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Exercises Proposed for teaching in (Jan- June, 2016 Semester)

1.  Name of the Teacher: Sahadev Roy

2.  Department : Electronics and Communication Engineering for M.Tech MCC

3.  Course Title: Advanced Embedded System

4.  Course code: MCC 922/ECE 908

5.  Course Hands out (in reference to framed & approved syllabus)

The syllabus are designed that describes understanding of embedded system related to electronics design and manufacturing. Provide a general overview of Embedded Systems and RTOS. Learn to design and development of an embedded system, including hardware and embedded software development. Give examples of Embedded Systems. Show current practice of Embedded Systems. Basic and advance level discussion on embedded system used in industry by which student will demonstrate the ability to visualize and work on laboratory and multidisciplinary tasks.


Sl No / Topic / Contact Hours
1 / Introduction to Embedded systems. / 1
2 / State Transition Graph / 2
3 / Hardware/Software Co-Design, Co-Design for System Specification and modeling. The Co-Synthesis Problem. / 2
4 / Different embedded processor like 8051, Arduino, ARM, PIC, DSP, FPGA based processor. / 3
5 / Single-processor Architectures and Multi- Processor architectures. / 2
6 / Introduction to Fuzzy logic and application of it. / 2


Sl No / Topic / Contact Hours
1 / Models of Computation, Requirements for Embedded System Specification. / 2
2 / Hardware/Software Partitioning Problem, Hardware/Software Cost Estimation, Case study. / 3
3 / Generation of Partitioning by Graphical modelling. / 2
4 / External peripherals – Type of memory – Memory testing , memory management. / 2


Sl No / Topic / Contact Hours
1 / Introduction to RTOS: OS in embedded systems, multi tasking using priority based preemptive schedulers are covered. / 3
2 / RTOS- Inter Process communication, Interrupt driven Input and Output - Nonmaskable interrupt, Software interrupt; / 2
3 / Thread – Single, Multithread concept; / 2
4 / Multitasking sequential circuit Handling of interrupts in RTOS and timing analysis. Case study. / 3


Sl No / Topic / Contact Hours
1 / Embedded system design, Embedded C, Role of Infinite loop instruction sequencing, Compilier / 3
2 / State Machine, Pattern Sequence Detector. / 2
3 / Different type of embedded multitasking sequential switching circuit design and optimization. Case study. / 5

6.  Books/Literature to be followed:

(a)  Books

(i)  Title The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems :

Using Assembly and C

Author Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Janice Gillispie Mazidi, Rolin D. Mckinlay

Publisher Pearson

Edition 2nd

(ii)  Title Embedded Systems

Author Raj Kamal

Publisher McGraw Hill

Edition 2nd

(iii)  Title Embedded Systems

Author A Prasad


Edition Second edition

(iv)  Title C with assembly language

Author Steven Holzner

Publisher BPB publication

Edition 2nd

(v)  Title Computational Intelligence: A logical Approach

Author Davin Poole, Alan Mackworth, and Randy Goebel

Publisher Oxford University Press

Edition 3rd

(vi)  Title Artificial Intelligence

Author P H Winston

Publisher Pearson Education

Edition 2nd

(b) Magazines/Journal

(i).  Embedded Systems Design magazine archive, South Tower San Francisco, CA 94107

(ii). Embedded Innovator Newsletter and magazines, Intel, Santa Clara, CA.

(iii).  Embedded Computing Design, Saint Clair Shores, MI 48082

(iv).  AI Magazine - Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence, AAAI Press, USA

(v). IEEE Intelligent Systems Magazine, Computer Society, United State

(vi).  International Journal of Embedded Systems, Inder Science Publishers, ISSN online: 1741-1076, ISSN print: 1741- 1068

(vii).  International Journal of Reconfigurable and Embedded Systems (IJRES), ISSN: 2089-4864, IAES

(viii).  Journal of Embedded Computing, ISSN 1740-4460, IOS Press

(ix).  Journal of Embedded Systems, Science and Education Publishing.

(x). Applied Soft Computing - Journal - Elsevier, Netherland

7. Mode of Teaching: J.C Bose

8. If the course is of practices, list the experiments to be offered. NO

9. Are the manuals ready for the experiments to be conducted? NA

Remarks/ Endorsement by the HoD
With his /her signature with date / Name of the Teacher:
Signature with Date: