North Canadian Athletic Association
412 Stone Avenue
Dale, OK 74851
Article I... Name
The name of this organization shall be North Canadian Athletic Association, hereinafter referred to as NCAA.
Article II... Objectives
The objectives of the NCAA shall be:
1)To promote interest in the playing of youth sports.
2)To provide the opportunity for youths to participate in the various phases of community activities.
3)To provide the area with public service resources in various organized leagues.
4)To develop future citizens with the proper attitude toward life through the development of sportsmanship and community service.
Article III... Membership
Membership of the NCAA shall consist of:
1)Original incorporating complexes that have paid their membership dues.
2)Joining complexes that have been approved by the existing membership and have paid membership dues.
Article IV... Organization Structure
The NCAA shall be comprised of two groups: the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors, collectively “the Board.”
Article V... Executive Committee
1)The NCAA Executive Committee shall consist of 2 representatives from each member complex who have joined and paid their membership dues.
2)All future Executive Committee representatives appointed by complexes shall be approved by the current or existing NCAA Executive Committee members.
3)It will be the duty and responsibility of the Executive Committee to approve all bills for expenses before payment of the same.
4)The business and affairs of the NCAA shall be managed and controlled solely by the Executive Committee.
5)Executive Committee members may at their discretion remove any elected or appointed member by 2/3 popular vote.
Article VI... Board of Directors and Duties
The NCAA Board of Directors shall not have voting rights and are only in place to act as the administrative arm for the NCAA.
The President shall:
1)Be the chairman of the Board of Directors.
2)Preside at all meetings of the NCAA.
3)Approve all checks of the organization with the Treasurer.
4)See that all orders and resolutions of the Board are carried into effect.
The Vice-President shall:
1)Assist the President of the NCAA with his/her duties and assume those duties in the President’s absence
The Secretary shall:
1)Keep minutes of all meetings.
2)Conduct all correspondence as directed by the Board and the President.
3)Maintain a file of all correspondence and records of the organization.
4)Notify the Board Members of board meetings 1 week in advance of such meetings, including the agenda.
The Treasurer shall:
1)Maintain all financial records and funds of the organization.
2)Issue and sign all approved checks.
3)Give a financial report at all board meetings.
4)Honor only those bills which are duly authorized.
The Commissioners shall:
1)Handle any softball/baseball/basketball matters in accordance with NCAA By-laws.
2)See that all team rosters and associated paperwork are filled out properly in accordance with NCAA By-Laws.
3)See that protests are filed and ruled upon in accordance with NCAA By-Laws.
Article VII... Annual Meeting
1)The Boards shall convene annually in August of each year, for the purpose of holding elections, for the consideration of reports, and for the transaction of other business as may properly come before the organization for consideration.
Article VIII... Special Meetings
1)Special meetings of the Board may be requested at any time by the Executive Committee members and must be called by the President of the NCAA within 7 days of written request via e-mail to the President.
Article IX... Quorum
1)At any annual, regular or special meeting of the Board, attendance of 2/3 of the existing Executive Committee members shall be a quorum.
Article X... Voting
1)At every meeting of the Board each Executive Committee member present shall be entitled to 1 and only 1 vote. Voting by proxy shall be allowed provided the vote is submitted to the President in writing via e-mail prior to the board meeting. Only members of the Executive Committee as defined by this document are permitted to vote or bring matters before the Board unless specifically invited to address the Board in a public forum.
Article XI... Election
1)The members of the Board of Directors shall be elected at the annual meeting of the membership and shall serve 1 year terms.
Article XII... Vacancies
1)Any vacancy in the Board of Directors may be filled temporarily by appointment of the Executive Committee. Any such appointee shall serve until the next annual meeting of the NCAA membership at which time a successor shall be elected.
Article XIII... Compensation
1)The members of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee shall be volunteers and shall receive no compensation for the duties as such.
Article XIV... Dissolution
1)After written notice to and approved by a unanimous vote of the entire Executive Committee this organization may be voluntarily dissolved. Upon dissolution, being voluntary or otherwise, any assets remaining after the payment of all final bills and expenses shall be returned to each complex.
Article XV... Amendments
1)Amendments of these by-laws not inconsistent with the by-laws and purpose of NCAA may be adopted by a vote of 2/3 of the Executive Committee members present at meeting expressly called for that purpose, provided that written notice of any such meeting of the Board provides reasonable, adequate notice to the terms of the amendment proposed.
Article XVI... Rules and Regulations
1)All meetings shall be conducted by the Roberts Rules of Order.
2)The NCAA shall be governed by the Rules and Regulations of the OK Kids/NFHS for boys and USSSA for girls.
