Codex Sinaiticus Conference – Programme
Monday, 6 July 2009
9:30-10:30 / Registration10:30-10:45 / Welcome address
10:45-12:45 / Codex Sinaiticus in its historical context
Harry Y. Gamble–Codex Sinaiticus: the book and its readers in the fourth century
David Trobisch–Codex Sinaiticus and the formation of the Christian Bible
Emanuel Tov–The Septuagint section in Codex Sinaiticus compared with other sources
12:45-14:00 / Lunch
14:00-15:30 / Parallel sessions
The making and conserving of Codex Sinaiticus
Christopher Clarkson –Early codex binding – from the surviving evidence
René Larsen –Parchment production in the fourth century: what can Codes Sinaiticus tell us?
Helen Shenton –The conservation of Codex Sinaiticus
The scribes of Codex Sinaiticus
Dirk Jongkind –Scribal habits of Codex Sinaiticus
Peter Head–Scribe D in the New Testament of Codex Sinaiticus
15:30-16:00 / Coffee
16:30-18:00 / Experiencing Codex Sinaiticus
David Parker–The fourth century New Testament text of Codex Sinaiticus
Amy Myshrall and Rachel Kevern –Transcribing Codex Sinaiticus
Kristin de Troyer – Reading Judges for the first time
Klaus Wachtel – The corrected New Testament text of Codex Sinaiticus
18:15-19:00 / Key note address
Eldon J. Epp–Codex Sinaiticus: its entrance into the mid-nineteenth century text-critical environment and its impact on the New Testament text
19:00-20:30 / Drinks reception and Exhibition
Tuesday, 7 July 2009
9:30-11:00 / The New FindsArchbishop Damianos– The Shepherd of Hermas and its inclusion in Codex Sinaiticus: almost Scripture
Panayotes Nikolopoulos–The recovery of the New Finds at Sinai: afirst-hand report
Hieromonk Justin of Sinai – The conservation and photography of Codex Sinaiticus at Saint Catherine's Monastery: not quite finished
11:00-11:30 / Coffee
11:30-13:00 / Parallel sessions
The travels of Codex Sinaiticus
Christfried Böttrich –The history of 'Codex Sinaiticus'
Nicholas Fyssas –The recent history of Codex Sinaiticus: insights from the Sinai archives
William Frame–The British Museum purchase of Codex Sinaiticus
Reports on related projects
Ulrich Schmid –Citations of the Septuagint in their New Testament versions
Jan Krans – The digitisation of Codex Boreelianus
Juan Garcés – Codex Sinaiticus and the mass-digitisation of Greek manuscripts at the British Library
13:00-14:00 / Lunch
14:00-15:30 / Parallel sessions
Codex Sinaiticus and the history of biblical texts
Daniel Batovici –The Shepherd of Hermasin Codex Sinaiticus: textual and reception-historicalconsiderations
Juan Hernández –Codex Sinaiticus: the earliest Christian commentary on John’s Apocalypse?
Albert Pietersma and Cameron Boyd-Taylor – The Psalms in Codex Sinaiticus
Codex Sinaiticus in the present
Peter Robinson–Creating a 21stcentury edition of Codex Sinaiticus
Steve Walton–Codex Sinaiticus and its importance for contemporary Christianity
15:30-16:00 / Final address
Ulrich Johannes Schneider– The future of Codex Sinaiticus