The Beach Beat
The Official Newsletter of the Society of Brunswick Shaggers
PO Box 274
Oak Island, NC 28465
June 2012
And now, a message from our President!
Hello Fellow Shaggers; it’s already June and the 4th of July is just a few weeks away so don’t forget about Beach day June 30th be sure to sign up to help out with the New Hope clinic fund raiser on that day, and remember North Tower will be performing so you can work and enjoy the band at the same time it’s all fun!
Fall SOS is just a few months away and that means FUN MONDAY WILL BE ON September 17th and the entertainment is fabulous, JERRY BUTLER, MOJO BLUES BAND, COASTLINE AND OTHERS. I have Fun Monday Tickets to sale $10 each
The FIRST Ticket pulled is the BIG WINNER of $7,500.00
The SECOND ticket pulled will be awarded $2000.00
The THIRD ticket pulled will be awarded $1000.00
The FOURTH ticked pulled will be awarded $500.00
The FIFTH ticket pulled will be awarded $250.00
Get together with a group of friends and purchase a ticket or a number of tickets.
If you think you will be able to sell any of these tickets please contact me 910-448-2609 The Club and the Person that sells the winning ticket of $7,500.00 will receive $100.00.
Also coming up in September is Operation Uplink so be thinking about how you can help with that. Let’s all pull together and make our club the most outstanding SHAG Club in the State of North Carolina and South Carolina! Thank you for your help.
Mamie Brown
Society of Brunswick Shaggers
2012 Dance and Party Schedule
(Subject to Change)
Date Location Entertainment
June 8th VFW Robert Carter
June 22nd Moose Jim Rose
June 30th Beach Day/Cookout/Shag Contest North Tower
July 13th VFW David Wade
July 27th Moose Joey Warren
August 10th VFW Bill Ruth
August 24th Moose Jimmy Buffkin
September 14-23 North Myrtle Beach Fall Migration SOS
September 15 North Myrtle Beach FREE POURS
September 28th Moose-Operation Uplink Fundraiser Fessa John Hook
October 12th VFW DJ Rock
October 26th Moose Terry McPhail
November 9th VFW-Thanksgiving Dance Claude Collins
December 8th (Saturday Night) Moose-Christmas Dance Jerry Burrage
All Special Occasions are highlighted for your convenience.
If you have the stamina for it, DO NOT MISS A SINGLE ONE!!!
Visit our Website at and see what we have been up to lately!!
The Society of Brunswick Shaggers is a proud member of The Association of Carolina Shag Clubs (ACSC) and SOS (Society of Stranders). The SOS Website can be found at: .
The Event Schedule is getting shorter for 2012. See how many of the remaining functions you can attend.
The History of the Society of Brunswick Shaggers
Volume One
On March 15, 1993, a group of people (Shaggers, obviously) met at Meeting Street (logical place) in Shallotte, NC, with the purpose of forming a Shag Club. They stated the following reasons: 1) Promote Shag Dancing, 2) Social Interaction, 3) Meet with other Clubs, 4) Sponsor a Charity, 5) Form a Club for fun and Charity.
The organization would form with a minimum of 25 Charter Members. Any new members would have to make a commitment to attend the meetings at their new home base, Meeting Street. Everyone joining would also be asked to serve on a committee or in some capacity.
Beth Pupp was the first Nominating Committee and named the temporary officers as follows: President – Charles Smith (see footnote); Vice President – Herbie Phipps; Secretary – Geraldine Floyd; and Treasurer – Pam Evans (now of Coastal Shag Club Charter Member Fame). Pam felt that it would be logical to open a bank account, so the Club needed to develop a name.
Names for the Club were offered up and included: South Brunswick Island Shag Club and Shallotte Shag Society. Dues were set at $15 per person to defray the cost of the newsletter and travel expenses for officers attending meetings and workshops. The intention, upon formation, was to petition for membership to the Association of Carolina Shag Clubs.
In the pre-internet days, it was determined that a Bulletin Board would be placed on a Meeting Street wall for Shag Club News. This led to the original formation of the following committees: Telephone (yes, they actually had a phone tree for communications), nominating, social, publicity, membership, and ways and means.
