JD Photo-Tools
Meridian Centre - Ashton Road - Oldham - Lancs - OL8 1EZ
Phone 0161 627 2949 - Fax 0161 620 0764 - Email
Company Name:______Contact______
Address:______Phone :______
Project Name:______Approx PCB Size:______x ______
Data Format supplied ( In order of preference ):I will also supply
IPC-D-356 & Gerber data B.O.M in ASCII / Excel
Gerber 274-XBasic Centroid File Drawing showing Zero / Origin point / PCB Rotation
ODB++ & Basic Centroid File Component Rotation Sheet
Gerber Data Drawing with Global Fiducial positions
Films / Artworks
Actual Board
Other… ______
Inch Global Board Fiducials
Metric Component Fiducials
Component Side placement X / Y Data generated as Centroid
Solder Side placement X / Y Data generated as Pin 1
FORMATS / OUTPUTS - (Choose as many as apply):
FATF Assembly file Optimized Paste Layers
ASCII optimized file with BOM if available BMP of assembly data
Specific Machine Placement Format: (SMT Machine make model )______
Data Format Supplied:
Our preferred data format is IPC-356-D with the accompanying Gerber data. This proves the fastest method for programming machine data and also is the most accurate method.
If Gerber data is sent, we prefer it to be in 274X format and it must have an accompanying NC drill file. As well as the electrical circuit layers, the following will speed up the processing of the design
Soldermask - TopSoldermask - Bottom
Solderpaste - Top (footprint of parts)Solderpaste - Bottom (footprint of parts)
Silkscreen - Top (reference designators)Silkscreen - Bottom (reference designators)
B.O.M – If a Bill Of Materials is supplied, it must be in an electronic format, preferably in a CVR text file or if not a Tab Delimited / Column Delimited file such as Excel formatting can supply. It would normally be possible to accept hard copy paper formats, but this would involve time consuming scanning and OCR which we wouldn’t be able to offer on a free sample. Please ensure that the first row of the data contains the title of the columns
Generic Centroid File – By supplying us with an existing file, we are able to process the design much quicker and offer a fully optimized file back that can load directly into your machine. The Assembly file that we will supply you can be much more than just a centroid position file, so by supplying us with an existing centroid file is not cheating !
Our Service:
We aim to accommodate every request for a FREE assembly file, We aim to supply you back your assembly file within 7 days of receiving the complete data package, although we hope that you appreciate that our resources to offer this may be limited at times when normal customer orders are high. Because of this, we would urge you not to send “time sensitive” data. (Our normal bureau service for this type of work aims for a 1-2 day turnround).
There is no commitment to using us by requesting this free sample file. You are not entering into a contract with us, and there will be no costs involved. Because of this, we will not be held responsible for any claims or damages arising from the use of this free complimentary service. All requests for this free assembly file must be signed on behalf of the
Company Name:______
Project Name/Number:______
Please mark the correct rotation for each kind of component.