Students should aim to complete 2-3 of these “mini” cultural projects from now until the end of the year. Students can work individually or in pairs, they may have to do homework on these projects in their own time. Students can create a Prezi or PowerPoint presenting their research, they should aim to present this (3 mins) to classmates after finishing each project.


Japanese tattooing: IREZUMI

-  How & why did it start?

-  Detail the symbolism/meanings of different designs

-  What are the cultural attitudes towards tattoos in Japan? Why?

-  Compare Japanese tattoos with traditional tattooing in other Asian countries.

-  Design 2 of your own ORIGINAL Japanese irezumi


-  What are some popular Japanese anime/manga characters?

-  Create your own anime/manga character & draw a short comic strip (7-10 picture panels) featuring your character.


Examine one or contrast several different types of Asian performance or martial art (students can add to these lists, with teachers’ approvals):

Performing arts:

Kabuki & Noh theatre Peking opera Indian traditional dance

Gamelan orchestra Vietnamese water puppets Sufi twirling

Middle Eastern belly dancing Taiko drumming Korean b-boy dancing

Martial arts:

Judo Wu Shu Tae kwon do Jujitsu

Muay Thai Aikido Kendo Shaolin Kung Fu


Compare Asian cars/dirtbikes/motorbikes with their American or European counterparts.

Pick an existing Asian automotive company research its history, products & reasons for success.


Focus on one particular terrorist group in Asia or the history of terrorism within one Asian country. Find information about:

-  Beginnings

-  Causes

-  Effects

-  Methods of control or eradication


Examine & compare several different types of Asian dog breeds (could also examine cat or horse breeds):

-  Appearance & characteristics/temperament

-  Origins: Where were they bred? What were they bred for?

-  Any cultural/symbolic significance attached to these breeds?

-  How best to care for these breeds: Health issues they might have

Foods they typically eat

How much space/exercise they require


Examine a threatened/endangered Asian species (animal or plant) or habitat:


-  Where is it found?

-  Biological characteristics (appearance, behaviour, etc.)

-  Why is it under threat?

-  Conservation efforts

Habitats (eg. coral reefs, rainforest, etc.)

-  Describe the habitat

-  Which areas in Asia is it found?

-  Why is it ecologically significant?

-  What are some of the unusual or rare plant & animal species that live there?

-  What is threatening this habitat?

-  What are some conservation methods to protect this habitat?