Thus ended the “Birth Meeting” of our little Club. Interest was High, so the second meeting came only two weeks later. Remember, there had not been an organized “Social Dance” yet!
It was decided on March 29, 1993, that the Club name would be the Society of Brunswick Shaggers, also known as the “SOBS”. The aforementioned slate of officers was installed and the By-Laws were accepted. There is no mention of who authored the By-Laws.
By the April 19, 1993 meeting, there were 42 members! (No Socials YET!) All of the new members had to be “sponsored” by a current member and voted in by a majority of the members present!
The first Club social was held on May 15, 1993. There were 65 to 70 in attendance and everyone was thrilled. The SOBS were officially out of the gate.
It was determined that business meetings were to be held monthly, and that regular Club parties would be held QUARTERLY!! Notification would be by PHONE TREE and Club Newsletter (mailed at least six times per year).
Now the easy part of the SOBS formation was complete. Our next history installment will cover some of the rough patches of our road to the 20th year of the SOBS (2013)
The purpose of our Club in 1993 was – and remains today: “to perpetuate and preserve the Shag Dance; to perpetuate and preserve Beach Music and the atmosphere surrounding the Dance; and to create and maintain an environment conducive to the Dance.”
Butch Underwood
Footnote: The Charles Smith mentioned as our first president is not the Charles Smith who is currently a member of our Club, although the current Charles Smith is also a past president of the SOBS. We have to be the only Shag club that has had two presidents with the same first and last name.
DJ Profiles For the Month of June
Have you had a good time so far in 2012? Lots of dancing and good times are ahead for June. Where is the year going, it’s already June and summertime and the beach weather are here. Spinning the discs for us in June are Robert Carter and Jim Rose.
Robert Carter at the VFW, Friday, June 8th
Jim Rose at the Moose Lodge, Friday, June 22th
Our June 8th DJ is our own club VP Robert Carter. Robert and his wife Glenda are longtime SOBS club members. Robert is a loyal club member in many ways and played our club’s first Valentine’s dance. He began his DJ career at Shucker’s on Oak Island and has been associated with Beach, Shag, Boogie and Blues music for the last 40+ years. Mark your calendar for Friday, June 8th at the VFW for an evening of music and dancing.
Jim Rose started collecting music and playing for “Garage Bands” in the 60’s, and attended the University of South Carolina. Being a DJ had been a hobby of his until the late 90’s when he became a full time DJ primarily for Shag events. Jim has been playing in the North Myrtle Beach area on a regular basis since 2002 and was recently Vice-President and now President of the Association of Beach and Shag Club DJ’s. Jim loves the music, people, and dancers in the Shag community and looks forward to playing for us again.
Over the years one thing I have learned from all the DJ’s that I have booked is that they all like coming and playing for us. They all say we are a great crowd. We hope to see all at the VFW and at the Moose this month. Come out, dance, and support your club.
John Hutton
Upcoming Society of Brunswick Shaggers Events
June 8, 2012
On Friday, June 8th, we “Shag into summer” with DJ Robert Carter at the Oak Island VFW. Our Dish to share will be “Picnic Foods”. (Maybe Yogi Bear and Boo Boo will show up!!) Dancing occurs from 6:30 pm until 10 pm. Don’t miss it!!
June 22, 2012
On Friday, June 22nd, we will dance the night away to the music of DJ Jim Rose (current President of the Association of Beach and Shag Club DJs). This Dance will occur between 6:30 pm and 10 pm at the Oak Island Moose Lodge on Long Beach Road. Notice will be sent concerning availability of food and any other special events.
June 30, 2012
We invite all Club Members to join together on Saturday, June 30th and help raise funds for the New Hope Clinic. We will be grilling hot dogs and hamburgers at the North Carolina 4th of July Festival Beach Day Event on the soccer field behind OKI Town Hall on 46th Street SE and Pelican Drive. While there, you will enjoy the music of North Tower and witness (or participate in) a Shag Contest. We will begin setting up and cooking at about 4 pm, with the band beginning at 6 pm. For complete Festival information, go to . To volunteer with the SOBS, contact Judy Hudson at or sign up at one of our dances. Last year we donated $600 to help the New Hope Clinic offer free medical and dental care to those less fortunate Brunswick County residents.
