03-09-10 RTC MINS
Present The Mayor, Councillor K. Sharp (in the chair)
Councillors: Mrs. E. Ballard JP, F.G. Coonghe, J.P. Dean, C. Finch, Mrs. M.W. Finch, J.E. Gains, C. Green, A. Leonard JP, Mrs. S.E. Locking, T.F. Marris, F. Robertson, D.M. Skinner, F.W.P. Treanor, Mrs. P.F. Watson, B.R. Williamson and Mrs. E.J. Wood.
The Town Clerk, Mrs. L.J. Blankley, her Secretary Mrs. L.M. Phillips, two members of the public and 1 member of the press were also present.
A gentleman spoke in the public forum about his objections to the proposed Gypsy Site off Brackenborough Road, Louth.
607. Prayers
The Mayor’s Chaplain, Canon S. Holdaway opened the meeting with prayers.
608. Apologies for Absence
Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Mrs. J. Makinson-Sanders, B. Burnett, J.R. Macdonald and D.E. Wing. These were approved by the Council.
609. Chairman’s Remarks
The Chairman had no remarks to make.
610. Declarations of Interest
The following personal interests were declared in accordance with the Local Government Act, 2000:
a. Councillor Mrs. P.F. Watson – any item from or relating to LCC or ELDC as a member of LCC and ELDC.
611. Council Minutes
The notes of the last meeting of Louth Town Council held on 9th February 2010 were discussed and approved as a correct record.
612. Committee Minutes
The Minutes of the following Committee Meetings were ratified by the Council and signed by the Chairman:
a. Planning and Environment Committee – 26th January 2010
b. Planning and Environment Committee – 09 February 2010
c. General Purpose and Finance Committee – 26 January 2010
d. Cemetery Committee – 17th November 2010
613. KEVIGS Foundation Governor
The Council noted that Councillor D.M. Skinner had resigned from the Board of Trustees. Following a proposal by Councillor J.P. Dean, seconded by Councillor Mrs. E.J. Wood it was RESOLVED that Councillor Mrs. S.E. Locking should become a Town Council representative to serve until April 2014 on the Board of Trustees.
614. Civic Regalia
Following a proposal by Councillor Mrs. E. Ballard JP, seconded by Councillor T.F. Marris it was RESOLVED that the order of placement and spacing of Past Mayors Medallions on the new Civic Chain should follow standard practice and alternate links should be used commencing with the oldest commemorative year adjacent to the bottom central link (left hand side facing) and working up each side of the chain equally in Mayoral year order.
615. Councillors Behaviour
Councillor F. Robertson addressed the Council regarding his strong feeling that visitors attending as members of the public at Council meetings should be treated with respect and no jibes should ever be aimed at them as they have no right of reply.
616. Trial of Strafford
The Mayor reported that the visit to the House of Lords on March 3rd 2010 had been a wonderful day. He said that those who had attended had been treated extremely well and had received tremendous comments from members of the House of Lords about Louth. He enthused about seeing the Great Hall where the Trial of the First Earl of Strafford took place. Councillor J.P. Dean thanked Councillor Mrs. M.W. Finch and the Town Clerk for organising the visit. Councillor Mrs. M.W. Finch suggested that the Mayor send a letter of thanks to Malcolm Hay, Sir Patrick Cormack, Viscount Falkland and Mr. David Robinson OBE. The Mayor confirmed that he was more than happy to do so.
617. Use of Town Crest
Following a proposal by Councillor F.G. Coonghe, seconded by Councillor J.E. Gains it was RESOLVED that the ‘Louth Boxing Club’ be allowed to replicate the town crest on club clothing.
618. Mayor’s Announcements
The Mayor drew Councillors attention to a tabled list of the engagements that he had attended since the last Robed Town Council meeting. He picked out his visit to the Hospital and Salvation Army on Christmas Day as particularly enjoyable and worthwhile events and he reported that the Charity Male Voice Choir / Kidgate Boys Choir Concert which took place on 5th March to raise funds for the Mayor’s Charity Fund had been a roaring success.
The Meeting Closed at 7.59pm.
Signed______(Chairman) Dated______
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