Page 1 of 5 Regular Meeting Minutes 11/7/2011
Montgomery City Council
Regular City Council Meeting
November 7, 2011
7:00 p.m.
Mayor Jean Keogh called the City Council meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Montgomery City Council Chambers.
All Council members present: Jean Keogh, Bonnie Sery-Malecha, Dave King, Bill Wencl, and Tim Siebsen. Also in attendance City staff: Steve Helget and Sharon More. Others present: Monte Eastvold of Northland Securities, Chris Cavett of SEH, and Matt Helgerson Superintendent of Montgomery-Lonsdale Schools, and Jake Keohen of the Montgomery Messenger.
Helget requested that two (2) items be added to the agenda
(A.) Administration (4.) Proclamation American Education Week
(B.) Ambulance Service (2.) Probationary Member Termination
Motion made by King to adopt the agenda with the additions. Second by Siebsen and carried unanimously.
No one.
Motion made by Sery-Malecha to approve the Consent Agenda which consisted of the minutes from the October 17, 2011 regular Council Meeting, the November bills, and to dispense with the full reading of Ordinances No. 14-2011. Second by Wencl and carried unanimously.
A. Capital Improvement Plan 2011-2015 Hearing
Mayor Keogh recessed the regular meeting at 7:10 p.m. to hold the public hearing on the Capital Improvement Plan.
Helget introduced and summarized the process on the proposed plan to use crossover refinancing bonds, starting that process with a Capital Improvement Plan. Helget reviewed the one item on the Capital Improvement Plan Project Summary, to purchase the Public Library from the Economic Development Authority. Monte Eastvold of Northland Securities addressed financing the Capital Improvement Plan with G.O. Refunding Bonds. Eastvold reviewed the Debt Service Comparison and anticipates approximately $135,000 - $162,000 (September) interest cost savings over the life of the bonds.
No public comments
Mayor Keogh closed the public hearing at 7:40 p.m. and reconvened the regular meeting.
B. Second Street Improvement Project Final Assessment Hearing
Mayor Keogh recessed the regular meeting at 8:03 p.m. to hold the public hearing on the Second Street Improvement Project Final Assessments.
Helget provided an overview of the project and process to date. Chris Cavett of SEH presented and reviewed the Final Assessments.
Council member Sery-Malecha expressed concern for unfinished warranty items such as the concrete.
Montgomery – Lonsdale School Superintendent, Matt Helgerson thanked the City for considering the project. Helgerson expressed (4) main areas of concern:
1. What factors affected project projected costs vs. actual costs? [Cavett response: Timing when bid, size of project, and construction prices increased.]
2. Was there any opportunity for rebidding the project? [Cavett response: Not really, considering project based on timing to complete and relativity small size of project.]
SEH can provide copies to review engineers report on project, including back fill and sewer pipes. They may also review test report of asphalt and concrete and the major rehab of the roadway.
3. Is there a Warranty work time frame? [Cavett response: 2 year warranty – covered by warranty bonds and time limit for any defective work on the surface, depending and could extend beyond.
4. Concern for visual esthetics of the sidewalk, contractor’s workman ship, flaking of colored concrete, and longevity? [Helget and Cavett response: City can demand that an expansion joint be put in place and remove what is there, however the sidewalk was not in original scope or part of warranty process. Cavett reviewing the 10’ panel low spot of existing sidewalk following project completion, unknown what happened to cause.]
No other resident comments.
Mayor Keogh closed the public hearing at 8:47 p.m. and reconvened the regular meeting.
1. Resolution 42-2011, Preliminary Approval of G.O. CIP Bonds
Helget presented Resolution 42-2011 giving preliminary approval to the issuance of General Obligation Capital Improvement Bonds and adopting the City’s Capital Improvement Plan 2011-2015. Council discussion followed, Eastvold would wait for 30 days and monitor the market and alert S&P of impending G.O. Capital Improvement Bond rating request. Council could do a trigger resolution at next Council meeting giving City Administrator and Mayor Authority to lock a rate with predetermined range of interest savings.
Motion was made by Sery-Malecha to approve Resolution 42-2011. Seconded by Siebsen and carried unanimously.
2. Mobilize Montgomery Temporary Street Closing Application
Renee Southworth of Mobilize Montgomery submitted a letter with a temporary Street Closing Application for the Annual Torchlight Parade and Fireworks to be held December 1, 2011.
Motion made by Siebsen to approve Mobilize Montgomery’s Temporary Street Closing Application contingent upon approval of the Chief of Police and Fire Chief approval. Second by Sery-Malecha and carried unanimously.
3. Ordinance No. 14-2011, Farm Animals
Helget reviewed Ordinance No. 14-2011 that amends Chapter 10, Section 1010.04 proposing to remove language authorizing farm animals in an agricultural district.
Motion made by Siebsen to adopt Ordinance No. 14-2011 and to waive the second reading. Second by Wencl and carried unanimously.
Motion made by Siebsen to approve the summary of Ordinance No. 14-2011 and its publication. Second by Wencl and carried unanimously.
4. Added item: Proclamation American Education Week
Motion made by Sery-Malecha to adopt the American Education Week Proclamation. Second by Siebsen and carried unanimously.
Mayor Keogh read the “American Education Week Proclamation.”
1. Member Resignations
Colleen Pavek (18 years) and Sharon More (17 years) submitted letters of resignation effective December 31, 2011. Mayor Keogh and Council thanked Pavek and More for their years of service.
Motion made by King to accept Colleen Pavek’s and Sharon More’s resignations from the Montgomery Ambulance Service. Second by Siebsen and carried unanimously.
2. Added Item: Probationary Member Termination
More summarized EMS Director’s letter and attachments requesting Amber Nelson’s probationary membership termination.
Motion made by Siebsen to terminate Amber Nelson’s probationary membership with the Ambulance service, effective immediately. Second by Wencl and carried unanimously.
LIBRARY – Nothing
A. Second Street Improvement Project
1. Resolution 41-2011, Adopting Assessment
Motion made by King adopting the assessment for the Second Street Improvement Project. Second by Siebsen and carried unanimously.
Special City Council meeting (Budget Workshop) – November 14, 2011, 6:30 p.m.
Next regular City Council meeting – November 21, 2011 at 7:00 p.m.
Helget provided an overview of the meeting held with Fire and Ambulance Service Departments, along with the area townships and the City of Kilkenny. The group voted to recommend going ahead and purchasing an Ambulance Chassis. Discussion took place on $500 Call fee (tabled – Erin Twp. Absent.) The group voted to recommend increasing the $1800 service year credit to $1850.
Helget provided information received for the National Emergency Alert System Test Scheduled for November 9, 2011 at 1:00 p.m. and to last for 30 seconds.
Mayor Keogh reported she will be on KCHK this Friday, November 11, 2011. Keogh will hold her monthly “Chat with the Mayor” on Saturday, November 12, 2011 from 9 – 11 a.m. at Edel Town and Country Realty. Keogh also invited residents to apply for open board positions on the Housing and Rural Development Authority and Planning & Zoning Boards.
There being no further business, motion was made by Siebsen to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Sery-Malecha and carried unanimously. The meeting was declared adjourned at 8:56 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Sharon More
Clerk – Treasurer