Hillside School PTA Meeting Minutes

November 29, 2011

I. Call to order and welcome- Kim Mazzella 7:35 p.m.

II. Minutes-Joanne Dzama; Motion to approve October minutes by Ruth Ringler, 2nd by Nancy Goldenstein, all in favor

III. Membership-Sandra Lillo-total of 27 faculty and staff as members so far, which is increased from this time last year. Please sign-in at front; we will circulate attendance as well.

IV. Treasurer's Report-Lauren Stolfi

-Budget report distributed

-Bank Balance on hand as of October 1, 2011 = $37,137.14

-PayPal Balance on hand as of October 1, 2011=$2,123.44

-Total income including account transfers = $18,117.66

-Total expenses including account transfers = $2,812.50

-Bank Balance on hand as of October 31, 2011 = $50,279.10

-Pay Pal Balance as of September 30, 2011= $0.00

V. Correspondence-Debbie Wyatt

- Thank you note from Hillside Staff for donating delicious desserts for Construction Crew Luncheon.

-Thank you note from Danielle Morales for gift card recognizing the death of her father.

VI. Committee Reports

-President’s Report-Christina Weiner-We have received enough funds from the “Just Write a Check” campaign to fund smart boards for all 5th grade classes, all 4th grade classes and ½ of 3rd grade classes. Mrs. Szeles will be ordering. Goal by end of next year is to fund smart boards for the remaining classrooms. Motion made to add additional smart boards for the other half of the 3rd grade to round out that class. Money to be earmarked from PTA budget. Written ballot; Result 17-0 in favor.

-Volunteer of Month-Kim Mazzella-Kim presented a gift to the November volunteer of the month-Aurora Primamore. A way for the PTA presidents to recognize and highlight your hard work and commitment to Hillside School for the month of November. CONGRATULATIONS.

-Casino Night-Lisa Diorio-Please come and sign up! 7-11PM on 1/19/12. We have about 15 people to date signed up. Prizes are still coming in and we are all looking forward to a great night out.

-Holiday Shoppe-Kim Mazzella-Need lots of volunteers, will happen during media classes during the week of December 12-16. Idea came up about possibility of doing a Boutique, charging vendors to rent space in gym. Will table that discussion to another date.

-Spring Fundraiser-Christina Weiner-Prizes coming in. Focus on local vendors and buying advertising at $150/page for a full-page ad. B.I.D. in town is allowing us to solicit their list for prizes and donations. Idea to potentially merge with Casino Night for next year. Table that discussion for a future meeting.

-Five Below-Sandra Lillo-Will take place from December 17-24. Please bring out flyer on the website and bring with you. 10% of what you spend goes back to school.

-Teacher Given Parent Workshop-Kim Mazzella-Will resurvey via class moms. Bring through the classes. Looking to do a Math teaching workshop. What do we really want it to be in the future? Not great feedback from parents from first survey.

-ASE-Amy Dinicola-3 chairs stepping down. Want volunteers to step up now and work with Amy during the next ASE session. Would be great for a K or 1st grade parent. New volunteers will be able to pick classes for the Spring Session. Try to offer some new classes as our current selection is being used over and over. Hillside still remains the least expensive ASE in the district. ASE makes a lot of money; it would be a shame for us to loose it, as it is a great service and enhancement to our school and other elementary schools in district have great success with it.

-Human Relations-Amy Dinicola-MLK Community Service Project at LHS. This will be a town-wide function. We usually donate items, will find out more details and pass along shortly. Benefits Hunger Outreach and Soup Kitchen.

-Clothing Drive-Amy Dinicola-Will do another clothing drive in March/April date TBD. Will also participate in Jersey Cares Coat Drive December 9 from 6-8PM at Hillside Community Center. “Note in the Coat”.

Cultural Arts-Amy Dinicola-Daryl Cobb Author in Residence will be coming in February. Order form to kids to get books signed. Will be due by 12/13.

-Nominating Committee-Christina Weiner- Nominating Committee is Filona Leechow, Jeri Fitzgerald and Julie Carmody. Will need nominations for Co-President and Treasurer for next year. Christina and Kim will be reorganizing and consolidating committees for next year to make more manageable, hopefully to entice more volunteers to sign-up, allowing for rolling sign-ups. Goal is to try to recruit Kindergarten parents during orientation.

-Apparel-Joanne Dzama-Will be reopening Apparel sale for the Holiday Season with new item (fleece blanket) for the winter season. Money due 12/13. Items will be received before Christmas. Fall sale raised approximately $800, which is more than last year. Flyer is in the WWB and on website.

-Yearbook-Jenn Larsen-Deadline for submission of 5th grade baby pictures. 1st committee meeting will be after the New Year. Program on each of their computers with a drop box so they can work together. Jenn had a meeting with a representative from Barksdale for programming tutorial. They will run a cover contest open to all 5th grade students for submissions and the students will then vote for the winner. Back cover all the 5th graders will sign. Yearbook tributes will begin a the end of February. Need some kindergarten pictures form 2006. All grades can start sending in candids. Please include child’s grade and 1st and last names on the pictures. Email for submission will be in WWB.

-Faculty Events-Joanne Dzama-Faculty/Staff luncheon will be held on Friday 12/9. Christine Buillion, Karen Gelentis and Cami Konecky are organizing. They will have some lighter fare foods such as wraps and sandwiches, Veggie platter and dessert. All paper goods have been purchased and they are all set and ready to go!

-Lunch Update-Kim Mazzella-Michelle Graziano researched an ice cream vendor, which carries reduced fat cups within the district guideline for Sugar and Fat Content. We will pilot the program beginning 12/14 at $1/each. We will offer Vanilla/Chocolate cups and Strawberry cups. Will report back on popularity.

VII. Comments from Mrs. Szeles

-Update on construction:

  • Construction over 11/30!
  • Trailers leaving, back to classrooms on Monday 12/5
  • All bathrooms completed and redone more efficiently
  • Drop-off and recess might be affected until all trailers and debris removed. Will be communicated to parents but will need to play by ear and be a daily decision
  • 4th grade moving back and 5th grade moving back
  • Adding some new lights and ceiling tiles are last pieces for completion

VII. Additional Comments/Questions:

Report from Teachers (Ms. Butler). Teachers are confirming mini grants-$125/each teacher and $40/specialist. Any parent who has any extra lawn/patio furniture for outside for the teachers to use for eating lunch. Teachers would love an organized training session for use of Smart boards. Report cards are being sent out online via STARS at 3PM on 12/16. This is a district-wide policy this year.


December 1: Principal Chat

December 6: Hillside SEPAC “Meet and Greet”

December 9: Teacher Appreciation Lunch

December 12-16: Holiday Shoppe during Media Classes

December 13: Winter Apparel Sale Ends

December 14: Assembly: Cliff Sunflower and the Honey Bees

December 17-24: Five Below Fund Raiser

December 20: Yearbook Pictures Due

December 26-January 2: School Closed

December 30: Last Day to Purchase Casino Night Tickets

January 19: Casino Night

January 24: PTA Meeting

XI. Adjournment- 9:18 p.m. by Kim Mazzella