Date: 16th November 2017

Venue: BPC, Offices, 2 Albion Road Birchington-On-Sea. Start:10:00hrs.

  1. Apologies for non-attendance.
  1. Declaration of Interest.
  1. Minutes of the Planning meeting held on 2ndNovember to be confirmed and to consider any matters arising.
  1. Chairman’s Report:

To receive the report and consider any matters arising and decided applications.

  1. Planning Applications to be discussed:

To receive and comment on the following planning applications.

FH/TH/17/1557, 17 Sea View Avenue, BIRCHINGTON, Kent, CT7 9LU, Erection of two storey rear extension, single storey front extension, alterations to roof including removal of 2 chimneys, alterations to fenestration, additions of balcony to front elevations, following demolition of existing single element to south and partial demolition of existing porch. Together with the demolition of the existing single detached garage, part reinstatement of front boundary wall and addition of single storey garage extension., BPC57/17.

L/TH/17/1288 & 87, 2 Station Road, Birchington, Retrospective application for Listed Building Consent for installation of extractor flue to rear of building following the removal of existing flue, BPC58/17.

F/TH/17/1578, The Waves Hotel & Café at 2 Hengist Road, Birchington, Erection of single storey rear extension, BPC60/17.

TPO/TH/17/1608, Lyell Court Lyell Road BIRCHINGTON Kent CT7 9JD, TH/TPO/13(1997)
False Acacia (T1) - Reduce 2 x overextended branches back into the shape of the tree
Holmoaks (T2, T3, T4) - Re-pollard back to previous pollard points
Sycamores (T5, T6, T7) - Crown thin by 30%,

TPO/TH/17/1634, The Paddock, Hengist Road, Birchington – TH/TPO/2 (2013) – 1 No. Norway Maple (T20) – Fell.

Signed by the Clerk to the Council

Caroline Vincent

Dated 13.11.17

Planning Applications for Planning Meeting 16thNovember2017

FH/TH/17/1557, 17 Sea View Avenue, BIRCHINGTON, Kent, CT7 9LU, Erection of two storey rear extension, single storey front extension, alterations to roof including removal of 2 chimneys, alterations to fenestration, additions of balcony to front elevations, following demolition of existing single element to south and partial demolition of existing porch. Together with the demolition of the existing single detached garage, part reinstatement of front boundary wall and addition of single storey garage extension., BPC57/17.

L/TH/17/1288 & 87, 2 Station Road, Birchington, Retrospective application for Listed Building Consent for installation of extractor flue to rear of building following the removal of existing flue, BPC58/17.

F/TH/17/1578, The Waves Hotel & Café at 2 Hengist Road, Birchington, Erection of single storey rear extension, BPC60/17.

TPO/TH/17/1608, Lyell Court Lyell Road BIRCHINGTON Kent CT7 9JD, TH/TPO/13(1997)
False Acacia (T1) - Reduce 2 x overextended branches back into the shape of the tree
Holmoaks (T2, T3, T4) - Re-pollard back to previous pollard points
Sycamores (T5, T6, T7) - Crown thin by 30%,

TPO/TH/17/1634, The Paddock, Hengist Road, Birchington – TH/TPO/2 (2013) – 1 No.Norway Maple (T20) – Fell.