Joaquin ARANGO is a professor of sociology at the Complutense University of Madrid and director of the Program on International Migration and Citizenship at the Instituto Universitario Ortega y Gasset. In recent years he was a director of the Spanish National Centre for Sociological Research, President of the Board of Directors of the European Centre for Research and Documentation in Social Sciences ('Vienna Centre'), and Chair of the Experts Group on Imbalances in the Mediterranean of the Council of Europe. He is a member of many editorial boards of various journals (such as the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies or the Southern European Society & Politics).

Andrea FÁBEROVÁ is the Head of Asylum and Migration Law Department of the Czech Ministry of Interior.
Heinz FASSMANN is a professor at the University of Vienna. Since 2006 he has held the post of a dean of the Faculty of the Geographical Sciences. At the same time, since 2004 Mr. Fassmann has been the chairman of the Comission for Mirgation and Integration Research by the Austrian Academy of Sciences. In the years 2006-2009 he was active as a director of the Institute for the Research of Cities and Regions of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. In his career he was awarded many prizes in Austria as well as in other countries (e.g. the Bruno-Kreisky-Anerkennungspreis or the Preis der Schader-Stiftung „Gesellschaftswissenschaften im Praxisbezug“). Mr. Fassmann’s specialization is (among others) in migration research and comparative urban research.
Elmar HÖNEKOPP is currently retired associate of the Institute for Labour Market and Career Research in Nuremberg. An author of many publications on migration and labour market related issues.

Jeffrey Michael LABOVITZ is regional representative of IOM Regional Mission for Central and South Eastern Europe responsible for overall coordination of migration policies, programs and administrative issues. Mr. Labovitz began working for IOM as a Country Representative for Out of Country Voting (OCV) for Bosnia in 1996 and 1997. He then directed OCV for East Timor and Kosovo, and served as the Head of Electoral Programs in Geneva from 1999-2003. Concurrently, Mr. Labovitz served as the Senior Emergency Officer and lead IOM emergency teams around the world and initiated emergency and relief programs in over 20 countries including Afghanistan, Angola, Iraq, Sierra Leone, Sudan, and Zimbabwe. He was recognized for his work and was awarded for his management of out of country voting programs and emergencies worldwide.

Richard PERRUCHOUDis a representative of the International Organization for Migration (IOM), department of International Migration Law and Legal Affairs.

Enrico RAGAGLIA works for the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD). He is foremostly focused on trafficking in human beings.

Bohdan RAJČINEC, a prepresentative of the Ukrainian Community, studied Slavonic studies at Philospohical Faculty of Charles University, Prague. He is representative of Ukrainian Initiative in CR, which for 16 years supports development of Ukrainian culture within Czech and European community. UICR) is a member of European and World congress of Ukrainians and cooperates with governmental and non-profit sector. UICR also issues “Porohy” magazine in Ukrainian and provides additional informational service to Ukrainian community in CR.

Robert STOJANOV specializes in relations among population processes, environmental change and development, and effectiveness of development interventions. He is author of books Development, Environment and Migration. Analysis of Linkages and Consequences; Development Assistance in the Light of Practice. Selected Linkages and Aspects, and book editor of Migration, Development and Environment: Migration Processes from the Perspective of Environmental Change and Development Approach at the beginning of the 21st Century. Mr. Stojanov has conducted a field research dealing climate (environmental) change, migration processes and development consequences in China, East Africa, East Europe and South Asia. He is currently assistance professor at the Faculty of Logistics and Crisis Management, Tomas Bata University.

Tomáš URUBEK is Head of the Unit for International Relations of the Department for Asylum and Migration Policy of the Czech Interior Ministry. Since 2000 he is in charge of development of the Czech external policy in the field of migration and asylum. During the Czech Presidency of the European Union he organised a ministerial conference Building Migration Partnerships which agreed on a joint strategy between the European Union, Commonwealth of Intedependent States and Western Balkans in managing migration.


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