Chandrasekharpur, Bhubaneswar-751023 (Odisha)

Tel: 0674-2301228, Fax: 0674-2300711

E-mail: GSTIN No: 21AABCK3753C1Z5



1)  Sealed quotations are invited for regular supply of Civil, Electrical and Cafeteria items as per requirement of Kalinga hospital. Interested firms having valid GSTIN Registration under Department of Commercial Taxes, Govt. of Odisha may submit their quotations for any or all items of any or all the group. They have to provide HSN Codes (if available) for the items quoted.

2)  Tender papers can be obtained from Kalinga hospital purchase department by depositing Rs. 1000.00 (Rupees One Thousand Only) in KHL cash counter towards cost of Tender papers which is not refundable. Tender papers will be issued on working days from date 01/09 /2017 up to 15/09/2017, 1.00 PM onwards.

3)  Bidders should go through KHL Terms & Conditions of purchase (Annexure-II) before submitting the quotations.

4)  Bidders are required to deposit Rs. 10000.00 (Rupees Ten Thousand Only) per each group of items towards EMD for submission of the quotations. However if the bidder submit quotations for THREE groups of items viz. Civil, Electrical and Cafeteria items .The bidders shall have to deposit 3 separate drafts of Rs. 10000.00 each towards EMD money.

5)  Quotations for each group items should be submitted in separate envelop.

6)  Quotations accompanied with the required EMD Bank draft/drafts drawn in favor of KALINGA HOSPITAL LIMITED payable at Bhubaneswar should be submitted in sealed and super-scribed envelope addressed in favor of Medial Superintendent, Kalinga Hospital Ltd. Chandrasekharpur, Bhubaneswar-751023.

7)  The last date for receipt of the sealed quotations is 15/09/ 2017, 3.00PM which will be opened on same date at 4.00 PM.

8)  Quotations submitted after due date will not be accepted.

9)  The quotations shall go through our selection process and the contracts will be placed with successful bidders for a period of one year.

10)  The EMD money of successful bidders will be retained up to the end of the contract period and will be treated as security deposit (interest free) against the contract. The EMD drafts however will be returned to the unsuccessful bidders.

11)  Bids submitted without EMD draft will not be considered.

12)  The List of Items has been attached (Annexure-IV for Civil Items, Annexure-V for Electrical items and Annexure VI for Cafeteria items). Vendors should quote unit price of each item along with brand/manufacturer name of the products offered. However vendors are advised to collect the samples from KHL purchase department for those items where the specifications mentioned in the item list is insufficient. Prices should be quoted F.O.R destination basis inclusive of all Taxes and packing & forwarding charges. Quoted prices should be firm and valid for a period of at least 12 months from the date of finalization of the quotations. Vendors should submit the quotations in their Firm letter head with seal and signature.

13)  Vendors should fill in the details in the Vendor Format (Annexure-III) attached herewith and submit the same along with the quotations.

14)  Shortlisted vendors will be called for necessary negotiation, if required on the quoted prices and terms & conditions.

15)  KHL management reserves the right to reject any/ all quotations without assigning the reasons thereof.

16)  Vendors must quote the Brand name mentioned against each Item.


Chandrasekharpur, Bhubaneswar-751023 (Odisha)

Tel: 0674-2301228, Fax: 0674-2300711





Unless otherwise specified the following Terms & Conditions shall apply in respect of supply of Stores & Consumables to Kalinga Hospital:

1 / Prices / : / F.O.R Kalinga Hospital Stores inclusive of all Taxes and P&F charges.
2 / Delivery Terms / : / Vendor should deliver the materials at KHL Stores along with 3 copies of Invoice. Vendors should comply with delivery formalities of the KHL stores
3 / Delivery Time / : / Within 7 days from the date of intimation
4 / Inspection / : / Goods delivered at Stores are subject to inspection for stated quality/ specifications and acceptance of goods is subject to satisfactory inspection report.
5 / Samples / : / In some cases vendors should provide sample materials before placing the orders which will be kept for matching at the time of delivery & inspection
6 / Payment Term / : / Within 30 days from date of delivery and acceptance of materials at Stores
7 / Warranty / : / Vendor should ensure warranty services if any as may be provided by the principal companies
8 / Contract Termination / : / Either party can terminate the contract by giving one month notice in writing to each other.


Chandrasekharpur, Bhubaneswar-751023 (Odisha)

Tel: 0674-2301228, Fax: 0674-2300711





1 / Name & Address of the Firm
(Pl mention all the addresses in case the vendor likely to supply from multiple locations with telephone numbers)
2 / Statute of the Firm / Proprietorship/ Partnership/ Limited Company
3 / Name of the owner/ Partner/ Director
4 / Name of the contact person with cell phone no. and e-mail address. (Contact details of each location may be provided)
Tel/Mobile No:
e-mail ID:
5 / GS TIN Registration No. of the Firm
(Please attach photocopy of the GSTIN Regd. Certificate)
6 / PAN No. of the Firm
(Please attach photocopy of the PAN card)
7 / Bank A/c Details of the Firm
Name of the Bank:
Branch Address:
Firm’s Bank A/c No:
Bankers IFC Code:
8 / Approximate Value of Annual Turnover of the firm
Year 2014-15:


(Signature of the authorized person with Firm seal)


Chandrasekharpur, Bhubaneswar-751023 (Odisha)

Tel: 0674-2301228, Fax: 0674-2300711



Note : 1. Where ever mentioned “GENERAL” in the item list, if vendor wants to supply any
branded Products then they have to mention the brand name.
2. If any clarification is required, pl contact our concerned officials after purchasing the
Tender papers.
3. In case of Plumbing items , the vendors may quote the additional running items with
brand name.