July 3, 2012
While celebrating the 4th of July, go see the Craig Woolard Band for a FREE STREET DANCE on the Main Stage at the Southport waterfront on Tuesday, July 3rd. Music will start at 7 pm and end at 9 pm. There will not be a 50/50 drawing, but you will have a great time.
June Birthdays
John Swanko ------2nd
Tom Crean ------3rd
Muriel Lawrence ------5th
Elaine Faver ------10th
Peggy Procacci ------19th
Ken MacMurdo ------20th
Pat Harrington ------22nd
Angela Trent ------25th
Lillian Bowers ------26th
Joyce Neilsen ------27th
Chuck Boney ------29th
Jean Monier ------30th
Ken Skelps ------?
Chuck Boney wants everyone to know that “Dirt” was born on June 28th, so it is older than Chuck is!
2012 Society of Brunswick Shaggers Officers
President – Mamie Brown
Vice President – Robert Carter
Secretary – Roxie Wheeler
Treasurer – Dean Hatcher
2012 Society of Brunswick Shaggers Board Members
Committee Coordinator – Judy Hudson
Membership – Chuck Boney
Publicity – Butch Underwood
DJ Selection – John Hutton
Webmaster – Ken Koehly
Check out our Website at: !!!
Society of Brunswick Shaggers
Executive Committee Meeting
May 10, 2012
Attendees: Mamie Brown, President; Robert Carter, Vice President; Dean Hatcher, Treasurer; Roxie Wheeler, Secretary, Judy Hudson, Committee Coordinator; Chuck Boney, Membership; Butch Underwood, Publicity; Sandy Boney, Member
Secretary’s Report: A motion was made, seconded and approved by the Board Members in attendance to accept the secretary’s report of April 12, 2012.
Treasurer’s Report: It was reported that the Club has $3,030 in the bank which does not include $200 in the cash box.
Old Business: Our May 11 dance will be held at the VFW with DJ Gene Sistare with a Cinco de Mayo theme and Mexican food. The May 25 dance will be at the Moose Lodge with DJ Bill Ruth. Mamie reported that everyone had a good time at the SOS parade and approximately 60 of our club members were there.
New Business: The June 8 dance will be held at the VFW with DJ Robert Carter. The theme will be “Shag Into Summer” and everyone is invited to bring picnic foods.
Open Discussion: Beach Day is June 30. Preparations are being made to sell hamburgers and hot dogs and drinks. Judy made the suggestion that we also sell small bags of chips with each order. A sign-up sheet will be posted at the dances for those who would like to help cook, set up and clean up. All profits from this event are given to New Hope Clinic.
Uplink will be held on September 28 and benefits Operation Uplink and Feed the Veterans. Updated letters, flyers, tickets and banners are being printed for distribution.
Butch reported that he, Sherry and other Club members will be at the Teen Center on Oak Island on Friday, May 18 from 5-7pm to give line dance and shag dance lessons. Any members interested are invited to attend.
A motion to adjourn was made, seconded and approved by the Board members in attendance.
Submitted by:
Roxie Wheeler, Secretary, 2012
June Road Trips
Consider some of these functions when you are not dancing with the SOBS!!
Holden Beach
Sundays at the end of Jordan Boulevard at 6:30 pm
June 3rd – Gold Rush
June 10th – Jaded Mayberry
June 17th – Quiet Storm
June 24th – Brickhouse
Ocean Isle Beach
Fridays at the Museum of Coastal Carolina Parking Lot at 6:30 pm
June 1st – Too Much Sylvia
June 15th – The Imitation’s
June 29th – Holiday Band
Leland Municipal Park behind Town Hall at 6:30 pm
June 28th – The Imitations
The Coastal Shag Club
The third Saturday of each month at the Shallotte Moose Lodge on Holden Beach Road at 7 pm
June 16th – DJ Terry McPhail