Staff Council
General Staff Meeting Minutes
May 2006
Order-Chair Cheryl Garvin
The meeting was called to order at 9:00 am in Spivey Hall
Delegate Attendance
All delegates were in attendance.
Visitor Attendance
A list of visitors was not recorded for May.
Dr. Harden
Welcomed and thanked everyone for their attendance and proceeded to praise Staff Council’s great work for the year and the leadership.
Recap of the year:
Fall 05 over 6,000 students for the first time. Goal is 7,000.
Looking over process and rethinking how to big the school to get. There are some resource issues and not being able to continue building on current site.
Satellite offices in Fayetteville and Locus Grove.
Gone through several changes:
Name, logo, address, email and phones.
Two new VP, Heflin for Budget and Operation and Haynes over Campus Life who will be working on a recreation center and student housing.
New Chancellor- Erroll Davis that has some new ideas and adjustments.
Graduate Program- Master in Liberal Arts and two new additional. Within the next 2 years have 5 new programs.
Accreditation achieved by the Music program and School of Business.
Athletics Basketball came in third, conference champ in Peachbelt.
Spivey Hall celebrated 15 years and transitioning into a new era as Sheryl Nelson retires.
Great year, we have had births and some loss’ this year. We won’t forget them and what they have done. New people have come on board and some have moved on.
Thank you for all you do without you we would not be as successful as we have been as well as provide quality.
All the committees made a presentation to what they had all accomplished throughout the year and each member of the committee were introduced and thanked for their commitment.
New Business
Bylaw Changes
Article V: Officers, Section B
– Currently reads: “Officers shall be elected from the Staff Council delegates during the annual August meeting of the Staff Council”
– Recommendation: “Officers shall be elected from the Staff Council delegates during the June meeting of Staff Council.”
Article V: Officers, Section D. Duties, Sub-section f
– Currently reads: “Convene the August meeting and coordinate the election of officers for the new term.”
– Recommendation: Remove sub-section f
Changes unanimously passed.
The Staff Council meeting was adjourned at 10:00am.
Respectfully Submitted,
Alina Brooks
Alina Brooks, Secretary
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