

Cheques Outstanding = none

Balance of account as at 30/06/2016 Statement No 83£7321.63 Includes

Allotment deposits 420.00

Allotment funds available 357.58 = 777.58

P3 496.33

TAP Fund 15/16 904.75

TAP Fund 16/17 485.00

General 4657.97

Cheques to sign (not included in balances)

1038 Halcyon Landscapes – June £71.25 + 50p April underpayment

+£14.25 VAT (G) = 90.00

1039Clerk Salary June (G) £193.42

Expenses June £17.94 (G) = 211.36

1040PO for HMRC (July & Aug) (G) 96.70

1041Chas Hall (P3) 40.00

1042Musbury Village Hall hire 25/7 (G) 14.00

1043Janet Albano (for mirror) (G) £149. 99 + £30 (VAT) = 179.99

1044 Devon Communities Together annual membership (G) 50.00

1045 DALC for training (G) £25 + £5 (VAT) = 30.00


31 May COIF dividend 5.68

9 JuneGross Credit Interest 0.01

Balance 345.34