KYCID Expectations


All Settings

  1. Follow Teacher and Staff directions at all times
  2. Do not talk back to teachers and staff
  3. Keep hands and feet to self at all times
  4. Speak at an appropriate noise level
  5. Do not use profanity
  6. Always be prepared for class
  7. Follow dress code
  8. Be honest
  9. Be on time to all classes
  10. Do not use electronic devices at school
  11. Do not make excuses


  1. Participate in class
  2. Cooperate when doing group work
  3. Raise your hand to speak in class
  4. Do not bother other people’s property
  5. Be in your assigned seat when the bell rings
  6. Copy the agenda daily in each class
  7. Bring books, pencils and all supplies to class
  8. Complete all assignments
  9. Do not be tardy
  10. Once you enter a classroom do not leave without permission


  1. Be courteous to all people in the hallways
  2. No physical contact
  3. Do not run
  4. Walk on the right side of the hallways
  5. Go to lockers at the correct times
  6. Keep moving when you are in the hallways
  7. You must carry your agendas in the hallways as a hall pass


  1. Be courteous to all people in the cafeteria
  2. Do not play with food
  3. Clean up after yourself
  4. Keep voice level low while in the cafeteria
  5. Use manners
  6. Stay single file while in line
  7. No gum
  8. Put trash in trash cans


  1. Clap at appropriate times
  2. Be respectful of the speaker at all times
  3. Be attentive
  4. No noise
  5. Use steps when going up and down the bleachers
  6. Focus on the program
  7. Enter and exit in a single file line
  8. Stay seated until dismissed

Bus Dismissal

  1. Be a good role model for others
  2. No food or drink
  3. Walkers exit through the front doors
  4. Do not write on bleachers
  5. Keep gym clean
  6. Stay in first seating choice
  7. When you arrive and plan on eating breakfast, line up on the back wall of the gym
  8. Walk at all times
  9. Use stairs when moving up or down the bleachers


  1. Be considerate of others
  2. Flush the toilet when done
  3. Do not write on the walls
  4. No horseplay
  5. Keep voice level low
  6. Wash your hands
  7. Put trash in the appropriate containers
  8. Use restroom between classes unless it is an emergency