Career & Technical Education Leadership Development Program
Competency Guide Sheet
Name: ______Date: ______
Competency Number: 780
Competency Title: Work Cooperatively with Groups
Background (Theory) Resources: For this competency, you may wish to select an Internet site that addresses one of the following topics. Include the link as the final item on your documentation list. Include a copy of page one of the site with your completed competency.
· Involving the Community in Career and Technical Education
· Cooperating with Governmental and Community Agencies
· Priorities in Career and Technical Education
List of Key Points or Key Concepts: What in your reading did you find particularly important or valuable?
Implementation Plan: Your implementation plan should reflect your key points and should be approved by your resource person(s) before you take any action.
Documentation: As you develop this competency, document your actions. This documentation could include:
1. Your objectives and rationale for using external groups.
2. Minutes, notes, new releases, etc., documenting your involvement with groups.
3. A brief description of your involvement with groups.
4. A brief description of your assessment of the value of working with external groups.
5. An action plan and status report of the goals and objectives set by the groups.
Competency: Work Cooperatively with Groups
/ LEVEL OF PERFORMANCE // N/A / Not Attained / Attained /
In working cooperatively with groups, the leadership intern:
1. followed school protocol to obtain approval from administrator(s) for contact with group(s), such as:
a. advisory committees
b. parents
c. Chamber of Commerce
d. Workforce Investment Board
e. government agencies
f. elected officials
g. labor organizations
h. other educational agencies
2. determined objectives for establishing relationships with group(s)
3. selected appropriate groups to involve in curriculum development
4. allocated available professional time for working with selected groups
5. maintained effective relationships with groups by:
a. offering suggestions for discussion
b. volunteering available resources
c. volunteering professional expertise
d. attending meetings regularly
e. being punctual for meetings
f. facilitating meetings by keeping discussion on target
6. assessed the value of involvement with each group by:
a. informal feedback from group members
b. follow-up with other school personnel
7. disseminated results of group involvement to appropriate school personnel
Intern's Initials Date SLRP's Initials Date FRP's Initials Date