Trophies for AKC Obedience Trial – September 2008
Awarded for / Item Description – Saturday / Item Description – SundayHigh in Trial / Rosette +
$25 gift certificate J&J / Rosette +
$25 gift certificate J&J
Highest Combined Score / Rosette +
$25 gift certificate J&J / Rosette +
$25 gift certificate J&J
HS Local Dog / Rosette + stainless steel bowl + lamb toy + dog treats / Rosette + Canister with Pawprint on side +
Skinneez toy + treats
HS in Group (7) / Canister + dog treats / Charlee Bear Canister
HS Hound Group / Dog toy offered by
Gayle Echevarria in memory of CH Nimrod’s Hooked on A Riddle UD / Dog toy offered by
Gayle Echevarria in memory of CH Nimrod’s Hooked on A Riddle UD
HS Junior Handler
(Regular Classes) / Rosette + Snap Canister with Pawprint on lid + toy / Rosette + stainless steel pawprint bowl + toy
1st Place (8 classes) / Tote bag / Space blanket
2nd place (8 classes) / Stainless Steel Canister / Crate fan
3rd (8 classes) / EZ Freeze Treat container / Medium Squirrel Toy
4th (8 classes) / Nylon Travel Bowls / Flexileash Saddlebag
HS Veteran Dog in Regular Classes / Dog Toy offered by
Lisa Gross / Dog Toy offered by
Lisa Gross
HS Novice A / Dog Toy offered by
Lisa Gross / Dog Toy offered by
Lisa Gross
HS Border Collie / Dog Toy offered by
Lisa Gross / Dog Toy offered by
Lisa Gross
HS Pointer / Breed Item offered
by Clyde Wilkinson / Breed item offered
by Clyde Wilkinson
HS German Shorthaired Pointer / Breed Item offered
by Clyde Wilkinson / Breed Item offered
by Clyde Wilkinson
HS Bassett Hound / Breed Mug
HS Norwegian Elkhound / Porcelain Breed Plate
HS Alaskan Malamute / Breed Apothecary Jar
HS Bernese Mountain Dog / 8 oz. Pottery Pitcher
HS Doberman Pinscher in Each Regular Class (Qual) / Dog Treats offered by Clair Malinowski and the Dobie Kids / Dog Treats offered by Clair Malinowski and the Dobie Kids
HS Border Terrier / $10 PetsMart Gift Certificate from Sally Gilkey
HS Dalmatian / Breed Pin
HS Tibetan Terrier / Set of 4 Glasses
HS Cardigan Welsh Corgi / Breed Item offered by Annabel Maley & Meg McMichael , Cavalier Cardigans / Breed item offered by Annabel Maley & Meg McMichael , Cavalier Cardigans
Any dog Completing OTCh / OTCh rosette, pin, patch
Any dog completing an obedience title / Rosette / Rosette
For each exhibitor in trial / 2009 Planning Calendar and DOTC pen
Trophies based on Combined Scores over Two Days offered by Lisa Gross
HS Combined Score Over Two Days in Novice A or B / Folding Chair in memory of Jamie, OTCh Norwood’s Steppin’ Out UDX5 TD
Trophies for AKC Rally Trial – September 2008
Rally - 1st x 6 classes / Stainless Steel Canister (6) / Crate Fan (6)
Rally – 2nd, 3rd, 4th x 6 / Toys or treats / Toys or treats
Any dog completing Rally Title / Special award - tshirt
For each exhibitor in trial / 2009 Planning Calendar and DOTC pen
Rally – pick one for 2nd-3rd-4th in Rally (36 placements):
Assorted dog toys
Old Mother Hubbard Bakery bags
Nylon travel bowls (6)
Stainless steel dog bowls – 1 qt or 2 qt