3)The first general meeting shall be held in or before September.
4)The Board will conduct 1 regular meeting per month.
5)A quorum shall consist of 2/3 of the Executive Committee.
6)The Board shall not consist of husband and wife.
7)Anything not covered in our by-laws will refer to OK Kids, USSSA and/or NFHS.
8)All complex sign-up fees be shall be agreed upon by the NCAA Executive Committee.
9)All complexes shall pay umpires a flat rate per game agreed upon by the NCAA Executive Committee.
10)All awards will be agreed upon by the NCAA Executive Committee.
Article XVII... Protests
1)A protest of any kind must be submitted to complex coordinator on an official NCAA protest card prior to completion of the game.
2)A protest fee of $100.00 payable by check to the NCAA must be turned in at time of protest. If protest is upheld money will be returned to team.
3)The umpire shall notify both coaches that the game is being played under protest and scorebooks should be documented accordingly.
4)Decisions by the NCAA Executive Committee shall be final on all protests.
5)Protest shall consist of rule violations only. No judgment calls may be protested.
Article XVIII... Umpires
1)All kid pitched ballgames must have 2 umpires on the field. One umpire must be certified on the field at all times.
2)Umpires shall be paid $25.00 per game.
Article XIX... Membership and Eligibility (Baseball/Softball)
1) Applications must be submitted to NCAA no later than March 1st of the current year. There will be no exceptions.
3)Registration and Eligibility of Players
- Shall be subjected to OK Kids (boys) and USSSA (girls) and be submitted to the association officers on appropriate roster sheets. Players, managers and coaches must be registered for the current year before being allowed to participate. All individual contract cards and team rosters must be agreed upon.
- The complex coordinators are responsible for turning in complete team rosters (OK Kids, NCAA, USSSA etc.) with birth certificates, or hospital records and NCAA cards. Rosters with less than 9 baseball and 10 softball eligible players will not be accepted. Any paperwork not legible or complete will be returned to the appropriate complex coordinator. The board will collect all data and then compile a NCAA list of non-eligible teams/players for those teams/players without either birth certificates or hospital records/NCAA Cards/OK Kids cards. All games that an ineligible player/team plays in will be forfeited. All challenges concerning an ineligible player will be submitted to the applicable sports commissioner with 48 hours after said game. Challenges are to be made by the applicable area coordinator only.
- Questions pertaining to an eligibility or registration will be decided by the committee of the sport. Any player may play above their age classification, but must complete the current year at that class. Any player moving up in an age division or changing teams must do so before the first league game. Exception to this rule must be presented to and approved by the baseball or softball committee. If a school has no team for a given age group, the applicable sports committee shall determine where the players from that area may participate, in accordance with OK Kids and USSSA rules. OSSAA has no regulations on this and should use same rule as OK Kids and USSSA.
- Upon request from complex coordinator and head coach, and with approval of applicable baseball/softball committee or commissioner, the NCAA Board can waive any AGE, EQUIPMENT or Rule restrictions to allow a child with physical/mental challenges to participate on any team. The safety of the child, teammates and opponents will be the primary factor for consideration. The child’s parent/guardian will be required to sign a Release of Liability Waiver for all involved.
4)Team rosters will be limited to 18 players for baseball and 20 players for softball. In addition, each team may have one non-playing manager and 2 non-playing coaches. Players may not be registered with more than one team. Player’s age requirements must be validated by birth certificate or hospital records, certified on an official application roster, and filed with the NCAA. These rosters will be kept on file by the NCAA during the current year.
5)Any additions or deletions to/from NCAA team roster sheets after March 1st of the current year must be submitted to the Softball/Baseball Commissioner by your area coordinator, not the coaches. No players may be added to baseball or softball rosters after May 15 of current year.
6)There will be a mandatory complex Baseball and Softball Coordinators meeting held on the last Sunday in February at 3:00.
Article XX…General
1)All postponements or rainouts shall be the responsibility of the home team to reschedule. Any discrepancies shall be referred to the softball or baseball committee.
2)Teams are responsible for turning in their score at the end of each game to the home plate umpire. The umpire will then turn scores into home complex who will be responsible for reporting scores to NCAA by Sunday at midnight.
3)Cancellations will be coordinated with the opposing coach a minimum of 48 hours prior to the scheduled time, with the exception of weather. In which every effort will be made for notification within two (2) hours of starting time. Rescheduling for anything other than weather requires 48 hours notice. Any games not played will count as a loss for each team unless the softball or baseball committee awards a forfeit.
4)Games will be forfeited if a team is not on the field and ready to play at game time.
5)The home team is responsible for providing two (2) umpires for kid pitched ball (one of which must be registered). The home team is also responsible for marking the field for each game. The home team will furnish the registered plate umpire. The base umpire is mandatory and can be furnished from either the home team or the visiting team. This umpire may or may not be registered. If a base umpire is not found the game can be played with one umpire as long as both teams agree. However, if one team does not agree to this, the registered umpire should be notified and a brief description shall be written, initialed and dated by both coaches and umpire in both scorebooks.
6)No admission may be charged for regular season games.
7)In NCAA baseball, the Baseball Committee may divide the teams intodivisions based on number of teams and outcome of pre-season tournament for league play. Post-season will be divided into two divisions by the seeding of league play at the Baseball Committee’s discretion.
A)Within 24 hours after the completion of the Pre-Season Tournament all hosting complexes must turn a completed bracket into President, Baseball Commissioner.
B)The following age groups have been developed by OK KIDS/USSSA.
Baseball / SoftballT-Ball / 5-6 years / T-Ball / 5-6 years
Coach Pitch / 7-8 years / Machine Pitch / 7-8 years
PeeWee / 9-10 years / 10 & Under / 9-10 years
Midget / 11-12 years / 12 & Under / 11-12 years
Prep / 13-14 years / 14 & Under / 13-14 years
Minor / 15-16 years / 16 & Under / 15-16 years
18 & Under / 17-18 years
8)PeeWee and Midget games will have a 1 hour and 30 minute time limit. Prep and Minors will have a 1 hour and 45 minute time limit.
9)Regulation games will be five (5) innings for PeeWee, six (6) innings for Midget and seven (7) for Prep and Minor.
10)The game will be called at the completion of any inning if one team is ahead 20 runs or more.
11)Steel cleats will be allowed for Prep and Minor only.
12)There will be a 10 run rule in Minors and Preps; a 10 run rule in Midgets and a 12 run rule in PeeWees if all innings have been completed except two (2).
13)In case a game is called because of rain or inclement weather in league play a game is complete if all innings are completed except two (2). In other words if three (3) full innings have been played or two and one-half (2 ½) innings when the home team is ahead in PeeWees; if four (4) innings have been played or three and one-half (3 ½) when the home team is ahead in Midgets; if five (5) full innings have been played or four and one-half (4 ½) innings when the home team is ahead in Preps and Minors.
14)At the end of each league game both teams will report the score to home plate umpire. They will also have umpire initial and write card registration number on both scorebooks.
15)Any coach ejected from a game will be ejected from the complex for the remainder of that game plus the next game and will not be allowed back in complex. Players ejected for unsportsmanlike conduct; i.e.: malicious contact, fighting, profanity or intimidating remarks; shall be disqualified for the remainder of that game and shall be suspended for the next game, league or tournament. Subsequent/multiple ejections of a player or coach for unsportsmanlike conduct, if ruled by the applicable committee, could result in longer suspension.
16)No coach(es) that coach or help coach a team in the NCAA, will violate the OK Kids pitching rule in a non NCAA/OK Kids game.
1st Violation
The coach (es) will be suspended from coaching the NCAA league for 2 games and the pitcher(s) will be suspended from pitching for the next 2 games.
2nd Violation
The coach (es) could be suspended from coaching in the NCAA league and the pitcher(s) could be suspended for up to 1 year or reinstated by board approval.
17)Free substitution will be allowed in all age groups in baseball and softball for all players EXCEPT the pitcher. This rule will only apply to Pre-Season Tournament and regular league games. OK Kids/USSSA/OSSAA rules will be followed during Post-Season Tournament.
18)All age groups in baseball and softball may bat their entire roster. This is optional and to be decided by the coach. If a coach decided to bat entire roster in the beginning of the game they must continue to for the remainder of the game unless an injury occurs. This rule will only apply to Pre-Season Tournament and regular league games. OK Kids/OSSAA/USSSA rules will be followed during Post-Season Tournament.
Attachment 1
Kindergarten through 6th Grade Boys & Girls
1.Times: A half will be:K/1st/2nd Girls & Boys.....15 minutes
3rd/4th Girls & Boys...... 15 minutes
5th/6th Girls & Boys...... 15 minutes
Breaks:Halftime...... 3 minutes
Between games...... 5 minutes
2.There will be 3 timeouts per half, 2-30 second and 1-1 minute.
3.The clock will stop for every timeout and free throw. The clock will also stop for every dead ball the last two minutes of each half. If the point spread is greater than 20 points the clock will continue to run on dead balls the last two minutes of the game.
4.No one-and-one free throws. Bonus will be 2 free throws for each foul starting with the 10th team foul of each half.
5.K, 1st and 2nd Grade Girls & Boys League: